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I'm curious to know if any of you have ever taken your pets to complementary therapists? Although the vet is always my first point of contact I have used them on occasion when the vets wanted to put my cat down after he'd been run over. I'd be interested to hear if anyone else has had a good outcome using other therapists xx

No I havent. Didn't know they existed. Did it work for your cat? What did they do?

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I'm curious to know if any of you have ever taken your pets to complementary therapists? Although the vet is always my first point of contact I have used them on occasion when the vets wanted to put my cat down after he'd been run over. I'd be interested to hear if anyone else has had a good outcome using other therapists xx

I know of one instance where a vet said that he could do nothing more for a dog but said to the distraught owner (not sure that's the right word) that he had a friend who does crystal healing which might help. To cut a long story short this 'owner' took her pet dog to the healer and got royally shafted financially from what I can make out ie she had to take the dog to the vet to be put down in the end as even the owner could see that there was no improvement and only suffering in the end. I got this direct from the 'owner' while she was walking her other dogs and I was walking my parents dog - many many moons ago now.

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He was completely paralysed and vets tried to insist on putting him down (accused me of being cruel) I used gentle massage and rescue remedy over two days while I did research online and contacted some local therapists. The first was a woman who did electrical muscle therapy on horses, she'd never worked on a cat before but was happy to give it s go. She treated him 3 days a week for two weeks, she identified all muscle reflex was still there so kept working on him until he could walk, hold his head up etc. thing was he couldn't pee, I spoke with an acupuncturist who agreed to read up on the anatomy of cats and give it a go, one treatment and he peed all the way home, he had 2 more treatments and one about 9 months later when he suddenly stopped peeing again. He wasn't able to go outside as he sometimes fell over if he tried to move quickly, but had a very happy six years at home. His name was McTavish. The therapists were great and the vets, whilst initially skeptical and wouldn't let the therapists treat him in the surgery ( I took him home for the treatments ) they were impressed with the outcome. Shame their not more willing to work with therapists.

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I'm curious to know if any of you have ever taken your pets to complementary therapists? Although the vet is always my first point of contact I have used them on occasion when the vets wanted to put my cat down after he'd been run over. I'd be interested to hear if anyone else has had a good outcome using other therapists xx

No cos my pet doesn't have the 'belief' that I would if I were inclined to take my pooch there. I think with alternative therapies that a lot of that is based on belief and like a placebo which my dog wouldn't have.

For what its worth I personally don't have any belief in most complementary therapy.

When I think of alternative I think of homeopathic and crystals which I think can be a load of bollix. Just saw that you mentioned massage and accupuncture etc, that I give credence too.

Edited by H.M.V
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I know of one instance where a vet said that he could do nothing more for a dog but said to the distraught owner (not sure that's the right word) that he had a friend who does crystal healing which might help. To cut a long story short this 'owner' took her pet dog to the healer and got royally shafted financially from what I can make out ie she had to take the dog to the vet to be put down in the end as even the owner could see that there was no improvement and only suffering in the end. I got this direct from the 'owner' while she was walking her other dogs and I was walking my parents dog - many many moons ago now.

Oh that's a shame yog, I'm skeptical about crystal healing full stop, the therapists I used were very honest that they did not know if treatment would be effective, one declined any payment and the other took standard treatment rate (40) both felt they learned a lot from it all. I guess the thing for me was that he had no internal injuries, he was traumatized but I think all the hands on stuff helped with that.

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No cos my pet doesn't have the 'belief' that I would if I were inclined to take my pooch there. I think with alternative therapies that a lot of that is based on belief and like a placebo which my dog wouldn't have.

For what its worth I personally don't have any belief in most complementary therapy.

The thing is, there's complimentary and complimentary.

Accupuncture - sound scientific basis; hypnotherapy - ditto. And there are others. But...

Homeopathy - take a pharmacologically inert substance. Then dilute it until it's essentially undetectable. Then sell it for a frickin' fortune because it will cure your cancer. Not fair.

Reflexology - yes, of course the whole of your body is, conveniently, represented in small, discrete areas on the sole of your foot. Uh-huh. Yep. Good.

Don't get me started on crystals...

And I'm not being medical, I'm being not ridiculous!


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The thing is, there's complimentary and complimentary.

Accupuncture - sound scientific basis; hypnotherapy - ditto. And there are others. But...

Homeopathy - take a pharmacologically inert substance. Then dilute it until it's essentially undetectable. Then sell it for a frickin' fortune because it will cure your cancer. Not fair.

Reflexology - yes, of course the whole of your body is, conveniently, represented in small, discrete areas on the sole of your foot. Uh-huh. Yep. Good.

Don't get me started on crystals...

And I'm not being medical, I'm being not ridiculous!


Lol, I edited my post just before you posted that cos for the life of me I couldn't remember the word "homeopathy" cos it normally just pisses me off when people start spouting shit about its virtues. Just gives me mental face palm.

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No cos my pet doesn't have the 'belief' that I would if I were inclined to take my pooch there. I think with alternative therapies that a lot of that is based on belief and like a placebo which my dog wouldn't have.

For what its worth I personally don't have any belief in most complementary therapy.

When I think of alternative I think of homeopathic and crystals which I think can be a load of bollix. Just saw that you mentioned massage and accupuncture etc, that I give credence too.

I agree there's a lot of stuff out there that's just bollocks, i did a lot of reading on credible sites before I did anything and he stayed at the vets the first two weeks, only going home for visits and treatments. So they were keeping an eye on him while this was being done.

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Wow Babs that's amazing. Pleased McTavish lived to be happy and old. I've never considered it but this is a recent thing with sam and if his brain is damaged I don't see a come back from that. I'm pleased it worked for you tho.

Thanks CG he was a real sweetie, I'm by no means suggesting it would work for other things. I think everyone involved was very responsible and not everyone out there is. It's just something I'm a bit curious to hear about.

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The thing is, there's complimentary and complimentary.

Accupuncture - sound scientific basis; hypnotherapy - ditto. And there are others. But...

Homeopathy - take a pharmacologically inert substance. Then dilute it until it's essentially undetectable. Then sell it for a frickin' fortune because it will cure your cancer. Not fair.

Reflexology - yes, of course the whole of your body is, conveniently, represented in small, discrete areas on the sole of your foot. Uh-huh. Yep. Good.

Don't get me started on crystals...

And I'm not being medical, I'm being not ridiculous!


I agree Ben I'm more than skeptical about a lot of things too, did I read somewhere that some stroke units were using reflexologists - I might have dreamt that!

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