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oops, no more quoting, as my laptop has been upgraded to IE 11, anyway, male cat is not whole in our house either, and I don't know if it's made him more clingy, or whether he's passive-aggressive. He leaps on your back and demands to be cuddled. When you're reaching in a cupboard for a pan while cooking, it's not really what you expect or want......

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oops, no more quoting, as my laptop has been upgraded to IE 11, anyway, male cat is not whole in our house either, and I don't know if it's made him more clingy, or whether he's passive-aggressive. He leaps on your back and demands to be cuddled. When you're reaching in a cupboard for a pan while cooking, it's not really what you expect or want......

Our boy cat was only a boy cat form a short time.

Him and his sister were kittens of a rescue cat and when we got them at 8 weeks old they were given as two girls.

So when they went in to be speyed he discovered he was a boy........... and then had his boy bits lopped off!

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This is how you do Sam on Efetss


RRRRRRRR, Sam is beautiful and looks like a bundle of energy, hahahahahaha, i,m gonna try and put a lil pic of My dog Bowser now see if i can do it, I,m so glad he,s doin a bit better CG and hope everything turns out for the best in the future, they break ya bloody heart dont they. lol.

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trying to put a picture up of my dog from my laptops pictures folder and havnt got a clue!!

Can anyone help or give me instructions as its burning my head out now, lol.

Thanks very much in advance.

Tommy. :hi:

Edited by tommywillo
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Sorry i,m trying to post a picture and hanvt got a clue, its in the pictures folder of my laptop and everytime i copy and paste it comes up massive and wont post.

Can anybody help me out please.

Thanks very much in advance.

Tommy. :hi:

Edited by tommywillo
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No cos my pet doesn't have the 'belief' that I would if I were inclined to take my pooch there. I think with alternative therapies that a lot of that is based on belief and like a placebo which my dog wouldn't have.

For what its worth I personally don't have any belief in most complementary therapy.

When I think of alternative I think of homeopathic and crystals which I think can be a load of bollix. Just saw that you mentioned massage and accupuncture etc, that I give credence too.

I pretty much agree with you. It's a kind of catch 22, I believe that if I believed in them then they could 'work', but I don't believe in them, so they won't work, so I'm not going to start believing in them.

The placebo effect is MASSIVE and very real, it's just the ideas behind the complementary therapies that are nonsense.

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The thing is, there's complimentary and complimentary.

Accupuncture - sound scientific basis; hypnotherapy - ditto. And there are others. But...

Homeopathy - take a pharmacologically inert substance. Then dilute it until it's essentially undetectable. Then sell it for a frickin' fortune because it will cure your cancer. Not fair.

Reflexology - yes, of course the whole of your body is, conveniently, represented in small, discrete areas on the sole of your foot. Uh-huh. Yep. Good.

Don't get me started on crystals...

And I'm not being medical, I'm being not ridiculous!


Isn't acupuncture just a well orchestrated placebo itself?

Reflexology is a funny one - yes it's very pseudoscientific, but I remember hearing something on the Reith lectures many years ago about sensory remapping in patients with phantom limbs - touches to the face would be perceived as applying to the absent limb. The proposed mechanism is that although the arm and face are not particularly near to each other, the areas of the brain involved in processing the stimuli are co-located. The rewiring of the brain after losing the limb has resulted is some peculiar cross-talk. Could it be possible that some stimulating specific areas on the body can indirectly influence other areas?




What does annoy me is that the reflexologists make out that they have a highly detailed map of these body-foot area relationships, when in fact it's pretty hand wavy, not much different from astrology. Still, since hearing about the phantom touch research, the mechanism behind reflexology doesn't sound quite so far-fetched.

Edited by stuartbert two hats
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tommywillo, you won't be able to paste the picture from your laptop. If you upload it to Facebook, or some other Tinterweb system, such as the eFest picture gallery in your account (I've done it that way too) (Picasa? Others here may have a suggestion), you should be able to copy it from there, or add a link which reproduces here. As I mentioned earlier, I've had IE11 installed and now can't even paste or quote here. :-(

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tommywillo, you won't be able to paste the picture from your laptop. If you upload it to Facebook, or some other Tinterweb system, such as the eFest picture gallery in your account (I've done it that way too) (Picasa? Others here may have a suggestion), you should be able to copy it from there, or add a link which reproduces here. As I mentioned earlier, I've had IE11 installed and now can't even paste or quote here. :-(

Chrome is king

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Sorry i,m trying to post a picture and hanvt got a clue, its in the pictures folder of my laptop and everytime i copy and paste it comes up massive and wont post.

Can anybody help me out please.

Thanks very much in advance.

Tommy. :hi:

Are you on Facebook?

If you are post a pic there then do the copy image bit........... hopefully that makes sense.

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Chrome is king

I'm on that now. on my own laptop. It's ok, but I had an issue with extreme latency/response so had to rebuild my laptop to fix/delete the coding affecting Chrome. The mobile version keeps shutting on my phone, so that's in my bad books too. :-/

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