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NFR NFC >>>>>>2015


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Bloody hell CG your family sounds as mad as mine, There are 36 woman in my family, i have 5 baby sisters and loads and loads of cousins and neices and nephews and with me being the elder statesman sort of thing since r grandad passed away (god rest his soul) i,ve taken on the title of being the one everyone runs to with problems, 2 of my sis,s r now single mommys and i,ve had to fight one of the ex,s as he was so abusive (not a problem there as i,ve boxed since i was 8-9 years old) but its the last thing i,d want to do but had to be done as he was a 24 carot c*nt. try to b strong and dont take sides as that could blow right up in your face unfortunatly, Good luck and if u dont wanna put it in the public eye PM me and let me know your doin good afterwards as i understand how upsetting it can all be. massive families r a blessing but also a curse specially if your one of the matriarchs of the clan. lol. Good luck and hope all goes as good as it can do. X

Cheers Tommy. I'm sure it'll all come out in the wash. I am the only singleton in my family and also the most responsible in times of need so I'm normally the first port of call. Weirdly my sis has told my mum!! That never happens. Mum told me about the nephew but wouldn't tell me about the niece. I had a feeling and guessed!! I do spook myself sometimes. Funnily the niece asked my sis 3 months ago if she could go on the pill and my sis said no cos she was too young. Oops!!

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This ones throwing a boomerang that keeps hitting me on the back of the head on its return! I feel for my sister. I can only support as best I can.

Hope your nephew and niece are going to OK. Your sister (and you) must be going through it too. Take care, and hope it all improves.

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Sometimes daily 'tell everyone what I've been up to today...like they're interested!' post

Another packed day in the House of Ben®

Walked the dog - she got w** and filthy.

Bathed the dog - she's now fluffy and smells a bit of oatmeal. Yum.

Did some bits of shopping - Aldi crackers, as bread replacement...now five weeks into a bread-free Lent. Sadly, missed calories easily replaced by chocolate.

Seeded the lawn - lawn is not entirely accurate. It's a sh*tpit, created by aforementioned dog. And guinea pigs. Three of them. Seeding probably pointless.

Went to see my tattooist for a 2-week look - It's bloody gorgeous. Had a bit of the inside filled in again, to add blackness to where the old tattoo was covered

Went to buy an Xbox One for Child 3 - his birthday is on Easter Day. He'll get a shock when he's home to find his Xbox 360 gone (thank you, Mr Trade-In!)

Just off to vacuum, before picking up Child 2 from History revision - GCSEs are calling...

Tonight should be mercifully task/jobs/commitment-free...YAY!

AND, after some precipitation this morning (good for grass seed, less so for hung-out washing), it's blue sky gorgeousness all the way.

Apologies if mundanity is too dull!

matty - good to see you back in happier territory...



Edited by bennyhana22
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