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NFR NFC >>>>>>2015


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I'm 'not going' this year though. That's why I'm on this forum every day.

I actually think I won't be going. I promised I wouldn't go as soon as I came back (possibly even over the phone). Baby two hats woke up every day saying "daddy". Including two days of sleep, I stopped parenting for practically a full week. Not really fair.

It's all fatyeti's fault - if he'd have come along this year, then I wouldn't have made such rash promises to not go again, as it would have been ace as usual. This year, unfortunately it was just "really good".

And no, I'm not taking a toddler to Glastonbury, not without the comfort of something like a camper-van, which I can't afford. Plus, I go to Glastonbury to get off my face for 5 days, looking after a little 'un doesn't really factor into that.

Of course, in a couple of weeks, I may end up putting a deposit down 'just in case'. More likely if I do go, I'll be trying in the resale. Not looking likely at the moment though, this time last year I was 85% sure I was going and had the full support of Mrs two hats. She doesn't seem so keen this year, I think I've left it a bit late for a full-on Glasto campaign.

Yep, I found it hard to get off for a second festival, after Glastonbury. Mrs CJ isn't into festivals, we have no (joint)kids, certainly no wee bairns under 5, so I'm concentrating on Pilton for next year. I can't complain about this, as I do get to go to gigs, and we have regular holidays and weekends off without kids, so my life isn't so hard. At least it's not as hard as my step-daughter's lives, they have to wash up, iron and everything!


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Ooh, that's like PROPER singing and everything! Did a bit of that when I was Uni. I used to sing soprano when I did amateur musicals but I dropped down to alto because I prefer the challenge of not singing the tune than the challenge of hitting the high notes. Not many fellas in either so I even got to sing tenor sometimes!

I miss proper singing. Wish I had more evenings in the week!

I sing soprano! My choir is a bit alto heavy (as in, there are about 40-50 altos and only 6 sopranos) so we need all the help we can get! I do love a good old top note and floaty bit!

Tenor must have been fun to sing :)

We did Verdi's Requiem last year, and our choir "master" said last night it was our best ever concert! Woo!

You could always see if you could find a local Scratch Something, if you fancied a sing?

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Yog, I've had similar experiences - my range was similarly increased!

Experiences - plural? I have very rarely gone 'commando' since that event and have always been very careful when doing so. I was only about 5 years old at the time when the event happened, but even then through my tears, I knew that my mom really shouldn't have been holding my pecker trying to disentangle it from the zip!

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Experiences - plural? I have very rarely gone 'commando' since that event and have always been very careful when doing so. I was only about 5 years old at the time when the event happened, but even then through my tears, I knew that my mom really shouldn't have been holding my pecker trying to disentangle it from the zip!

Been tangled at least a couple of times, yes!

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It's all fatyeti's fault - if he'd have come along this year, then I wouldn't have made such rash promises to not go again, as it would have been ace as usual. This year, unfortunately it was just "really good".

Yep, you need me there to stop you making these rash promises.

This sort of thing happened last time I was out of the UK for a while. I came back and you'd met a nice girl and moved in together, and look where that's led.

(Posted from my table for one, surrounded by couples in a nondescript town somewhere in a far flung corner of the globe)

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Morning all, talking of travel, I picked up some toothpaste samples at the dentist's this morning for future flights, and no filling either, win-win scenario... I take my triumphs while I can....

Grey b up here in Leeds, hope it's all sunny and bright where you are, especially in South America, FY, any more photos?

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Over caste but bright here today. The day started off terrible but happy to say that has now altered. I was supposed to pick up my parents and drive them somewhere at 8am today. My alarm didn't go off so I was asleep when they rang me at 8.15am to enquire where I was. I then had to dash over to their house and drive them into the city centre for an event they were attending. Fortunately the roads were quite calm - as opposed to me as I was constantly cursing the alarm on my mobile for not going off and waking me at 7am as expected. I dislike my phone (it was a gift from my wife) with a passion. I don't want a smart phone, I want a very rudimentary one. I'd also like it to have very big buttons to press, like they aim at the elderly market. I actually think they look great.

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Hoorah for no filling!!!

Yog I like those phones with the big buttons. I have a smartphone, but it wasn't my first choice. I do quite like it, but I never use half the stuff on it. I get an upgrade this weekend, I am sure hilarity will ensue when I cannot make it work and send people texts about going to Dagenham, instead of debenhams!

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Over caste but bright here today. The day started off terrible but happy to say that has now altered. I was supposed to pick up my parents and drive them somewhere at 8am today. My alarm didn't go off so I was asleep when they rang me at 8.15am to enquire where I was. I then had to dash over to their house and drive them into the city centre for an event they were attending. Fortunately the roads were quite calm - as opposed to me as I was constantly cursing the alarm on my mobile for not going off and waking me at 7am as expected. I dislike my phone (it was a gift from my wife) with a passion. I don't want a smart phone, I want a very rudimentary one. I'd also like it to have very big buttons to press, like they aim at the elderly market. I actually think they look great.

I am noticing a theme here with gifts from your wife..... cardigan, phone.............

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