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What Wellies do you wear?

R Welly

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Hi guys Im taking the plunge (pardon the pun) to start my own Welly business, ideally to be up and running to sell at next years Glastonbury. If you could fill in my 1 minute questionnaire as Its quite scary and i want to make sure i get it right, so any help appreciated.

Any other comments/ideas appreciated
Love R x

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Done and good luck. But just to live up to my Grumpy name one of the reasons I'm probably not doing Glasto next year after 20 or more years is that I couldn't stand seeing all the 'pretty young things' worrying about looking good in their Hunters. Looking the part seemed more important than chilling and just having a good time. I've never worn wellies at Glasto - always prefer decent walking boots.

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one of the reasons I'm probably not doing Glasto next year after 20 or more years is that I couldn't stand seeing all the 'pretty young things' worrying about looking good in their Hunters.

Surely you worrying about what others look like is about as bad as them worrying what they look like themselves. Don't let that stop you from coming to the festival :)

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Surely you worrying about what others look like is about as bad as them worrying what they look like themselves. Don't let that stop you from coming to the festival :)

You're probably right but it seemed to sybolise a change in attitude and general vibe. I actually don't care what other people look like at a fest or what I look like but it did seem to feel a bit like going to a fashion parade of pretty young things who just wanted to tick off another box.

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Stock comfortable, good quality wide leg wellies and you'll get my custom.

Same here!

If you have wider calfs splash out and buy Muck Boots- seriously comfortable, no worries about getting them on and off and they will always be wide enough

I adore mine - yes they are expensive, but I used to hate wellies, now I love wearing them if its muddy

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had the same cheap full length wellies for years. Only ever wear them at festivals. After having sweaty calfs all weekend I decided to invest in a pair of (again cheap) half length wellies for when its muddy, but still quite warm and not too deep.

Only ever wear wellies at festivals. Seems like women get lots of funky options so if you sold some random festival vibe type wellies I'd maybe get some - actually now wondering if I could customize my own - would permanent pen stay on a wellie? Although I'm rubbish at art so this is probably a terrible idea.

Also do all wellies make your feet sweaty or is it just because I own rubbish cheap ones?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I do like a funky pair of wellies.... But I much prefer the comfort of walking boots. However, when its knee deep mud walking boots just dont cut the mustard. I tried adding gaters but just couldnt get on with them. So what I usually do is wear walking boots but take wellies with me in case of chocolate angel delight style mud conditions.....

Its a pain to take 2 sets of shoes though, especially as I dont drive...everything has to go on my back. I thought Id cracked it last year, I found these packable wellies that you put over your walking boots.



They actually performed really well, even during the torrential thunder and lightning mud bath , but by day 3 they were starting to crack at the bottom. I think at a festival with less walking/rough underfoot, they would last a lot longer

For a tenner, I am debating getting them again as they were comfy and got us a lot of new friends who liked the look of them! They certainly attracted attention!

So if ones like this could be made with a sturdier bottom id be up for trying them :D

Im off to fill out your form, all the very best of luck with your new venture, keep us informed!


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Doc Martens in my case. Never wellies. But they are very chunky DMs that I got years ago, not sure if they still exist.

Also, always wear cargo shorts, never never anything else.

Edit, obviously I wear tops too.

Edited by jeffie
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