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Xmas Gift Ideas


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Right, every year, my wife and I set up wishlists on Amazon to save parents / in-laws from having to use their imaginations. Would much rather they did think of it themselves, and is a bit indulgent thinking what I want them to buy me. Plus it ends up being a list of the usual suspects - a few books, DVDs and CDs with very little else coming to mind. Even resorted to putting on a jigsaw this year!

Any suggestions of things to add on that are a bit different or will be fun to have? Hopefully the suggestions will help other people come up with gifts for their friends/relatives too.

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Personally, I only exchange gifts with people who I share taste in something with. Basically where I can use the holidays as an excuse to expose my friends to something I know they'd like. It's a lot easier getting someone a gift for christmas than trying to persuade them to buy something you know they'll love but they can't be sure of that yet.

If you don't have ideas for what to buy someone, you've got no business perpetuating the consumerism culture for the sake of appearing generous.

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Personally, I only exchange gifts with people who I share taste in something with. Basically where I can use the holidays as an excuse to expose my friends to something I know they'd like. It's a lot easier getting someone a gift for christmas than trying to persuade them to buy something you know they'll love but they can't be sure of that yet.

If you don't have ideas for what to buy someone, you've got no business perpetuating the consumerism culture for the sake of appearing generous.

For friends that's the way it's largely been, but for close relatives, it's more an obligation. We can think of thing for them easily enough, but they want to buy us something we'll like and I'm running out of ideas of what I like, even my staples are drying up as I like less and less new music, etc.

But for other ideas, it's knowing about some of the cool/tacky/whatever stuff that's out there. The site Jump said looks good - plenty of good stuff for stocking fillers. It's more about showing that time/thought has been spent on a gift than trying to appear generous for the sake of it.....i'm too tight for that! :O)

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adopt an orangutan. Better than thinking of some junk to have just for the sake of having something.


Got one of these for a "don't get me a present" friend's birthday this year, after seeing your sig, will be getting my parents one for Christmas. So you can sleep soundly tonight, knowing that your grumpy missives on here have saved the lives of at least two Orangutans.

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I sent out sunflower seeds with every one of my wedding invites. It was really lovely when we went to visit some friends and they had planted the seeds and two plants grew from them. They named these plants after me and my wife. So, including a packet of seeds might be an idea.



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Why not ask them to give you silk bedding or nightwear? It will serve you for a long period of time and you'll be really satisfied with its quality. My friend recently gave such silk nightwear for my birthday and I just fell in love with it! I wish to wear it all day long, it' so soft :girlinlove:

This Xmas I'm going to give silk presents for my parents and my boyfrind as well ;)

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Not sure what to give my ex's mother, we're all good friends still (her ma is even giving me furniture) and I want to give something useful, thoughtful, but not expensive.

She has a smart TV with a USB and speakers wired up to it, but no CD player and all her CDs are in storage. So I'm just giving her a nice little USB stick preloaded with all the music she already owns (i.e. no recording artist was hurt by this gift).

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Not sure what to give my ex's mother, we're all good friends still (her ma is even giving me furniture) and I want to give something useful, thoughtful, but not expensive.

She has a smart TV with a USB and speakers wired up to it, but no CD player and all her CDs are in storage. So I'm just giving her a nice little USB stick preloaded with all the music she already owns (i.e. no recording artist was hurt by this gift).

What about some silk bedding or nightwear?

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I sent out sunflower seeds with every one of my wedding invites. It was really lovely when we went to visit some friends and they had planted the seeds and two plants grew from them. They named these plants after me and my wife. So, including a packet of seeds might be an idea.



Taking many ideas out of this post, thank you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've just had my birthday and received the one present I really wanted - a year's subscription to Private Eye.

A magazine subscription can be a good present because the receiver will be getting something throughout the year to come.

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I've just had my birthday and received the one present I really wanted - a year's subscription to Private Eye.

A magazine subscription can be a good present because the receiver will be getting something throughout the year to come.

Do they have subscriptions for silk sheets?

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Got one of these for a "don't get me a present" friend's birthday this year, after seeing your sig, will be getting my parents one for Christmas. So you can sleep soundly tonight, knowing that your grumpy missives on here have saved the lives of at least two Orangutans.

Top man!

The 12,584 posts have all been worthwhile after all.

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