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Volunteering - advice!


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you know if you usually choose foreign volunteers?? I'm spanish and my english is fluent and I want to know if I'll have any chance to be volunteer at any festival in UK

Anyone who is within the EU can apply for any volunteer job { provided they can speak English well } although they will expect at some stage to inspect your passport .
Can I apply if I'm not a British citizen ?
Certain visa restrictions apply. If you are from the European Union, you are free to volunteer in the UK. For those from outside the EU, you will need to check that your visa allows you to volunteer. We advise that you contact the UK Borders and Immigration Agency to find out.
Oxfam is not able to support individuals who need visas to come to the UK to volunteer. Oxfam cannot support volunteer visas, as we do not have the correct licence to do so.
Please note, you will not be able to volunteer as a steward if you are not eligible to volunteer in the UK.
When you apply does vary and there is some jobs that have already closed { as they tend to prefer people who have worked with them before } but you should ' register your interest ' as volunteer jobs go fast { dead fast }
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Hi Josh, out of curiousity are you with Childreach? I just got accepted for the same shift pattern with them

Yep, with Childreach! I've not technically accepted a shift pattern, I've only been informed that it will be mornings? Have you had any kind of response from the recycling crew website? It doesn't recognise my login details so I'm confused as to whether it hasn't worked or if they're processing applications?

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Yeah josh i got told the same thing, waiting on the glasto recycling crew to confirm but was told it'd be automatically accepted. Dont think its anything to worry about, im super excited :D

Also do you know where our camp site will be? It doesnt show specific staff camp names on the main map as far as I can tell :s

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Apparently it's a field by the medical centre? So in the northern part of the site if I remember correctly! Super excited as well as it will be interesting to experience the festival this way. Although I am one to enjoy an all nighter at the festival so I'm hoping I can be sensible enough to get some sleep before shifts haha

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Also do you know where our camp site will be? It doesnt show specific staff camp names on the main map as far as I can tell :s

On the map, http://cdn.glastonburyfestivals.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/map16june14.png

Tom's field isn't marked, but it's the dark green area above the medical centre. The track coming in from vehicle gate 1 splits it into 2 parts.

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Tom's field has a brilliant view down across the whole site but will get very full as it's not the biggest area.

Ah ok I get where it is now, how fast does it fill then? I'm getting there mid day Wednesday but I'm alone so its just one tent will I squeeze in?

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Tom's field is one of the least crowded camping fields on the site, plenty of room for all......

Spot on. I arrived on the Monday last year, and even had room for a campfire in front of my tent the first 2 nights. I gave that up on the Wednesday as it was starting to fill, and I wasn't likely to spend much time at my tent anyway after that, but it never got really packed. I had one of those 4-wheel garden trollies, and could easily get it across the field at any time.

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So I'm volunteering at Glastonbury this year. I've been going as a regular punter since 2008 so certainly know what to expect with the festival, but I was wondering if any of you have any tips or advice for volunteers?

I'll be doing four six hour shifts (thursday to monday as far as I'm aware), which seems pretty easy. But I was wondering about the crew camping. Is it worth going for it or would y'all advise for me to go for the public camping to ensure I still get the full experience?

We also have the option to arrive any when from the Monday. The pros of early arrival seem to be that I'll avoid the big rush in and easier transport. However, the cons seem to be that I'll obviously be there for longer. That doesn't bother me, as I have access to showers apparently but being there for that long could really take it out of me.

So, any advice?

If you get there on the Monday or Tuesday you may well get some early shifts in, especially if somebody turns up late. Also yes camp in the private area, generally better facilities and security, plus there's nothing better than retreating behind a fence when it all gets that tad too much, the only downside being if you find yourself a new "friend" for the weekend you'll have to go back to their place, nudge nudge.

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though my contacts I have some info about Avalon/shelter volunteers
Registration for volunteers who have worked with them before is 10am on Friday 13 February
Registration for volunteers who have Not worked with them before is 10am on Monday 16 February
they are estimating ' all the places will be gone within one hour '
its a £300 deposit this year
Shift patterns will vary this year. it will either be three eight-hour shifts, four six-hour shifts or six split shifts in blocks of four hours. And the maximum number of days you may work is four.
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though my contacts I have some info about Avalon/shelter volunteers
Registration for volunteers who have worked with them before is 10am on Friday 13 February
Registration for volunteers who have Not worked with them before is 10am on Monday 16 February
they are estimating ' all the places will be gone within one hour '
its a £300 deposit this year
Shift patterns will vary this year. it will either be three eight-hour shifts, four six-hour shifts or six split shifts in blocks of four hours. And the maximum number of days you may work is four.

Hi, what kind of work is this out of curiosity? stewarding?

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Ah right, that seems like a larger deposit than a lot of other volunteer opportunities, are they good employers?

well its Shelter so any wages earned will go direct to them - better for everyone as they are a worthy charity.
They supply bar staff for Avalon bars and Events - which is a break away Group from the WBC so they know what they are doing.
Be aware that they impose certain conditions - which will be listed on the day
{ 1 } you need to travel by Shelter crew coach - likely to be from London
{ 2 } you need to do a two hour induction course in London .
They will only allow a staff parking pass ' if you have mobility issues '
£300 is likely to be more standard this year.
what you get in return is secure Camping - far better facilities than many Crews and a cheap bar + meals. { Their crew campsite is in the east side - south of gate C }
I have knowing the people who run Avalon for over 25 years and they are well clued in .
once a person is a volunteer once ' they get a three day head start in later years '.
They run some interesting bars - be aware that if you have some previous bar experience ' you may end up as a Manager ' so don't be shy and let them know.
by the way they also run the Guest bar so some will end up with a crew guest wrist band { very handy for the short cut between the two main stages }
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well its Shelter so any wages earned will go direct to them - better for everyone as they are a worthy charity.

They supply bar staff for Avalon bars and Events - which is a break away Group from the WBC so they know what they are doing.

Be aware that they impose certain conditions - which will be listed on the day

{ 1 } you need to travel by Shelter crew coach - likely to be from London

{ 2 } you need to do a two hour induction course in London .

They will only allow a staff parking pass ' if you have mobility issues '

£300 is likely to be more standard this year.

what you get in return is secure Camping - far better facilities than many Crews and a cheap bar + meals. { Their crew campsite is in the east side - south of gate C }

I have knowing the people who run Avalon for over 25 years and they are well clued in .

once a person is a volunteer once ' they get a three day head start in later years '.

They run some interesting bars - be aware that if you have some previous bar experience ' you may end up as a Manager ' so don't be shy and let them know.

by the way they also run the Guest bar so some will end up with a crew guest wrist band { very handy for the short cut between the two main stages }

I worked for Arribar last year, and they were the ones in charge of the Chameleon bar, the Moroccan themed one, and the VIP bar. I'm assuming they have got the same this year cos they just sent out an email asking who would be interested in volunteering again.

From what I know they're completely seperate from Shelter.

I would be interested in finding out what specific bars Shelter does run, cos that's who I'm with this year!

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I worked for Arribar last year, and they were the ones in charge of the Chameleon bar, the Moroccan themed one, and the VIP bar. I'm assuming they have got the same this year cos they just sent out an email asking who would be interested in volunteering again.

From what I know they're completely seperate from Shelter.

I would be interested in finding out what specific bars Shelter does run, cos that's who I'm with this year!

Your looking at it the wrong way
Shelter supplies Volunteers but the Bar Organiser is ' Avalon Bars & Events ' - EJF may also be supplying Volunteers but the Bar Organiser is ' Avalon Bars & Events ' - Arribar! {Best Parties Ever} also supply Volunteers but the Bar Organiser is ' Avalon Bars & Events '
All the equipment is supplied by Avalon Bars & Events .
I know that Shelter was camping beside EJF within the same compound but I am not sure where Arribar! was camping.
so exactly where were you camping ? were you camping in Orchard Field ?
Onsite its Avalon Bars & Events who were in charge so I am surprised you were not aware about this. If you get the chance look on the license that by law has to be displayed within every bar and you will see they do mention Avalon Bars & Events.
at a later stage Shelter will send out a Bar map supplied by Avalon Bars & Events with them clearly marked but they for sure will not mention where you will be working.
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I know Avalon are ultimately in charge of bars (and we were made aware of having to know it was their name on the licence) but this didn't seem to make any practical difference (i.e it was the guys from Arribar that decided to have a silent disco, how long to stay open, what our shifts were etc).

I mentioned them having nothing to do with Shelter because there wasn't one time where there was a volunteer crossover between the two; Arribar sorted themselves out. Our shifts were a lot worse than Shelter's too, 8h every day!

We were in a little field adjacent to Orchard and the rest of the Shelter guys. But the canteen and everything was Shelters, we didn't get meal vouchers to use there.

I thought Shelter might man the same few bars every year (although I assume more than the 3 Arribar have).

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I know Avalon are ultimately in charge of bars (and we were made aware of having to know it was their name on the licence) but this didn't seem to make any practical difference (i.e it was the guys from Arribar that decided to have a silent disco, how long to stay open, what our shifts were etc).

I mentioned them having nothing to do with Shelter because there wasn't one time where there was a volunteer crossover between the two; Arribar sorted themselves out. Our shifts were a lot worse than Shelter's too, 8h every day!

We were in a little field adjacent to Orchard and the rest of the Shelter guys. But the canteen and everything was Shelters, we didn't get meal vouchers to use there.

I thought Shelter might man the same few bars every year (although I assume more than the 3 Arribar have).

Trust me its Avalon that decides everything - it may appear that Arribar was in charge but they are not - all the drink is supplied though Avalon - all the equipment is via Avalon .
Avalon use the same system as the WBC so a Tent Manager will have local charge but you can bet your bottom dollar that if they wanted to close early/late ' they would clear this with HQ - you may not see it happen but there will be a radio conversation.
For some reason that I have not found out yet { but will this year as I am meeting a director from Avalon at Glastonbury } each volunteer supplier ' were on different shift patterns ' { in previous years } - weird I know but true.
They also paid a different deposit - strange but true.
when your working in a bar this year - I bet you spot the same people at the rear of the bar { that you saw last year } - the ones floating about that you may not know what they are doing. Christ sake it took me a good 15 years to work out who was doing what.
They appear to be treating certain bars in isolation - may be a tax thing - which would explain why there is no staff crossover.
So what was to stop you walking into the Crew Bar ? - you may not have drinks or meal vouchers but it does not make sense stopping Avalon crew from drinking there { forget who recruited you }
Not counting Arribar Avalon currently control 12 bars { not counting the Crew Bar }
Avalon should have the same bar share but that may change in 2018 { the actual bar agreement is up for renewal although that is currently being discussed - should all be sorted out by Glasto this year }
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