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2015 Resale - Coach Package Options


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Hi folks :)

I'm hoping to hit lucky for tickets in the resale in April and want to maximise my chances. I was lucky enough to get a ticket last year but booked my National Express coach separately so just want to get some guidance on how the coach resale works - a bit early I know!

So, say I try to get the coach/ticket packages on the first resale on the Thursday night (this is what they done last year so I'm assuming they'll do that again this year).

Is there a way of knowing which location I am more likely to get a coach ticket from once (if!) I get through to the booking page? Or is it a matter of choosing the departure point and hoping that there are tickets available from there? I'm travelling over from Belfast, but I'm willing to go pretty much anywhere as long as it means I get to go to Glasto!

Will coach ticket packages be available for departure on the Wednesday AND Thursday? I'm just unclear as to what the options available will be, and what the best way for me to ensure I get a ticket going from anywhere will be - I don't want to waste my time choosing departure points if they're going to be sold out if you know what I mean.

If anyone has any advice that'd be great - cheers in advance :)

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you wont know until the day
see image of what coaches they run
I know last year that many { who posted on this site } opted for Glasgow even although some lived in London.There was many posts later on with people trying to avoid taking the coach they picked.
Each option is grayed out when its gone so you have to be fast.
its a Gamble you could pick a option and that second it is sold out and by the time you reach the option page there may not be many options left.
better to have two people trying at the same time selecting different locations.
it all goes very fast so good luck.


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take ANY coach from any where ......we got my mate a tix from abberdeen or glasgow cant remember which but he was in london lol ......the thing is it was the ONLY one that came up so we got it ...

now thats not the end of the story lol .he had to drive done to Bmth Dorset to drop of his dog then drive to bristol to fly to scotland .......all went well till he met some people in a pub got pissed and missed his flight lol

SO he got the first flight down to Bristol picked up his wagon and drove to glasto where he had to wait for his bus to turn up so he could get his tix ..all this he did and i waited 2 hours or so with him and we had some beers and when the bus got there he got his tix and he was in .........now thats wot i call dedication lol and the funny thing is he hasnt got a tix yet for this year so we are hopinng to get him one in april where EVER it is from LOL

good like in resale old son

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Just remember that you only get your tickets once you are on the coach - so you really do have to get to where it's going from....

as my story say he didnt get the coach ...im not saying that you or everyone should do this BUT if worse came to worse and you HAVE to get a coach tix from some where silly you can go to glasto and wait for that coach to arrive and your tix will be on it .........i agree if every one did this it would be a nightmare

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as my story say he didnt get the coach ...im not saying that you or everyone should do this BUT if worse came to worse and you HAVE to get a coach tix from some where silly you can go to glasto and wait for that coach to arrive and your tix will be on it .........i agree if every one did this it would be a nightmare

Sorry, obviously didn't read your post properly.... apologies... There was a bit of speculation on here last year as to what happened to the tickets of people who were not on the buses... am not surprised they did manage to get them...Did have visions of a bonfire of unclaimed tickets led by vindictive bus drivers :)

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I got coach tickets in the resale in 2011. They were bundled in with the main resale then. I live in southampton but got a ticket from London (there were loads of coaches going from there, but also more demand I guess). had to go for a Thursday departure as the Wednesday ones went almost immediately. I would, as mentioned above, get a few people trying for you from different locations. We stopped at fleet services on the way and they gave us our tickets when we got back on the coach from there. Try and find out where the coaches usually make a stop on the way and you could always just jump on there but I suppose that is a bit of a risk, although it would save you having to get to Timbuktu if that's all that is available.

Edited by saintfletch
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  • 2 weeks later...

take ANY coach from any where ......we got my mate a tix from abberdeen or glasgow cant remember which but he was in london lol ......the thing is it was the ONLY one that came up so we got it ...

now thats not the end of the story lol .he had to drive done to Bmth Dorset to drop of his dog then drive to bristol to fly to scotland .......all went well till he met some people in a pub got pissed and missed his flight lol

SO he got the first flight down to Bristol picked up his wagon and drove to glasto where he had to wait for his bus to turn up so he could get his tix ..all this he did and i waited 2 hours or so with him and we had some beers and when the bus got there he got his tix and he was in .........now thats wot i call dedication lol and the funny thing is he hasnt got a tix yet for this year so we are hopinng to get him one in april where EVER it is from LOL

good like in resale old son

That is commitment, wow. missing your flight, what a gutter. pretty funny though (I've missed a big flight in my time through boozing, I can laugh now, at the time it was grim!!). That must have cost him a fortune too. I hope he gets sorted this year.

Cheers folks, that's all very helpful! I'm prepared to go from just about anywhere, even if it meant going on the Thursday so fingers crossed I hit it lucky in the resale.

Thanks for your help!! :) :)

One thing to note is if you need a return, me pals were scrambling for tickets a few years back and took anything, didn't realise till after it was a single, luckily they nabbed a lift home from a girl he works with. I got one in the resale for a pal last year, we're in Bham, but the only one I could get was from Truro in Cornwall, so he had to drive down there and leave his car. Also i'm sure if I had of tried London departure first instead of Bham I prob would've got it, as there are more options for that, so might be a good shout to try that. Good luck dude

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