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going to Glastonbury with a 1 year old


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Hi guys,

long time no see. I have been to glastonbury 3 times my girlfriend has never been. We had tickets to go last year but on T-day we found out she was pregnant and our son was to be born at glastonbury haha so we couldnt go! We got tickets this year and we are very excited! we were gunna have a baby sitter for the weekend but actually we do not wanna leave little buddy for that long. So we have made the decision to take him with us!

Has anyone taken there baby to glastonbury? can you share your experiences?

Is it actually not fun for him just a bit cruel? :sarcastic:


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My ex and I took our son aged about 8 months. It was a muddy year, and by Friday morning we'd bottled it and had Grannie come and pick him up (we'd put her on stand-by to do that beforehand).

The main issues were him being comfortable to be happy - basically, there was nowhere he could have a crawl - and getting around with him was near enough impossible.

On top of that, the other pain in the arse was feeding him. There's not a lot from the stalls that's suitable for solids which meant doing something we'd brought with us back at our tent, and bottles needing to be warmed.

The crawling space we cured the next year, by volunteering to start an under-2s playspace/toytent in the Kidz field. My ex is still running that (at least she was last year, I'm not sure about this year).

The getting around options are a sling or backpack, or pushchair/buggy. A sling/backpack is great (perhaps for watching a band), tho the weight gets too much over time, and its a worry you might fall over in the mud. Back then we had a normal Mclaren style baby buggy, which was almost useless in the mud; nowadays there's much better ones, search for the threads about buggies for kids on here.

We (or my ex by herself) took him every year since then, with the muddy years being the harder work ... but doable all the same, which is why we kept taking him. (he's 18 now, and this is the first year he'll have not gone - his choice).

It's a very different experience to doing Glastonbury without a kid, because the kid has to be your focus. For instance, you're likely to end up spending a fair amount of time in the Kidz Field. But it's very enjoyable, and your kid will very probably have a blast - enjoying watching the bands, even, even at that young age (tho keep towards the back of the field because of the noise, or get ear defenders).

Which ever you go with, have fun. :)

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Edit, oops, beaten to the punch by the Governor Mr Efests himself!

I'll leave my post live tho :)

I haven't got a baby so can't tell you. See plenty of very young children around the place tho which is nice as long as they have ear defenders eh. In the absence of any repiles, there's loads of old threads covering this kind of question. Maybe do a search and pick up the info you require.

Edited by whisty
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We are taking our 2 year old this year and it'll be her third Glastonbury. This year, as she's started walking/wanting to be involved a lot more, I can see us (or rather me, I'm sure hubby will be off!) spending a lot of time in the kidz field. Last year she was more easily portable, we used a combination of bike trailer and a wrap sling on my back. Our main areas of choice are the green fields and there is a fab kids bit in the Greenpeace field where I could put her down for a bit if it got too much. There are some fab stalls on the farmers market too where I bought fresh bread and fruit, which served for most of her solid meals. Ultimately the pay off for bringing her meant I couldn't spend too much time around the main stages and I usually ended up having an earlier night. It's a great experience for the kids though.

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Neils is a pretty exhaustive list.

We have been last 2 times with our 8 month then 20 month old.

We had a pull along kart like this http://www.amazon.co.uk/Wagon-garden-trolley-child-platform/dp/B007AEFVGC with some memory foam in. Meant he could play a bit, shelter from the sun (obviously a requirement for this year) and sleep in it when he wanted. Also doubled as his bed as we just wheeled him into the tent and left him in it. Just means you cannot get close to any busy stages - we now take the rucksack carrier for the evenings to combat this.

We took a washing up bowl and some steri tablet things to sterilize his bottles.

Also found the kids area in the green peace field far more enjoyable than the Kidz field.

As others have said. It is a completely different experience than if you are on your own. Be prepared for that and just enjoy what you are doing rather than think what you could be doing without the tot.

My best bit of taking him so young was walking round the site a 6am sober - just as the last people are heading for bed - or should be at least anyway. Some very entertaining people out still and all extremely friendly.

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Thanks all. Cham08 will definitely get one of those kart things. im sure it is gunna be hard work at times but like you all say you are going to experience it with your child rather than go crazy like previous years! I will probably enjoy it more sober and seeing things. Glastonbury is the only festival you would consider taking your children I think. It would be a very different experience at reading haha

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  • 2 weeks later...

We'll be taking our now 18 month old to her second Glasto this year, third if you count inutero! We found last year tough in the beginning but as soon as we found the NCT tent in the Kidz Field and the R&R tent beside the family camping (which opens once the Kidz Field closes) we had a much more relaxed time of it.

Both of those tents were absolute life savers for us, in both the rain and the heat of 2014! The R&R tent is particularity good for getting littles ready for bed before the pyramid/acoustic field headliners if you're so inclined! Last year, both tents had microwaves, highchairs, changing tables, baths and free snacks (for a donation of course) for the littles and always offered a cuppa to weary mums and dads!

For toddler transport, I would really recommend a sling or ergonomic carrier? I may be preaching to the converted but if you guys have a baby wearing group or sling library near you, go along and get some advise on the best carrier for you. The high streets carriers (Baby Bjorns etc) can be murder on the shoulders after a really short time, but if you get a sling/ergnomic carrier that suits both you and bubs, carrying them for prolonged periods of time is actually really comfortable - and good for them for naps on the go or a snuggle if it all gets a bit overwhelming for them :)

Ear defenders are a must too, not only for keeping their wee ears safe but also for 'bedtime' - our wee one slept through Arcade Fire and Kasabian (right at the back of the field of course!)

It is a lot different taking a wee one with you, but its a good different! Our wee one had a great time last year (at 8 months) and I can only imagine she is going to get so much more out of it this year as she'll be able to participate more in the Kidz Field's stuff - whether we get to see any of the rest of the festival is another thing entirely!!

Have an amazing time and maybe see you in the NCT tent for a cuppa :)

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Hi! Love a Tula! Baby wearing if definitely the way to go :) I'm afraid we've campervaned it the last three years but I've heard good thing about the family camping :) The R&R tent is brilliant, it's up between the family camping and the kidz field (or was last year) and is open from when the kidz field closes and right through the night until the field opens again, so a great place to go if you need any thing through the night :) Any other questions, just let me know and I'll do my best to help! :)

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We have camped with our daughter when she was two at Glasto that was 7 years ago she has been every other year since, we attended last year with our 1, 2 and 9 year old but we opted for campervan.

We have been to the wettest of glasto and last year the not so wet. To make for the most comfortable of glasto you need a big fixed wheel pushchair, the runner 3 wheel pushchair to which all 3 wheels are 16" in an absolute dream. I purchased one 2nd hand and then bought a double for last year, it makes getting around in the mud the easiest it possibly cud be. The plus to this over a wagon is your child doesn't move about it has a rain cover and for when they are asleep you can relax and enjoy your evening as they strapped in and going nowhere. It also holds you up which is s bonus. If you are camping I strongly advise you arrive the morning the gates open cos the kids field fill quickly, you may also want to pitch on the edge of the field for access with pushchair as it does become impossible to push through the tightly packed field with tent lines and you end up carrying pushchair, not great if covered in mud.

And finally you will have an absolutely amazing time everyone is so friendly to kids even the youngsters take time out to speak to them, most wishing there parents had taken them when they were kids.

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Really looking forward to it bought little buddy that cham08 said about. Good to know about the nct and r&r tent :) will probably be hanging around there a lot. Looked at the kidz field on YouTube looks like there's loads to do! And loads of kids everywhere! I think he will be Abit Young to do a lot of the stuff but it will still be a good place to let him run about and possibly a bit safer than other parts of the festival. This will be a good year! I'm sure buddy will like the Chems...

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We are still waiting for junior to arrive in the next couple of weeks, but assuming that all goes well, it's good to know about the things available in the Kidz and family camping areas. Have done Glastonbury many times before, but this will be all new.

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We are still waiting for junior to arrive in the next couple of weeks, but assuming that all goes well, it's good to know about the things available in the Kidz and family camping areas. Have done Glastonbury many times before, but this will be all new.

Hope all goes well in the next couple of weeks.

We took our son last year aged 6weeks. The NCT was an oasis of calm and really helped.

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We are still waiting for junior to arrive in the next couple of weeks, but assuming that all goes well, it's good to know about the things available in the Kidz and family camping areas. Have done Glastonbury many times before, but this will be all new.

Hope all goes well :) Also worth mentioning that the Radial Midwives have an area in the healing fields which is lovely and relaxing if you're caught on the hop while wandering about at that side of the festival :)

Hope all goes well in the next couple of weeks.

We took our son last year aged 6weeks. The NCT was an oasis of calm and really helped.

Wow six weeks, how did that go? I was actually saying to my other half last week that I wondered if going with a new born might be easier than a toddler as they would probably sleep most of the time anyway! Are you bringing your little one again this year?

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Wow six weeks, how did that go? I was actually saying to my other half last week that I wondered if going with a new born might be easier than a toddler as they would probably sleep most of the time anyway! Are you bringing your little one again this year?

It was a very different festival for us. I do think it is easier with a newborn and we had discussed this between ticket day and balance payments.

At 6 weeks all he was doing was feeding, pooing and sleeping. My wife was breastfeeding him so no issues re sterilizing. The NCT tent was great for some chillout time, baby baths etc.

We stayed in Worthy View for the ease of carparking and a bit of comfort.

Bought a 2nd hand Phil n Teds, was great as coped with the mud easily with proper tyres and it came with a cocoon which he could sleep in around the site and also at night so did not need to go back to the tent.

The only problem was with the Friday downpour. We were walking to the JPT and in open ground when the skies opened so got very wet, not so easy to run for cover. also when we got to JPT people were not moving to let us in (didn't get right up to it but everytime we went towards it it was obvious we wouldn't get in, luckily the boy was dry as a bone with the waterproof over the buggy.

We are not taking him this year, only just 11 months and already walking. He is very inquisitive and active, if he is awake he is doing something, cannot sit still which is great but could be difficult. Have also decided that Glastonbury is possibly too big with him at the moment, had to completely change how we went from area to area last year. This is just our thoughts and plenty of people cope, but we are with friends this year. I let my wife make the decision, if she had said she wanted to bring him then I would have been fine and we would have managed.

We will however be taking him to Latitude again, much smaller in scale and more room at the stages with him!

Edited by jamesrfisher
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The NCT and the R&R tents will both be there in 2015 and will be in the same locations.

The NCT tent is open 9am-7pm with a nightly Bath time from 5pm.

The R&R is open 7pm-9am and provides a nighttime haven.

Any questions just ask

Hi all, we took our 2 year old and 6 month old last year, we spent a little bit of time in the Kidz field but didn't know anything about these NCT and R&R tents. since seeing the R&R tent mentioned on here i have looked on the map and on the website and cant see anything. We are all going back again this year and i think we will need to spend a bit more time in these sorts of places - can anyone please provide a map and detailed pointers on where we will find them:)

Thank you fellow peeps with toddlers!

PS I was told about 50 times last year what a hero i was by the random friendly folk at Glast for taking the kids and pushng them around in a double stacker pushchair - seemed to impress quite a few people - or probably they just thought we were crazy - any one else had that?

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The NCT tent was at the top of the kids field. I don't know where the R&R tent was, hopefully somebody else will be along shortly.

We had the same as you with other people saying how good it was we had our baby with us. Had people offering to help with the buggy up the hill to Worthy View.

On Sunday night we whilst watching Massive Attack we were talking to the couple next to us who were very impressed as their daughter had a child a few months older but didn't want to bring the baby. They also helped us with the crowd, not that it was a real problem but as always people were pushing through as they see a 'gap' rather than the buggy so they closed ranks and wouldn't let people through. People are generally a lot more helpful if you have young ones with you.

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we will probably camp at cockmill meadow. Not sure how far away that is from everything. I have just looked on the map and I don't think I've ever been to that side of the site. In walking distance of the pyramid kidz field will be nice to see some acoustic stuff as well. Unsure if we will make it to the park or the JP there gunna be miles away! I'm sure it takes 50mins to walk from the pyramid stage to the park at busy times would you say that's right? Haven't been since 2010 so I've lost my memory a bit.

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It was a very different festival for us. I do think it is easier with a newborn and we had discussed this between ticket day and balance payments.

At 6 weeks all he was doing was feeding, pooing and sleeping. My wife was breastfeeding him so no issues re sterilizing. The NCT tent was great for some chillout time, baby baths etc.

We stayed in Worthy View for the ease of carparking and a bit of comfort.

Bought a 2nd hand Phil n Teds, was great as coped with the mud easily with proper tyres and it came with a cocoon which he could sleep in around the site and also at night so did not need to go back to the tent.

The only problem was with the Friday downpour. We were walking to the JPT and in open ground when the skies opened so got very wet, not so easy to run for cover. also when we got to JPT people were not moving to let us in (didn't get right up to it but everytime we went towards it it was obvious we wouldn't get in, luckily the boy was dry as a bone with the waterproof over the buggy.

We are not taking him this year, only just 11 months and already walking. He is very inquisitive and active, if he is awake he is doing something, cannot sit still which is great but could be difficult. Have also decided that Glastonbury is possibly too big with him at the moment, had to completely change how we went from area to area last year. This is just our thoughts and plenty of people cope, but we are with friends this year. I let my wife make the decision, if she had said she wanted to bring him then I would have been fine and we would have managed.

We will however be taking him to Latitude again, much smaller in scale and more room at the stages with him!

Yeah the only times we really had issues was when the downpours happened but lucky both times we were in the Kidz Field and we able to duck in to one of the tents there! Have an amazing festival this year :)

Hi all, we took our 2 year old and 6 month old last year, we spent a little bit of time in the Kidz field but didn't know anything about these NCT and R&R tents. since seeing the R&R tent mentioned on here i have looked on the map and on the website and cant see anything. We are all going back again this year and i think we will need to spend a bit more time in these sorts of places - can anyone please provide a map and detailed pointers on where we will find them:)

Thank you fellow peeps with toddlers!

PS I was told about 50 times last year what a hero i was by the random friendly folk at Glast for taking the kids and pushng them around in a double stacker pushchair - seemed to impress quite a few people - or probably they just thought we were crazy - any one else had that?

I don't have a map but will try my best to explain where the R&R tent is........if you exit the Kidz Field at the exit next to the Kidz Field office and the kids long drops (which takes you out 'above' the accoustic tent) and take a left walking up towards the Kidz Field family camping, the R&R tent is about 100 metres up that path on the right hand side. I am sure it is going to be in the same location this year :)

The NCT tent is right at the back of the Kidz Field past the Castle, and behind the sand pit. It's (was) a big white marquee.

Failing my amazing directions (;)) just ask one of the staff in the kidz field and they'll point you in the right direction. The staff in the NCT tent will also be able to give directions to the R&R as they staff both tents! It's such a haven when the Kidz Field closes and I am pretty sure we would not have had such a relaxed festival if we hadn't know it was there when we needed it :)

We had loads of people come and say how lovely it was that we took our wee one with us, including a group of fairly 'merry' youngsters who asked if they could have there photo taken with us as we were 'legends'!! Also every time we walked through the cabaret and circus field our wee one was like a performer magnet!! She probably go more troll hugs and performer interaction in there last year than we have had in the 8 years going to the festival - save perhaps in 2013 when I was massively pregnant!!

The NCT tent was at the top of the kids field. I don't know where the R&R tent was, hopefully somebody else will be along shortly.

We had the same as you with other people saying how good it was we had our baby with us. Had people offering to help with the buggy up the hill to Worthy View.

On Sunday night we whilst watching Massive Attack we were talking to the couple next to us who were very impressed as their daughter had a child a few months older but didn't want to bring the baby. They also helped us with the crowd, not that it was a real problem but as always people were pushing through as they see a 'gap' rather than the buggy so they closed ranks and wouldn't let people through. People are generally a lot more helpful if you have young ones with you.

We found that too, everyone we met wanted to help which was lovely :)

we will probably camp at cockmill meadow. Not sure how far away that is from everything. I have just looked on the map and I don't think I've ever been to that side of the site. In walking distance of the pyramid kidz field will be nice to see some acoustic stuff as well. Unsure if we will make it to the park or the JP there gunna be miles away! I'm sure it takes 50mins to walk from the pyramid stage to the park at busy times would you say that's right? Haven't been since 2010 so I've lost my memory a bit.

Rule of thumb we went with was to add about 20 mins to the timings between stages PB (pre-baby!) and possible ten mins more if its muddy :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

We now have two sons this will be our eldests 5th Glastonbury he is now 5 and our 4 years olds 4th. The year our second was born he was only two weeks old. It is a different fetival with kids but still amazing. You will find kids field great we used to spend mornings there and then have a venture around in afternoon.

A good off road puschair is vital we had a phil and teds which worked fab but now have a bike trailer as older one can still squeeze in for a ride. They both love the festival and always remember and talk about it. Peltor ear defenders are a must and last for years. Mine were breast fed so steralizing ect never an issue but you can get carton milk and disposable pre steralized bottles which are pricey but worth it down there saves lots of time.

We could not ever go with out the kids such an amazing time and memories they have. Instead of been at front now we stay at the back dancing to bands with kids in wellies lol. We have always found everyone help and very friendly.

We do now take a caravan as its easier then carrying everything and shower is heaven but have been in a tent too. We maybe in a tent this year as so far not managed to get a campervan ticket.

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We now have two sons this will be our eldests 5th Glastonbury he is now 5 and our 4 years olds 4th. The year our second was born he was only two weeks old. It is a different fetival with kids but still amazing. You will find kids field great we used to spend mornings there and then have a venture around in afternoon.

A good off road puschair is vital we had a phil and teds which worked fab but now have a bike trailer as older one can still squeeze in for a ride. They both love the festival and always remember and talk about it. Peltor ear defenders are a must and last for years. Mine were breast fed so steralizing ect never an issue but you can get carton milk and disposable pre steralized bottles which are pricey but worth it down there saves lots of time.

We could not ever go with out the kids such an amazing time and memories they have. Instead of been at front now we stay at the back dancing to bands with kids in wellies lol. We have always found everyone help and very friendly.

We do now take a caravan as its easier then carrying everything and shower is heaven but have been in a tent too. We maybe in a tent this year as so far not managed to get a campervan ticket.

We have also been called the coolest parents for taking the lads. That made our day lol

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