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going to Glastonbury with a 1 year old


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We are taking our son this year who will turn 1 just before the festival.

We've bought a bike trailer to take him around in.

Haven't got any advice for you I'm afraid, but really looking forward to spending the festival there with our little boy.

Hope you have a great time there with you little one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The NCT tent was at the top of the kids field. I don't know where the R&R tent was, hopefully somebody else will be along shortly.

We had the same as you with other people saying how good it was we had our baby with us. Had people offering to help with the buggy up the hill to Worthy View.

On Sunday night we whilst watching Massive Attack we were talking to the couple next to us who were very impressed as their daughter had a child a few months older but didn't want to bring the baby. They also helped us with the crowd, not that it was a real problem but as always people were pushing through as they see a 'gap' rather than the buggy so they closed ranks and wouldn't let people through. People are generally a lot more helpful if you have young ones with you.

The R&R tent is at the bottom of the family camping field opposite the crew camping. If you come out of the kidz field by the acoustic tent turn left and we're just up there on the right - We normally have a big sign outside. It's already been mentioned but we're open from 7pm to 9am, basically when the Kidz field is closed and have hot water, microwave, sterilizers, toys, games, books etc as well as baby changing and feeding facilities.

We are also open on Wed, Thurs and Monday morning too. Pop in we're always happy to chat!!

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The R&R tent is at the bottom of the family camping field, we're not currently marked on the map. If you come out of the Kidz field by the Acoustic stage, turn left and we're just up there on the right, its a marquee on it's own and normally one of us is hanging around outside!

We're open on Wed, Thurs and also Monday morning and on Fri, Sat & Sun from 7pm to 9am basically when the Kidz field is closed. We have books, toys, feeding & changing facilities, hot water, microwave etc and tea / coffee for adults!

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The R&R tent is at the bottom of the family camping field, we're not currently marked on the map. If you come out of the Kidz field by the Acoustic stage, turn left and we're just up there on the right, its a marquee on it's own and normally one of us is hanging around outside!

We're open on Wed, Thurs and also Monday morning and on Fri, Sat & Sun from 7pm to 9am basically when the Kidz field is closed. We have books, toys, feeding & changing facilities, hot water, microwave etc and tea / coffee for adults!

You guys were a lifesaver for us last year, so thank you :)

What time are you planning to open on Wednesday - is it 7pm?

Thanks again and looking forward to seeing you all in a few weeks :)

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Hi Again!!!

One thing which we do, to make life a lot less stressful, is make lists of all the things you'll need.

It does feel like your running an army when you've got kids at times!!

We've saved it on the laptop, so that every year you can add and delete things as your kids needs change.

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We took our 3 week old in 2010 and camped. It was so easy, and the haven at the top of the Kidz Field was bliss for just sitting down somewhere comfy and giving him a feed. In 2011 we had a wet year and even fell over in the mud with him in the sling! But it was all good fun The twins arrived in 2012 so by 2013 we had a caravan. This in turn posed a different challenge as Miss decided she was going to start crawling that weekend and was everywhere (as was her older brother in 2011 who decided he was going to walk at Glasto). In terms of camping, I personally would avoid camping near the pathway if little one is on the move as they will want to be running around; you can't just sit and chill. Different matter if you have a caravan and you can create some sort of enclosure (we use windbreaks for this). There is plenty of space up in the green fields and viewing area of the site for a run around, and most people who are up there chilling don't seem to mind the sight of a munchkin or two letting off a bit of steam. Small babies are easy to transport around in a sling and you can see all the bands you like without complaint (ear defenders are a necessity, and if they're troubled by them just wait until they're asleep). A good sling shouldn't cause back problems (please don't invest in a Baby Bjorn); indeed I wore my just turned 4 year old around the site almost solidly last year, and it was only by the Sunday evening that I started to feel the effects. Toddlers don't really understand that perhaps they shouldn't be running around your legs in circles if you're trying to catch an act at one of the main stages, so either take childcare shifts or wait until the small person is asleep before heading over to the stage.

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We took our (then) 2 year old last year, and he's coming with us this year along with his 7 month old baby brother. All the advice above is great, all I would add is to make the most of the lockups. Rather than lug the bike trailer around site all day, we worked out where we would be in the evening - which turned out to be the Pyramid every night last year. We went straight to the lockups at the top of the Pyramid field in the morning and left our bike trailer there all day - containing everything for the evening (blankets, baby sleeping bags, pyjamas etc). Then we just picked it up in the evening, having used a sling / carrier all day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We've been 4 times with my daughter who is now 6. My advice:

- camp in a family field

- buy some transport with BIG wheels for the mud, something like this http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&alt=web&id=121665984422

- don't expect to see everything

- don't expect to be at anywhere near the front of any stage

- expect to spend more time in the theatre/circus/kids fields

- take it easy

- pray for good weather

- if it's muddy stick to the paths on the north side of the site

It's a different experience but we still love it. Enjoy.

Edited by redrog
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