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Leaving site on Monday


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Hey guys,

I usually get a lift back with friends late monday evening. However I have to make my own way back this year.. So the plan is to get picked up from Bath and West by my girlfriends mum at some point in the afternoon.

What sort of time scale should I allow to get to Gate A, queue up and get on a coach and be at Bath and West by 3pm at the latest. Would the queues have died down by lunchtime? As I need to give some sort of timescale to her so she isn't waiting around all day.

If the queues are still busy, what time would you recommend I get to Gate A to get to Bath and West by 3pm?

I've never had to get myself home before haha.

Cheers guys!! Any help would be amazing.

Edit: sorry guys, just realised this post made NO sense at all!

Edited by alexwetherell
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I got a bus over to Bath&West around that time last year, having finished my last shift at 12, showered, packed up and trekked to gate A. Got straight on a bus with 4 other people on, waited about 10 mins while a few more got on, and we were off. Took about 10 mins to get to the drop off point. Obviously I can't guarantee it'll be the same this year, but it shouldn't take too long, so if you get to gate A around 2.30 you should be fine.

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