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That ONE THING not to miss at Glastonbury

Charles Carmichael

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there is like a billion things to go and do and see, so it very much depends on your interests.

For me other than the two bands you've mentioned its Jamie T and Courtney Barnett. If you've never been before take a walk through the South East Corner, some of the sites are mental. Can't remember the name of it, but the bar next to the Temple where you can get your face painted like a skeleton in a coffin is the most fun ever.

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I'm looking forward to Jamie T and Courtney too!! :)

I've heard things like "the burning man" and "sun rises" and "walk up the hill to Glastonbury sign and not look back "

I wanna know about the out of the box stuff that I shouldn't miss. There are a few bands I'm desperate to see, but otherwise im gonna be super flexible... I just wanna absorb everything I can!!!!!

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I'm looking forward to Jamie T and Courtney too!! :)

I've heard things like "the burning man" and "sun rises" and "walk up the hill to Glastonbury sign and not look back "

I wanna know about the out of the box stuff that I shouldn't miss. There are a few bands I'm desperate to see, but otherwise im gonna be super flexible... I just wanna absorb everything I can!!!!!

The view from the top of the hill at the Glastonbury sign is awesome, though for me it hadn't been hyped up in advance, hopefully it still has the same effect after people telling you it's amazing first.

Sometimes it's best not knowing about these things. First time I saw Arcadia was a total wtf moment, don't think it was the same for my girlfriend when she first went as I'd told her about it.

I'd wanted to go to the rabbit hole for years as it sounded cool and was totally disappointed when I finally got in, whereas if I went with no expectations or prior knowledge I would probably have though it was the coolest thing ever.

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The festival - take your time and don't charge around worried you are missing something. The painful truth after a decade of festivals is you are ALWAYS missing something, you're better off enjoying what you're doing right then than wishing you were somewhere else

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Don't miss the festival itself while chasing a running order of 'must see' bands.

It's not a competition to see all the 'big' names. Go where you fancy, when you fancy and some amazing gig might make your festival.

Or even better you might find a spot and some amazing people will become your friends for life.

So much more than the music.

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Don't miss the festival itself while chasing a running order of 'must see' bands.

It's not a competition to see all the 'big' names. Go where you fancy, when you fancy and some amazing gig might make your festival.

Or even better you might find a spot and some amazing people will become your friends for life.

So much more than the music.



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I think it means like a zombie walk. Can't say I've ever seen this at Glastonbury, bit too much like organised fun and less like random spontaneity. Saying that, someone on here organised a flashmob for a marriage proposal once at the stone circle, it worked out brilliantly (video was posted in this forum), so not ALL organised fun is contrived and overblown.

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I once went to a bar in Brugge that was famous for its beer menu, the owner is regarded in Belgium as one of the foremost experts on beer I the world, a group of tourists asked him what was the best beer in the menu, his reply was that the best beer on the menu is the one you like the best. I mention this as I think this is a fantastic philosophy, go out, explore as much of the festival as possible and find what you enjoy. Once you find something you enjoy, enjoy it and don't worry about what sown dude on a forum is telling you to enjoy.

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