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My boyfriend cheated and we're meant to be going...should I still go alone?


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I went there but there were mostly couples! And about 10 people there...

Mostly couples? Or people who appeared to look like couples, but instead had just pulled?

Ahh really? It was pretty busy on the Thursday evening, I'm talking about the one in the sonic stage

Edited by Bignews
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Mostly couples? Or people who appeared to look like couples, but instead had just pulled?

Ahh really? It was pretty busy on the Thursday evening, I'm talking about the one in the sonic stage

I was there then, from like 3am-7ish. It was pretty busy at the start but was empty by the end, I was wearing a shitty hoody with a fantastic maths pun on the back. I got some girl attention cause of it but in the Bobby Gillespie like state I was in pulling was the last thing on my mind
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I was there then, from like 3am-7ish. It was pretty busy at the start but was empty by the end, I was wearing a shitty hoody with a fantastic maths pun on the back. I got some girl attention cause of it but in the Bobby Gillespie like state I was in pulling was the last thing on my mind

Haha yep, I was in one of those dancing by yourself and not really caring because you're so gillespied states, met a few random people and decided to call it a night at around 5.30 am, was superb until I went to grabs drink of water in a desperate panic in the morning, but instead started downing vodka... The rush out of my tent to the bushes was amusing for all those who were watching

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