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Campervan Ticket


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They don't according to their policy, but they are slow to take them down and if it gets sold by and to some selfish numpty then they are earning fees. So they dont care that much.

Unfortunately whoever bought it is just promoting to others to profiteer.

I think the seller may have been reported to GFL and hope they get some sort of recourse for what is blatant profiteering.

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I had to email him and See's MD before I could get a response from See. (see's phone system won't even let you buy tickets today!!)

I'm being told I need to return the ticket so they can send another.

That means this strubless one must be invalid, in which case i don't need to return it and they should just send another.

Given the short timescale before Glasto, and the problems See have with getting tickets out to people properly, I'm exceedingly reluctant to return this ticket in case I'm left with no ticket.

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Think I am going to play stupid and just go with what I have got. If I hadn't been before i wouldn't have noticed anyway. Just spoke to someone else and theirs is exactly the same so there must be a lot of them out there.

I've done my best to alert the right people at Glasto, the cv fields, and See that this issue is likely to be much bigger than the few of us who've posted here, and that they need to come up with a plan to deal with it so there's not chaos at the gates. Fingers crossed they take it seriously.

I've had my own ticket issue sorted wiith minimal hassle (when I finally got a response), I'm pleased to say.

I can give some direct contact details to any of you who wish to get it resolved quickly (I'd rather not post them here), so please PM me for them (it's much easier than going thru 'the system')

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Had to return mine but they have promised to get it back to me this week.



you do not need to return a ticket that must be invalid - cos if it wasn't invalid, they wouldn't need to sed you another.


It worked for me. :)


My replacement ticket arrived on Saturday. Now that I have the replacement in my hand, I'm happy to send them the invalid ticket back.

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I'm still waiting on my new ticket and had to send the invalid one back so have nothing other than emails. I was going to give them until tomorrow afternoon then get back onto seetickets if I still haven't received anything.

I argued over a few emails about sending my ticket back but lost out on that...hopefully something comes this week

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