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Nudity at Glasto

Terence Fletcher

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My wife is a nudist, with a combination of alcohol and hot weather she likes nothing more than getting naked, at 32 she has the body for it too

What are the rules regarding nudity at Glasto? we are both first timers, I am very much a 'textile' so will be keeping my clothes on!

Do people randomly stroll around Glasto naked? or are there any dedicated nudist areas in the complex, or do you have to stay dressed for 6 days? 

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Ha ha, indeed I am replying and I am naked :)

Firstly, naturism is not about being drunk enough to do it and definitely not about how you look. It's just about freedom of expression and feeling free. That being said there's nothing wrong with getting pissed naked. It's a right laugh!

As for going nude at the festival. It's not as free a place as it used to be due to over zealous security guards who seem to view it as thoroughly indecent, the cads...!

That being said, I camp nude in Bushy Ground (no pun intended!) and do so quite happily with the people I am camped next too always totally fine with it.

I spend all of Thursday up at Lost Horizons sauna area. You can wander around there and the surrounding areas nude quite happily :)

It's good to meet other naturists here. If we can find more maybe we could have our own Glastonbury naturist commune!

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I have seen a few wandering about naked but people will get a bit funny about it especially with kids around. I suspect as Glastonbury site is subject to normal laws of the land that it could be difficult for said naturist should some one complain to the police on site. Plus some idiot is likely to take a photo and before you know it your other half will be plastered all over social media ! 

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Ha ha, indeed I am replying and I am naked :)

Firstly, naturism is not about being drunk enough to do it and definitely not about how you look. It's just about freedom of expression and feeling free. That being said there's nothing wrong with getting pissed naked. It's a right laugh!

As for going nude at the festival. It's not as free a place as it used to be due to over zealous security guards who seem to view it as thoroughly indecent, the cads...!

That being said, I camp nude in Bushy Ground (no pun intended!) and do so quite happily with the people I am camped next too always totally fine with it.

I spend all of Thursday up at Lost Horizons sauna area. You can wander around there and the surrounding areas nude quite happily :)

It's good to meet other naturists here. If we can find more maybe we could have our own Glastonbury naturist commune!

The alcohol thing was probably a tad harsh on me

What i mean was she thinks nothing of sunbathing naked in the garden or on a nudist beach, where there is not lots of people, but strolling around naked at Glasto or anything where there is a lot of people would take alcohol to give her the confidence to feel not so self conscious, but especially when it is hot she hates clothes.

But given what has been posted here about security she will probably have to stay dressed

Thanks for the input, I will show it to her tonight

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as recently as 10 years ago it was much much more common at glastonbury. People of all ages (though mostly older folk).

As much as the security guards, my biggest fear would be that the crowd would be much more likely to point, snigger, sneer and take videos on their mobile phones than not bat an eyelid and simply accept an alternative lifestyle.

Though I think sime's experiences have been mostly positive.

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not nowadays old son to many kids and snobs [ dont argue you know its true ] but there is the hot tubes forget what its called [ russy will know ] ...i believe you can take showers and just sit around and chill being naked is optinol i think ........i have seen both women and men being escorted of the pyramid field but i think they were making a bit of a scene lol .

there was the women a few years back that seemed to have a thing about waking off in front of people and was seen to do it in a few places before we saw her again on the pyramid field and she was picked up by the old bill and chucked into a landrover and taken off lol .....thats true old son lol

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The best place by for you is the Lost Horizons Sauna Gardens.  As others have said, this is an enclosed space within the tipi fields that is clothing free.  Along with the sauna and showers, there is a solar powered sound stage which provides live music performances all day. There is a café too and lots and lots of space to sunbathe in.  You can pay per visit or pay for a whole week long pass. 


I was there with a friend of mine this year and whilst in the queue for the café, she got curious about seeing the African drumming group she could hear just beyond the fence.  So feeling brave and confident about being seen in public, she decided to walk outside the venue to take a peek whilst obviously exposing herself to the great unwashed pubic.  She stood there for about 30 seconds before looking round behind her and caught about 10 people using their phones to photo / video her.  Her confidence was immediately knocked and she felt shocked by the reaction.  She even overheard a typical 20 something girl on the phone say “OMG there is a disgusting naked hippie here”.


So my advice is that if she were to walk about, her image would be all over the internet before the weekend was out.

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Such a shame that people think that nudity is "disgusting" or "shocking".  Russy's right, its not that long ago when you'd see some naked people in the greenfields, and then theres the fella that used to wander about naked with a massive wooden cross over his shoulder....

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Such a shame that people think that nudity is "disgusting" or "shocking".  Russy's right, its not that long ago when you'd see some naked people in the greenfields, and then theres the fella that used to wander about naked with a massive wooden cross over his shoulder....

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Such a shame that people think that nudity is "disgusting" or "shocking".  Russy's right, its not that long ago when you'd see some naked people in the greenfields, and then theres the fella that used to wander about naked with a massive wooden cross over his shoulder....

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Such a shame that people think that nudity is "disgusting" or "shocking".  Russy's right, its not that long ago when you'd see some naked people in the greenfields, and then theres the fella that used to wander about naked with a massive wooden cross over his shoulder....

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The alcohol thing was probably a tad harsh on me

What i mean was she thinks nothing of sunbathing naked in the garden or on a nudist beach, where there is not lots of people, but strolling around naked at Glasto or anything where there is a lot of people would take alcohol to give her the confidence to feel not so self conscious, but especially when it is hot she hates clothes.

But given what has been posted here about security she will probably have to stay dressed

Thanks for the input, I will show it to her tonight

Hey Terence


I have to say that the good old days where I and others would happily wander around nude (even when watching bands) is no more. I camp nude without issue and infact always make good friends with whoever I am camped next to. I won't walk around the festival itself any more as apart from the over zealous security, people nowadays just seem less welcoming of it plus of course there are just so many phones around. I nude life model/tutor for hen parties so am quite used to being seen naked and am not shy but I am wary of the cameras. I get my Glastonbury nude fix up at Lost Horizons on Thursday and back at my camp. I do recommend you both go to the sauna. It's a really relaxed and very nude friendly place to spend some time :)

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Hi Terrence

Another vote from me for Lost Horizons. 

I, like you am a "textile" however in 2010 I bought a pass for Lost Horizon Sauna, to be honest just so I could shower under the hose pipe every day to wash the dust off.  I used the sauna and became much more confident about being naked in the safety of that area.  The sauna is great as when you go in it is dark and it takes a while to adjust and be able to see.  Maybe it is something you can try and enjoy together? 

I hope you both have a fantastic festival.

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So my advice is that if she were to walk about, her image would be all over the internet before the weekend was out.

And weirdly enough I noticed on Facebook this evening that someone had posted a picture of a naked woman browsing the clothes at a stall at Glastonbury. It's such a shame that people feel the need to photograph anything even remotely unusual, and then have to post it on social media...

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For me Glastonbury is a place where one can do things just too out of the ordinary, weird, strange and quirky for everyday life, without feeling a slightly anxious or unease. Nudity though a fairly extreme practice should be fine when carried out in moderation, without the harassment of the nudist and without the observer anxiety of the people around them. It's a tradition that was very much in full swing right from 1970, and therefore should be respected, not associated with sex, or "disgusting" hippies.

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Such a shame that people think that nudity is "disgusting" or "shocking".  Russy's right, its not that long ago when you'd see some naked people in the greenfields, and then theres the fella that used to wander about naked with a massive wooden cross over his shoulder....

Thank goodness (like Twatter) you're not limited to the amount of letters you can use here. If you'd been 26 less (incl dots...) 

ooooh err missus!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lost Horizons is having a struggle financing the repair of some of it's essential structures.  https://crowdfunding.justgiving.com/james-walford

Also to give Sams Magic Hat Sauna a shout. It's hidden away a bit now and last year had a note outside about how it was struggling and "if you want us here then please use us" was mentioned. 


You'll miss these things if they go :)




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