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East cv field versus tangerine fields


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Hi there. I have a tent booked at tangerine fields and have also booked an East cv pitch. I can't decide what is the better option. Here are my pros and cons.

TF, tent is up and ready to go and easy to leave. Showers. Flushing toilets but a long walk in and out. It costs a lot each year and just a smallish tent.

CV, I would buy a trailer tent and put a shower tent in it. I can cook breakfast. Proper mattresses. Bigger space in tent, closer to festival? But I have to put it up and down and might get stuck in massive jam getting out. I would arrive Wednesday lunch time and could be way from the gate. The queue in to festival may be long.

any advice on what would be a better option? 

Cheers, mich

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Never done Tangerine Fields so can't really comment on that, except to say the money could go towards getting a decent set up for Campervanning.

I've stayed in CV East for the past four or five years, in trailer tents and now a caravan.  That, for me wins by miles.  You've got your own kit that you can use for other festivals and breaks at other times of the year.

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I've done both - CV East in 2013 and TF in 2015 and both are great, but I think the CV field just about edges it for me.

In terms of the walk in and out, I don't think there is much in it to be honest. We arrived Weds at around 2pm in 2013 and were directed to one of the fields at the back, as all the ones closer to the action had already been taken, so you'll probably be looking at a similar spot. The main difference is that with TF you have a shorter walk before getting into the festival site, but then a long walk into the action, whereas (depending on where you are set up) you'll have a longer walk to get into the site from the CV field, but once you're through the gate you are pretty much in the thick of it right away. From memory, we had to queue longer at the CV pedestrian gate (C?) than TF (B?) each day, but that just became part of the journey in and I don't remember it being too annoying.

People will talk about the 'hill of death' on the walk up to CV East, but we didn't find it too bad (except after a particularly hard Saturday night, but that was our own doing really).

The showers in TF have HUGE queues in the morning, from about 7.30/8am onwards really - the only way to avoid this is to either get up very early or come back to the campsite in the middle of the afternoon - or just suck it up and queue for 30 mins or so. I ended up only having the one shower the whole time we were there, so it wasn't worth it from that respect for me to be honest.

We didn't have too much traffic getting in or out for either TF or CV East - in fact both journeys were really easy. I think most CVs turn up much earlier than Weds lunchtime, so you'll probably be fine if you choose that option. We arrived on Thursday afternoon this year, and traffic was pretty light by that point to get to TF. It was a dream of a 5min walk from the car to the tent though - that was a major bonus. We were on the road before 8am both 2013 and 2015, so that might be why we avoided traffic on the way home.

I think the reason the CV field edges it is there was a bit more atmosphere going on there, whereas it felt a bit flat in TF. I enjoyed myself and was glad to do it, but we're going back to CV East in 2016, which probably tells you all you need to know. The reality is, there's not much to it and you'll have a great time at either option - you'll be at Glastonbury after all!

Phew - sorry for the long reply. My first post after years of lurking - I clearly had a lot to say...

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No shower in the TT.  I've got one in the caravan but have never used it as damp is the killer of caravans.  Also it really needs an electric mains hook up to work at its best.

I've always managed festivals without a shower.  It's amazing what you can achieve with an all over strip wash.

You can get 'shower tents' and we had one for the TT but converted it instead to a toilet cubicle with a portapotti chemical toilet as we reckoned that it was more useful to have a toilet facility than a shower.


Luckily the caravan has a proper toilet and washroom.

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