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Downsides going alone?


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Hey everyone

I went with a friend last year to glasto but this year nobody is able to come with, I know there is the solo group camping available but I was wondering if anyone can name some downsides with it? I mean it sounds great meeting all these people which we did last year too but I was hoping people who had joined the solo group in the past could bring up some points that are important to remember before going on your own?

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I went on my own last year for the first time. I was worried as I'm not the most outgoing person, but I really had fun. It was, admittedly, slightly different as I was working so was camping in crew camping and had a 'ready made' team who I saw every morning, so it didn't feel like I was camping alone. I'm also generally very happy of my own company and have pretty different taste in music to the group I normally go to festivals with, so it is normal for me to spend at least some if not all of most days alone Friday - Sunday as we're seeing completely different things.

There are, obviously, some less good things. 

  • Wednesday and Thursday were a bit weird - those are usually days when we'd bimble around, chilling and seeing the sights and drinking. Doing that alone is obviously different - I managed to meet up with some Glasto Virgins and take them on a guided tour and that was ACE!
  • Being on your own means you have to carry all your own gear - we'd normally spread out things like the tent or take turns to push the sack truck. Doing it alone is an arse.
  • There's no-one to hold your pint when you go for a piss.

Overall though, as long as you're vaguely happy being on your own when you go to see bands etc., you'll have a blast!

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