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Lock ups


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Hi All,

First post from a Glasto newbie. Have heard lots about the security lock ups and how they are a real good thing to use. What I need to know is how they actually work. What can you leave there? Are you given a key? Is there a time limit on  how long you can leave stuff? Is it safe to leave cash? Is there normally a queue?

So many questions!!!

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12 minutes ago, catmando said:

Hi All,

First post from a Glasto newbie. Have heard lots about the security lock ups and how they are a real good thing to use. What I need to know is how they actually work. What can you leave there? Are you given a key? Is there a time limit on  how long you can leave stuff? Is it safe to leave cash? Is there normally a queue?

So many questions!!!

They are brilliant. Use them for anything and everything.

When you get your receipt take a photo of it with phone/camera just in case.

You can even leave a fully loaded trolley there if you want!!

They also give out free loo roll - though donations are greatfully received.

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1 hour ago, catmando said:

So many questions!!!

just in case you have not seen this - its a must read link 


sadly it was not available when I first stated going - mainly because the World Wide Web was not invented for another ten years.

its the most comprehensive collection of information that anyone would need.

you wont have so many questions once you have read it all.

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3 hours ago, catmando said:

Hi All,

First post from a Glasto newbie. Have heard lots about the security lock ups and how they are a real good thing to use. What I need to know is how they actually work. What can you leave there? Are you given a key? Is there a time limit on  how long you can leave stuff? Is it safe to leave cash? Is there normally a queue?

So many questions!!!

People leave a wide variety of weird and wonderful things in the lockups, as well as boring things like cash.

Top tip: when you arrive, put most of your cash in the lockup. Every day, pop to the lockup and take out some of your cash. It means you don't have all your cash on you all at once, which is safer, it means you don't need to queue up at the cashpoint (and some cashpoints on site charge a fee), and it means you're less likely to blow the whole lot on Wednesday night and have to eat with the Hare Krishnas for the rest of the week :)

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5 hours ago, catmando said:

Hi All,

First post from a Glasto newbie. Have heard lots about the security lock ups and how they are a real good thing to use. What I need to know is how they actually work. What can you leave there? Are you given a key? Is there a time limit on  how long you can leave stuff? Is it safe to leave cash? Is there normally a queue?

So many questions!!!

Security lock ups are brilliant. Book yourself in as soon as you arrive. Saves having to carry and pitch a tent.

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I've used the lock-ups as a "cash machine" for years now, they are brilliant.  Still haven't quite nailed the easiest way to do it - some divide their funds for the five days and then take out each envelope each day but I tend to bank the lot and effectively collect my purse, take what I need and rebook it in.  


Make sure you donate for that fine service!

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A good tip if you are leaving small items ( cash, keys, spare phone etc) at the lock up is to take a small brightly coloured bag to put the items in - it makes it easier to spot on the shelves! And if you leave a trolley there put something on it to identify it easily as yours !

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21 hours ago, sedra said:

A good tip if you are leaving small items ( cash, keys, spare phone etc) at the lock up is to take a small brightly coloured bag to put the items in - it makes it easier to spot on the shelves! And if you leave a trolley there put something on it to identify it easily as yours !

This is great advice.  We have an extremely distinctive bag, and get the guys in the lock up to write the best description they can think of!  

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On 29/02/2016 at 8:04 AM, slash's hat said:

I hadn't even thought of leaving trolley there, was presuming on taking it back to the car. 

Nah, no point doing that - you'll have to go back and get it again before you can pack up to leave. There'll be LOADS of trolleys in the lockups. Easy!

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On 28 February 2016 at 8:44 PM, Kizzie said:

Once when I was waiting to swap my boots over a girl behind me put half a piece of cake on a paper plate into the lock up for later, as it was lovely cake but she was feeling a bit full.

I would love to know if she actually went back for it!

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