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Cracked lantern glass.


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8 hours ago, simonthecyclist said:

My glass for camping gaz vintage lantern has cracked about three inches horizontally across its middle without breaking comletely.Those sneckers are expensive. Ive been advised you can superglue them. Im sure theres an expert on these pages who would know what to do?

is it just new glass you need in the lantern? Could you not take it to a glass/glazing company and ask them to replace the glass? I run a glass company and we often have people bringing in all sorts of lanterns for repair. 

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Superglue may work if it is just a crack, but not sure how it will react to the heating and cooling effects that the flame has on the lantern "globe". Thinking about it though, most superglue is probably flammable. Epoxy resin may work but then you run the risk that the epoxy may have different expansion properties when heated to the existing lass so may heat/expand or cool/contract in a different manner to the glass which could lead to it shattering with the extra forces when used.

 What lantern is it - you may be able to get a replacement globe for it on eBay for not a lot of money.

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