Living not far from Manchester, I follow Manchester Gigs on Twitter/X (literally the only reason I still use the platform!) who provide a weekly roundup of gigs across the city from the tiny grassroots venues right up to the arenas and stadiums. Each week I have a look at the list, give them all a quick listen and then pick somebody I’ve not heard of or seen before and grab a ticket to check them out, it’s a fantastic way to discover new music and I’ve found some new favourite bands and artists this way!
This week’s pick was Chloe Charlotte at Manchester Academy 2, really enjoyed the couple of tracks I streamed and the ticket was a bargain at £11!
It was another of those gigs where the support was just as good as the headline act too, coming this time from Millie Maxwell, Laro and Lydia Shute. Laro in particular stood out, her rapport with the crowd was incredible!
Great evening, and Student Union bar prices are always a bonus too. 😁