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US Presidential Election 2016


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3 minutes ago, eFestivals said:

there was a significant percentage increase tho from tiny number (tho still too many) to still a tiny number. It's subsided, tho not yet back to where it was.

None of the other things you said were certain have happened.

And here we go again. :rolleyes:

I'm not welcoming these increases, by you going all fantasy apocalyptic isn't going to help people come together, it will polarise things further and ensure it continues.

The financial stuff?


We havent activated ART 50 yet. We are falling down the side of a building and are waving at the person on the ninth floor saying how everything is ok.

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Just now, zahidf said:

The financial stuff?

No, you were predicting immigrants - particularly 'darkies' - being burnt at the stake, or driven into the sea, or something, as the normal.

Just as you're now doing with Trump.

It's unfortunate that there's morons, and it's unfortunate that they feel emboldened, but it's not the norm and nothing suggests it will be.

If you think all people 'on the other side' are all c**ts and tell them they are, how much chance to you think you have trying to moderate any bad behaviour by them? None at all, or zero?

Yes, there's proper c**ts amongst them, but they'll be reigned in by the reasonables among them if the reasonables have reason to do it. If they're c**ts whether they do or don't, why are they going to bother? ;)

I'm guessing that you've brain enough in your head that prior to 23rd June you didn't think 52% of Brits were all active racist c**ts. Were you right then, or now?


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14 minutes ago, eFestivals said:

so you accept brexit for the UK?

You've changed. :P


I have not rejected brexit for the UK. Just as I am not suggesting trump's election should be rejected. I'm just not in the business of making excuses for those voters who made these things happen. I understand there are reasons why people vote the way they do but that does not absolve them of responsibility for their actions. 

Your sympathy and understanding for voters you (apparently) personally disagree with might  be admirable if it wasn't so starkly in contrast with the contempt which you so clearly show for those who voted for Corbyn or the SNP.


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This does not show that Donald supports the Klan.

"Ku Klux Klan announces Donald Trump victory parade as white supremacists celebrate nationwide"


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1 hour ago, eFestivals said:

No, you were predicting immigrants - particularly 'darkies' - being burnt at the stake, or driven into the sea, or something, as the normal.

Just as you're now doing with Trump.

It's unfortunate that there's morons, and it's unfortunate that they feel emboldened, but it's not the norm and nothing suggests it will be.

If you think all people 'on the other side' are all c**ts and tell them they are, how much chance to you think you have trying to moderate any bad behaviour by them? None at all, or zero?

Yes, there's proper c**ts amongst them, but they'll be reigned in by the reasonables among them if the reasonables have reason to do it. If they're c**ts whether they do or don't, why are they going to bother? ;)

I'm guessing that you've brain enough in your head that prior to 23rd June you didn't think 52% of Brits were all active racist c**ts. Were you right then, or now?


I said it would be a few years. Just wait till Brexit and Trump fucks up the economy. Who do u think the papers and Trump will blame?

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26 minutes ago, LJS said:

This does not show that Donald supports the Klan.

"Ku Klux Klan announces Donald Trump victory parade as white supremacists celebrate nationwide"


Now, dont be nasty to the poor Trump voters and there cultural anxiety... Otherwise they might do something racist and stupid 

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2 hours ago, pink_triangle said:

Although if Hillary had won the electoral college and lost the popular vote, would people be complaining? Its also possible in Britain for the party with the most votes to not get the most seats. I think theres pros and cons in using both the electoral college and the popular vote. If you went for popular vote the candidates would just end up camped out in New York, California, Texas etc instead of some of the smaller states. Would this give a better outcome, who knows?


different people, granted.

but that's democracy for you. Open to interpretation.

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59 minutes ago, LJS said:

I have not rejected brexit for the UK. Just as I am not suggesting trump's election should be rejected. I'm just not in the business of making excuses for those voters who made these things happen. I understand there are reasons why people vote the way they do but that does not absolve them of responsibility for their actions. 

Their actions have been to vote for the person who they think will make the best president out of a choice of two flawed candidates.


59 minutes ago, LJS said:

Your sympathy and understanding for voters you (apparently) personally disagree with might  be admirable if it wasn't so starkly in contrast with the contempt which you so clearly show for those who voted for Corbyn or the SNP.

My posts have got fuck all for my sympathies for them and everything to do zahidf posting bollocks. If he didn't post bolloicks, I wouldn't have to point out he's wrong. :rolleyes:

When someone is posting here that all SNP voters are anti-English racists you'll be in the correct position to judge how I respond to that.

In the meantime, keep on showing you've not actually not an argument to support zahidf with. That's how running on empty you are. 

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37 minutes ago, LJS said:

This does not show that Donald supports the Klan.

"Ku Klux Klan announces Donald Trump victory parade as white supremacists celebrate nationwide"


people who already existed who we don't like are having a party.

I guess that it's either ban parties or show the higher moral ground by driving them into the sea. :lol:

America is full of all the same people as were there on Monday. Wake the fuck up. 

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16 minutes ago, zahidf said:

I said it would be a few years. Just wait till Brexit and Trump fucks up the economy. Who do u think the papers and Trump will blame?

what you're scared to say is who will people blame.

You've already decided you'll blame trump. 

You're the better man, yeah, using your intelligence to analyse a situation, and haven't pre-decided it's all someone's fault on the basis of your prejudices? :)

PS: the average time between recessions is about 9 years. One's overdue.

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9 minutes ago, eFestivals said:

Their actions have been to vote for the person who they think will make the best president out of a choice of two flawed candidates.


My posts have got fuck all for my sympathies for them and everything to do zahidf posting bollocks. If he didn't post bolloicks, I wouldn't have to point out he's wrong. :rolleyes:

When someone is posting here that all SNP voters are anti-English racists you'll be in the correct position to judge how I respond to that.

In the meantime, keep on showing you've not actually not an argument to support zahidf with. That's how running on empty you are. 


Yes, because people voted for an SNP candidate who said:

“I will build a great wall – and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me – and I’ll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make England pay for that wall. Mark my words.” 
“When England sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re not sending you, they’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bring crime. They’re rapists… And some, I assume, are good people.” 


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7 minutes ago, feral chile said:


Yes, because people voted for an SNP candidate who said:

“I will build a great wall – and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me – and I’ll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make England pay for that wall. Mark my words.” 
“When England sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re not sending you, they’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bring crime. They’re rapists… And some, I assume, are good people.” 



I was accused of applying different standards. I was pointing out that he can't possibly know whether I would or wouldn't apply different standards because the same hasn't happened.



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9 minutes ago, eFestivals said:

people who already existed who we don't like are having a party.

As long as they are only toasting marshmallows & drinking Jim Beam at their parties, that's fine. Are you confident that is all they will be doing? 

9 minutes ago, eFestivals said:

I guess that it's either ban parties or show the higher moral ground by driving them into the sea. :lol:

Its a long way to the sea from some of these places. 

9 minutes ago, eFestivals said:

America is full of all the same people as were there on Monday. Wake the fuck up. 

Yup & all the voters who you are making excuses for, who might not be racist but voted Trump because they were really concerned what server Hillary stored her e mails on, might wake the fuck up and realise that their vote has perhaps spurred on the right wing nutters featured above. You are the first to preach that people must take responsibility for the consequences of their vote... sometimes.

It seems to me that Western democracies have generally been doing a fairly good job of making people who hold offensive views realise that it is not acceptable to act on these views or articulate them in public & they'd be better just sitting in their bedrooms raging on the internet instead of acting on their prejudice in the real world. Meanwhile the younger generations seem to be more open minded & tolerant (there will be exceptions to this - the world is not uniform) 

The Brexit & Trump phenomena seem to me to risk turning the clock back to a time which I can remember (& I'm sure you can too) when it was "OK" to make jokes about "Pakis" & "Poofs."  and where it was not uncommon for minorities to suffer real abuse. I'm actually pretty sure that you share my concerns. It just worries me that you appear to be giving a free pass to those who through the ballot box are letting this all happen. It seems far more important to you to get one over on Zahidf than to address the real issue.

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10 minutes ago, eFestivals said:

man says something most people disagree with?

I can see this is going to be a long thread. :lol:

I wonder if Blackwell only started thinking that on Wednesday?

Of course he didn't. Might he now have more influence on government policy?



Trump names former Ohio governor candidate Blackwell to transition team



8 minutes ago, The Nal said:

The priest up the road from me has the same opinion

Really, how fascinating. Is he likely to get a post on the Trump team?

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4 minutes ago, LJS said:

As long as they are only toasting marshmallows & drinking Jim Beam at their parties, that's fine. Are you confident that is all they will be doing? 

Not particularly, tho if they're wanting to go out murdering or whatever they're able to do it much the same at any time. These people existed last week too.

5 minutes ago, LJS said:

Yup & all the voters who you are making excuses for, who might not be racist but voted Trump because they were really concerned what server Hillary stored her e mails on, might wake the fuck up and realise that their vote has perhaps spurred on the right wing nutters featured above. You are the first to preach that people must take responsibility for the consequences of their vote... sometimes.

People vote idiot then people suffer consequences of their idiocy is not new. You might even get personally acquainted with it soon. I don't like it, but I never like it when the side I detest win.

So far it's spurred those right wing nutters in celebrating Trump's victory. It's not the apocalypse.

And I don'rt doubt it's a bumpy road for a while - much like the UK right now - until certainty refinds it's feet.

But claiming the end of the world when we'll all wake up tomorrow isn't helpful, particularly when it's done every day and we wake up again the next day every time. It's stirring things up even more, because the Trumpers feel more need to 'protect' their victory from the attack its coming under.


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1 minute ago, eFestivals said:

Not particularly, tho if they're wanting to go out murdering or whatever they're able to do it much the same at any time. These people existed last week too.

People vote idiot then people suffer consequences of their idiocy is not new. You might even get personally acquainted with it soon. I don't like it, but I never like it when the side I detest win.

So far it's spurred those right wing nutters in celebrating Trump's victory. It's not the apocalypse.

And I don'rt doubt it's a bumpy road for a while - much like the UK right now - until certainty refinds it's feet.

But claiming the end of the world when we'll all wake up tomorrow isn't helpful, particularly when it's done every day and we wake up again the next day every time. It's stirring things up even more, because the Trumpers feel more need to 'protect' their victory from the attack its coming under.


perhaps that's why I haven't claimed it's the end of the world.

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8 minutes ago, LJS said:

Of course he didn't. Might he now have more influence on government policy?



Trump names former Ohio governor candidate Blackwell to transition team



Really, how fascinating. Is he likely to get a post on the Trump team?

Hang on a minute. 

Is Trump the racist old news now, and now it's all about Trump the homophobe?

I'm just wondering, cos that headline could be written as "Trump the racist proves that zahidf was right by appointing a black man"

Or are we about to get into the very murky ground of hard shelled tropical fruit as yet another new narrative, and as heinous as anything of Trump? ;)

Or how about a headline of "Trump the outsider proves he's radical by appointing loyal republican who's a long time friend of the Bush family"?


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1 minute ago, eFestivals said:

Hang on a minute. 

Is Trump the racist old news now, and now it's all about Trump the homophobe?

I'm just wondering, cos that headline could be written as "Trump the racist proves that zahidf was right by appointing a black man"

Or are we about to get into the very murky ground of hard shelled tropical fruit as yet another new narrative, and as heinous as anything of Trump? ;)

Or how about a headline of "Trump the outsider proves he's radical by appointing loyal republican who's a long time friend of the Bush family"?


Sorry, I'm not clear what your point is here? Trump is unpleasant on many levels. Why are you (yet again) leaping to his defence? 

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8 minutes ago, eFestivals said:

but you've defended zahidf who was claiming it was the end of the world, and are posting to me from having joined his attack with that. :rolleyes:


No one has claimed it's the end of the world. as usual you exaggerate the views of those you oppose. It's boring & a bit pathetic

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Just now, LJS said:

Sorry, I'm not clear what your point is here? Trump is unpleasant on many levels. Why are you (yet again) leaping to his defence? 

I'm pointing out that Trump the racist radical has appointed :-

1. a black man.

2. a republican party insider, as establishment as it gets.

These things are just as true as his views on sexuality, tho they're a little awkward for the previous narratives.

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