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Taking kids


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she goes through the same gate as you, so long as she doesnt look 13 or older she will wont be expected to show ID. she wont get her own program or wrist band or anything but it will be straightforward. You can get her a spare mini program to wear on a neck band by purchasing a guardian on site or asking at a security caravan or general info stall.

Do call into the kids field with her there is stuff for kids of all ages, including a great zip wire swing a kids caberet big top and she can learn circus skills etc, and it's a great place to chill in the morning for the adults with places to sit and get a cuppa or breakfast. the helta skelta is pretty good too. My daughter is now 15 so we dont go in anymore and I miss it !


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For extra things, the Greenpeace ship also has something for kids too, like a big slide or skate boarding, and the Craft Fields have lots of stuff to do if you're looking for additional things to cramming in the standard 22 hours per day going round the stages.

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  On 4/25/2017 at 9:23 PM, Spider43 said:

I'm taking my 10 year old daughter for one night with grandparents coming to pick up on the Saturday. Appreciate she doesn't need a ticket but is any kind of identification required or does she just come through main entrance with me?


Take my son in usually on Sat morning then he is picked up Sunday morning. Just walk straight in with him never had any problems. Usually can blag a extra program and mini guide,providing some left. Obviously they don't get wristband but if you go up to kidz field they will give you a hospital style wristband with your phone number etc written on in case you become detached,my son pretends it's a real wristband. Make time to check out kidz field as it's awesome and really well staffed and looked after. Hope you both have a great time :)

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Took my 12 year old many years ago and was the best thing we did. She is on number 4 already and hugely into music. The school has been fine to date about her missing a few days but with the recent court case we hope they remain enlightened. She studies A Level politics now and of course there is lots at Glastonbury to educate in that respect.

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My 2 were 10 at their first Glastonbury and absolutely loved it. Spent an age in the circus tent which I normally wouldn't bother with. 12 this year so taking id. just in case questioned. Taking mine after school Thurs so only miss 2 days, though if it looks like good weather might go weds eve - they've had no sick days to date. Might look a bit suspicious having them both off but big brother will be in school.

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