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A few questions... Sorry


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Good Afternoon


This will be my first Glastonbury and I have sh*tloads of questions. The person I have been asking is getting annoyed with me asking so many questions so I have figured

I may as well annoy strangers with my questions instead.

So Here are a few things I would just like to ask and thanks in advance for any replies both helpful and abusive :-)

1)How far roughly is to the pyramid stage from Wicket gate  lets say if I was  to walk there with the kids. They are both 12 years old so

Walking shouldn鈥檛 be an issue but be nice to have an idea


2)I am arriving Wednesday on my own and intend to jump on a shuttle once my tent is set up and get my supplies of food/beer etc this way then have 3 days alone

To explore


3)Any hidden little gems any of you would suggest I visit that not many people talk about


4)I snore. Shall I supply my neighbours with ear buds J


Thanks guys, enjoy yourselves

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1. Can I just confirm which you mean? Wicket Ground is one of the family campsites, and should be about 10-15 minutes or so to the Pyramid Field assuming relatively normal foot traffic sizes (so can be much longer when acts have just finished or if it's muddy). Wicket Gate is the Hospitality entrance gate  and is proably about 25-30 minutes to the Pyramid again under typical conditions.

2. It's workable, although I'm firmly of the opinion that once gates have opened, any time spent away from the Festival is time wasted.

3. The best suggestion is always to explore - there's no wrong turns.. Go down the path that you've not been down before. Keep your eyes open - not everything is as it initially seems. Bear in mind that it'll take you at least 2 hours to do even the most basic tour of the Festival site, and that's before you factor in stopping for one reason or another.. So you may want to allow the bulk of your Wednesday for exploring.

4. No. If they've been to a Festival before, there's a good chance they've already brought their own. If not, they'll learn for next time.

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That's brilliant thanks incident. I did indeed mean the family fields sorry for the confusion. I totally get what you are saying about time wasted my concern though is having to carry far too much on my own if i don't do this.

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When you say 'gems', what type of stuff do you mean, as there are loads of things to see, so depending on what you like. There are performers wandering the fields, like the tea ladies, customs officers looking after walking suitcases, craft workshops, yoga, a printing press, Latin dance classes, silent discos, lectures, comedy, 1 room cinemas, green fields therapy tents, oh, and some musicians on big stages.

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