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What was it like in the olden days?


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8 hours ago, Yoghurt on a Stick said:

I could never bring myself to just enter without a ticket, even back then when it was much easier to do. I blame a savage Roman Catholic upbringing for that failure. I'm the kind of person who tells check out people that they've got it wrong, and that I should be giving them more of my money. I immediately can think of three people I know, who don't hesitate at all in these conditions. They just take all they can. 

I've had one friend find that the cashier has only scanned the box of the 6 bottle wine carrier, and then just proceeded to scan his other items. Not only did he walk away Scott free with six bottles of red, but him and another mate went back the next day to see if the same cashier was on duty, but they weren't.

I went as a steward for the gate in '86 so I saw how easy it was to get in without a ticket - I let a few in without one myself. The following year I didn't bother hopping the fence but went to the gate and told them I was stewarding again but had missed my group's mini bus. Worked at the second gate. Have to admit I didn't feel bad about it because I'd seen just how lax the entire place was about preventing ticketless entry, although of course back then the festival didn't have the same kind of popularity it gained in the 90s. Certainly wouldn't work now and for better or worse the super fence was needed. I suspect that ME is just as relaxed about those who do find a way in nowadays though. 

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21 hours ago, mario man said:

There was as a lot of ROAR!!! going on that used to sweep through the campsites - I miss that 

also the bars were very friendly places to sit down & chat to the people next to you - less so nowadays 

since my first in 09 I feel like there's less and less random cheering each year... one of my favourite things about the feel of the fest. I think last year we had one random one on the wednesday then a few more over the weekend at moments when the sun came out.

I loved the random "BOLLOCKS" shouting at Reading, we even got one going at latitude a coupla years ago which felt very exciting/not-latitudey at the time, haha

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2 hours ago, maelzoid said:

If I could down vote your friend, I would!

I knew a guy ('friend' is too generous), whom I was with at Bestival. Not only was he selling packets of smokes he'd picked up on the cheap in Dubai (and clearing about 4 grand per festival) but his wheeze was to stand expectantly at food stalls and after a while complain that he hadn't had his chips or whatever yet that his mate had paid for him, usually to the youngest-looking server, and often scored free food that way. Was always very proud of himself too.


Not sure if you got out of bed the wrong side this morning, or whether you are normally this angry?

Why would you down vote my mate? All he did was gain from someone else's mistake from a supermarket chain worth billions.

May I ask, do you work in the public or private sector?

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My first was 95, I got my ticket 2 weeks before from Glastonbury Tourist Information centre. My dad posted a cheque.

And yes to Joe Banana's, hashwizzspeed sellers, naked people etc. I was 18, it was quite an eyeopener. I certainly knew more bands then as an avid indie kid/Select/NME/Melody Maker devotee.

It's my first this year this year since 2005, although I've tried for tickets most years since with no success, so I'm looking forward to the massive changes. Hope to find some new surprises too, the new music thread is amazing for that.

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1 hour ago, Yoghurt on a Stick said:

Not sure if you got out of bed the wrong side this morning, or whether you are normally this angry?

Why would you down vote my mate? All he did was gain from someone else's mistake from a supermarket chain worth billions.

May I ask, do you work in the public or private sector?

Chillax, dude.  All I said was I'd down vote him, I hardly think that qualifies as being angry. I think it was the idea that they went back looking for the same cashier to try it again that warranted the dreaded thumbs down. 

FYI private sector, and my bed doesn't have a wrong side - it has two right sides!!!!!!

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4 hours ago, Gwladboy said:

If I wanted to see your arsehole I'd buy you a drink.


It actually wasn't me who downvoted.

Not sure anyones seen my arsehole while I've been nudin up. I tend not to walk on all fours...!

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5 hours ago, musky said:

I've given up trying to fathom why some posts are given down votes. Have another up vote anyway. :)

Ahh thank you musky! Yes downvoteness is quite random isn't it!

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33 minutes ago, maelzoid said:

Chillax, dude.  All I said was I'd down vote him, I hardly think that qualifies as being angry. I think it was the idea that they went back looking for the same cashier to try it again that warranted the dreaded thumbs down. 

FYI private sector, and my bed doesn't have a wrong side - it has two right sides!!!!!!

No worries maelzoid. :)

The only reason I asked about public or private sector, is that the person you know who was selling the fags, was merely enacting a capitalist approach to the situation ie what you would expect anybody to do within the private sector within the UK. He was, in fact, doing exactly what the supermarket my mate skanked some wine off is doing to the whole of the population (along with the other major supermarkets) ie getting a product for £x pounds and selling the same product to the consumer for £x + 1 pounds. 

OK, so maybe it was me that got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning. Only it can't be that, because I haven't actually been to bed since Monday night!

Oh well, have a good one at the festival. 

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29 minutes ago, Yoghurt on a Stick said:

No worries maelzoid. :)

The only reason I asked about public or private sector, is that the person you know who was selling the fags, was merely enacting a capitalist approach to the situation ie what you would expect anybody to do within the private sector within the UK. He was, in fact, doing exactly what the supermarket my mate skanked some wine off is doing to the whole of the population (along with the other major supermarkets) ie getting a product for £x pounds and selling the same product to the consumer for £x + 1 pounds. 

OK, so maybe it was me that got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning. Only it can't be that, because I haven't actually been to bed since Monday night!

Oh well, have a good one at the festival. 

Well, Dodgy Pete (as he is known) was also paying neither import duty, nor VAT, nor income tax on said smokes and had no qualms about selling to anyone under 18. That's essentially where his profit comes from. I could just about turn a blind eye to it, but I'm not going to applaud it.

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58 minutes ago, maelzoid said:

Well, Dodgy Pete (as he is known) was also paying neither import duty, nor VAT, nor income tax on said smokes and had no qualms about selling to anyone under 18. That's essentially where his profit comes from. I could just about turn a blind eye to it, but I'm not going to applaud it.

Yeah, selling to under 18's is a bit sick. I guess the tax things wrong as well. OK, you win - the bloke's a knob.

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1 hour ago, Yoghurt on a Stick said:

Yeah, selling to under 18's is a bit sick. I guess the tax things wrong as well. OK, you win - the bloke's a knob.

And the earning a fortune but going to the trouble of nicking food.   Bellend Pete. 

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29 minutes ago, Yoghurt on a Stick said:

Some people really can't control themselves. I wonder what drives them. Two of the people I mentioned before are both multi-millionaires, but they'd still both steal the eye out of your head.

by that point it becomes a pathological need for them to do it.  It goes past the requirement of food or money to get by, but the rush of getting away with it / sticking it to the man / power over people. 



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28 minutes ago, Yoghurt on a Stick said:

Some people really can't control themselves. I wonder what drives them. Two of the people I mentioned before are both multi-millionaires, but they'd still both steal the eye out of your head.

They'd probably score highly for psychopathy. The vast majority are either petty criminals or businessmen/women. Often the dividing line is non-existent.

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7 minutes ago, Kinkyinuit said:

by that point it becomes a pathological need for them to do it.  It goes past the requirement of food or money to get by, but the rush of getting away with it / sticking it to the man / power over people. 



One word - Madeley

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18 minutes ago, musky said:

They'd probably score highly for psychopathy. The vast majority are either petty criminals or businessmen/women. Often the dividing line is non-existent.

Yeah, they are very successful businessmen, who never miss an opportunity. I know what you are saying about psychopathy. I'd say that one falls right in to that bracket, but the other has empathy. I believe that the later had a poor childhood, so that might have some bearing. 

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22 minutes ago, Kinkyinuit said:

by that point it becomes a pathological need for them to do it.  It goes past the requirement of food or money to get by, but the rush of getting away with it / sticking it to the man / power over people. 



I'd say that you are bang on right with one of them. As I said about the other, he does possess empathy. I'd say a lot of the time he does it, it's for the devilment. 

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No flags 

3 cans for a fiver 

Stick Candles that burnt your arm off 

Loads of Crustys

 Thieving bastards

Drugs everywhere...  literally 

The rail track was a real dodgy place at night 

No balloons.... Thankfully 

Loads of fires around little tents.. 

People pissing and shitting any where and everywhere 

Portaloos full to over flowing 

People selling stuff off blankets on the paths 

Not having to get a ticket lol so not ticket day worries.. 

It was great 



Edited by guypjfreak
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10 hours ago, Pinhead said:

What sort of positions do Oxfam do at Boomtown? I also seem to remember hearing that they only cover certain districts as well?

Last year we did the whole of Downtown, so stages, gates to back stages, crossings, campsites, the steps and slope between Downtown and Uptown. Boomtown's item stewards covered Uptown. 

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