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Short survey


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For our university group project we have to create online profiles for a festival or event of our choice. We chose to represent festival no6 and this survey will help us understand what consumers are attracted to when looking at festivals online. 

Thank you for participating and any questions you have feel free to email eeo1@aber.ac.uk



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OK, your survey:

why 4 parts of Wales to be in and no regionalisation of England, Scotland or anywhere else.  Seems to demonstrate unconcious bias or is deliberatley designed to give a specific answer. Poor question.

periodicity: I go to about 8 - 10 festvals a year.  None of your periodicities match what I do. Poor question and unable to answer.

I don't use any of the options for social networking, unable to answer that question. Poor question.

Images - not quite sure what that question proves. None of the images seem to have any particular relevance, generalised poorly filtered shorts of Port Merrion and generalised bullshit teepee photos that could be of anywhere. Poor design of question, no indication of what the fuck you are looking for.

Pictures of Port Merrion Gallery - apart from the possible breach of copyright - consistent with what? Poor question. Hard to get back to the survey once you step out using Firefox.

" Would too little images available of the festival reduce your trust in paying festival prices?" too little? are we talking about size? Poor use of language and poor question. What has trust in prices got to do with anything.

All in all a poorly constructed survey, fairly typical of the continual spam at this time of year. Is that what you wanted?

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It's hard for Events Management students who have to do a bit of original research.  They're probably young and have probably not been to that many festivals.  Certainly they won't have the breadth of experience of some of the veterans on here.

So maybe we could offer them some suggestions as to areas where they might, usefully, do a bit of research.

First of all has to come publicity and marketing because without bums on seats or in the field a festival isn't going to succeed.  So they could explore how people find out about festivals and what are the deciding factors in the festivals they choose to attend.

If you have been to a particular festival and decide to return again what were the positive experiences that led to that decision?

Successful festival running is a bit like a swan.  It should appear all calm and serene on the surface, even if below the water the organisers are paddling like mad.  So maybe they could explore the key issues from an organiser's perspective that are critical to a festival's success and the biggest problems that have to be overcome.

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