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Glastonbury Related Dreams and Nightmares


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I had a knee operation a good few years ago and when I came round I was physically crying with a nurse stood over me asking me why I was upset - in my haze filled . half awake I said - I'm sad because I thought I was at Glastonbury and I'm not ' -🙃. I just remember being so disappointed that I was actually in hospital and not in a field. 

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I regularly have Glastonbury dreams, usually the familiar anxiety dream that it's Sunday, I've missed everything and I can't find my tent, but I also have a regular recurring dream where the festival is on in my home town for some reason and I only realise this on the day the festival kicks off so try and blag my way in (spoiler: I always succeed).

By the way, what happened to likes?  I wanted to upvote the post about pretending to be at Glastonbury to get to sleep.

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15 hours ago, squirrelarmy said:

I had a nightmare that I was stuck camping next to a loud blonde girl from Lancashire who wouldn’t let anyone sleep because “once you’ve slept you’ve fucked it”

I think the thing that pisses me off the most about you is you say stuff about me and dont make me aware of it, you just sit and wait for me to find it, like hours/days later. 


15 hours ago, squirrelarmy said:

“once you’ve slept you’ve fucked it”

this is the truest thing I've ever said tho 

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1 minute ago, Wellyboot said:

I think the thing that pisses me off the most about you is you say stuff about me and dont make me aware of it, you just sit and wait for me to find it, like hours/days later. 

Seeing how long it takes you to find the comments is part of the game 😝

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I had a weird dream last night.

I didn’t have a ticket but was at the main entrance and couldn’t get in. I walked the perimeter and and parts of the site were geographically accurate but some parts weren’t. It was like the 75% of the site had been picked up and placed on the coast. 
I found a Sandy river mouth at the lowest part of the site and was able to get in to the campsite, but then had to spend the festival making a barbed wire pen to keep chickens and penguins in, which were there as entertainment for tourists. Then the penguins started to multiply on command. 

What does it mean? Interpretations welcome. 

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Had another Glastonbury-related dream last night. In an attempt to get a ticket, I sat in the foyer of a small admin office in the days leading up to the festival, hoping for a ticket release. For some unrelated reason, the office was in Glasgow. Anyway, after days of waiting, someone from out of the queue that had formed brought my attention to a young family selling gold coloured balloons. On each of the balloons was the same hand-written message, apparently from one of the Eavis' saying they were sorry to hear that the young family were unable to make it to the festival this year but please take these balloons to pass on to those without a ticket. Basically, the premise was, carry the balloon in and gain entry. I was just about to pay for one, when I woke up. 

Terrible night's sleep. And I still don't have a ticket for 2022. Or a nice balloon. 

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