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I'm a design student at Loughborough University, currently doing a project which is looking at rapid drink cooling in a festival environment. So, if you’re interested in a solution to warm beers in a muddy field, then do please take a minute to take this quick survey! :)  it's anonymous and all data/research will help to find a solution!

SURVEY: https://s.surveyplanet.com/jD7d_28VB

Or if anyone has any advice or information as to current ways people might attempt to keep drinks cold, do let me know! Thanks :D

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Keeping drinks cool is simple.  Put your cans in a bowl of cold water and cover with a tea towel.  The water gets drawn into the tea towel, evaporates and causes cooling.  Worked perfectly well for me for years.

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  • 10 months later...

Definitely agree there is a gap somewhere in the market here, it might be good for sustainability too - fewer drinks would be wasted if they could be chilled easily while on site. I came at it from the other end though of whether it is remotely possible for an ice machine that keeps up with the demand of 50,000 campers. The organisers might actually like this idea as well, because it would be an opportunity to sell something (ice) at a grossly inflated price to a captive audience (though I suppose if they could do this and make a profit they would already be doing it). Reading Festival happened to occur during a heatwave this year, I think it was somewhere in the vicinity of 30'C for much of the weekend. Many bottles of drink appear to have been bought, half drunk, then the bottles left behind in the fields.

I had an idea about a sort of trough that contained some kind of chilling gel, that you could pay to stick your bottle into for a few minutes and ideally it would come out chilled and refreshing again - I think this might be in the realm of sci-fi fantasy though. You could probably do something with liquid nitrogen, but obviously that's a bit extreme and not exactly safe to have around hoardes of very drunk people!

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  • 5 months later...

The potential benefit of this technology is huge. A similar thing was demoed recently at CES.


If all drinks could be stored at room temperature and then cooled before opening you would not need any refrigeration. The power saving, not to mention the resources could be huge.

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