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2 hours ago, Stuielooie said:

Whats it like going to and from the festival from Acton tube? I'll probably leave a bit before the encore

Horror stories last year of people still queuing as the tube closed, leaving them stranded in Acton. I left during TI’s encore last year and had no issues getting home.

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2 hours ago, Stuielooie said:

Whats it like going to and from the festival from Acton tube? I'll probably leave a bit before the encore

Horror stories last year of people still queuing as the tube closed, leaving them stranded in Acton. I left during TI’s encore last year and had no issues getting home.

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2 hours ago, grayfitz said:

Horror stories last year of people still queuing as the tube closed, leaving them stranded in Acton. I left during TI’s encore last year and had no issues getting home.

any idea when the station closes, fest ends at 10pm i don't get how this can happen what awful planning

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2 hours ago, gfa said:

ny idea when the station closes, fest ends at 10pm i don't get how this can happen what awful planning

wasn't that bad I stayed for Tame Impalas whole set and got out fine and on a train fine. I just went via Gunnersbury station and got the district line from there.  

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2 hours ago, gfa said:

any idea when the station closes, fest ends at 10pm i don't get how this can happen what awful planning

Last Picadilly line train going eastbound is 23.52 - I think last year was very badly managed. Will see tonight and tomorrow how it is for Lovebox!

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First time seeing DMA's properly, was great I thought crowd was really up for it. Bastille was miles better than at iow, not sure why so many people were on stage but whatever the crowd had good energy. Friendly Fires was alright didn't go in because of bar queues, the queues were fast moving as there weren't too many people but the service was so slow, taking like 2-3 minutes per order which was rubbish. Catfish were good, I was expecting a bit more with the smaller festival setting to when I saw them the last few times but they did alright - probably not my favourite time seeing them but as with the rest of the acts the crowd was good. Didn't notice the people leaving early but their loss in my opinion. There were quite a few people getting annoyed in Bastille at the moshpits and stuff, was pretty entertaining to watch and in Catfish too - bastille i can understand but like for catfish what are you expecting ?

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I can’t listen to Catfish anymore as they’re too same-y, but I used to be a big fan and thought this gig was just as fun as the previous couple of times I’ve seen them. I think they very much fulfil their purpose for me - a wholesome, high energy, pissed-up sing along with mates, and the crowd were great as usual (I agree that there was a welcome lack of dark fruits lads compared to what was expected).

The extended rendition of Business was fucking dreary though.

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Not a fan of Catfish or Bastille but saw tickets going on a seat filler site so managed to pick a cheap one up for peanuts.

Saw Inhaler, Banfi, Squid, The Murder Capital, last 15 mins of Dream Wife, Matthew & the atlas, last 30 mins of DMAs, Fontaines DC, Friendly Fires & Jade Bird.

All acts were good, Jade Bird & Fontaines are particular stand-outs. Friendly Fires always good fun.

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Thought The Coronas, Murder Capital were good and Bear's Den actually had a very good crowd. Missed most of Bastille because of the cricket but had seen that at Glastonbury. Catfish were as straightforward as expected - slightly odd setlist which meant thousands streamed away during encore. Really heavy handed stewarding though  of flares. Goon squads running through the crowd much more likely to cause injury than the flares. Generally felt pretty well organised I thought this year but admittedly didn't have to get a tube afterwards.

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1 hour ago, WestwayVistas said:

Thought The Coronas, Murder Capital were good and Bear's Den actually had a very good crowd. Missed most of Bastille because of the cricket but had seen that at Glastonbury. Catfish were as straightforward as expected - slightly odd setlist which meant thousands streamed away during encore. Really heavy handed stewarding though  of flares. Goon squads running through the crowd much more likely to cause injury than the flares. Generally felt pretty well organised I thought this year but admittedly didn't have to get a tube afterwards.

There wasn't an encore? There was a short break due to someone having a fit near the front and having to be pulled over the barrier about halfway through but no encore. They really were going for it regarding the flares/smokes, especially during DMA's but I think they'd given up for catfish - had never seen anything like that before.

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