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Gate Opening Times

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This year will be our 'debut' at KC. Our lot did V Festival at Stafford for 10 years before they called it a day. Their gates 'officially' opened at 9am on the Friday (V was Sat/Sun acts unlike Fri/Sat/Sun acts at KC) but they actually opened them 'unofficially' at 10pm on the Thursday as people were turning up at this time to get decent car parking specs and obviously the best camping specs. By all accounts after a few years of people turning up the night before and completely jamming up the surrounding country lanes, they were directing by local police to open up the gates at 10pm but not to advertise the fact. 

It was great for us as we've virtually always been in the campervan field so we used to get the best spec and be pitched up, music on and beer in hand 10+ hours ahead of the official opening times and subsequently got an extra night at the festival.

So as you've probably gathered, my question is to the people who use the campervan field, what's the actual time that they open the gates for that field and what time do you usually get there for in order to get yourselves a decent spec?

Also, if you're in that field this year, look out for the 'PAT BUTCHER FAN CLUB' flag flying high, and feel free to pop over for a cheeky shot or two. We're a friendly bunch, we don't bite!

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