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Ear plugs for sleeping?


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OK, it's a first world problem, but can anyone recommend ear plugs which will block loud snoring?

I'm sharing space with my cousin who snores like a tractor and what little sleep I get over the festival is reduced further.

I've read reviews of those that reduce noise to allow you to hear music, but I'm after some that block more /all noise and the type you get at the festival, or the gel type don't work like that.

Thanks for any reviews and recommendations.

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If you just want to reduce sound levels, then you need to find earplugs that (1) have the highest single number rating (SNR) and (2) fit your ear canals perfectly.  You will find (1) written on the packet but for (2) you either have to try out loads of disposables or get some custom ones made.  You'll probably have friends that can get disposable earplugs from work, or alternatively try big chemists or industrial safety shops.  Try out as many of those as you can to find something that fits perfectly - for me, it's the bog-standard yellow foam cylindrical things.  Some people swear by getting them custom made, but I don't bother because the standard yellow ones fit fine.

You could also try doubling-up.  I.e. wear a pair of ear-defenders over the top of your earplugs.  You'd have to experiment and see if you can sleep like that - you probably won't, but your best chance would be to have two good pillows and some very slimline ear defenders like these.

That said, you'll still be able to hear someone snoring loudly next to you no matter how good your earplugs and ear defenders because the sound can just pass through your skull.  Personally, if someone's a known snorer, I'll just camp away from them.

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  On 3/23/2019 at 11:56 AM, carlosj said:

OK, it's a first world problem, but can anyone recommend ear plugs which will block loud snoring?

I'm sharing space with my cousin who snores like a tractor and what little sleep I get over the festival is reduced further.

I've read reviews of those that reduce noise to allow you to hear music, but I'm after some that block more /all noise and the type you get at the festival, or the gel type don't work like that.

Thanks for any reviews and recommendations.


You cannot beat these, they’re amazing, block out practically all noise. I use them at all festivals and camping in general to drown out the dawn chorus. 

They’re wax and are really malleable at body temp so you can push em in and then form a really good seal. 

Game changer ?


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This is something I've genuinely spent a worrying amount of time researching over the years.

The short version -

Howard Leight Max if you've got large earholes. Moldex Spark Plugs if you're small. Try out both of them if you're medium. Personally I use Max.

The long version -


Sorted by the attenuation at 63. The Uvex ones I didn't recommend because I found them horribly uncomfortable. Take away the Uvex products and anything in the top 5 should be broadly the same in real world usage so it's just a matter of finding what's most comfortable for you.

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  On 3/23/2019 at 9:12 PM, incident said:

so it's just a matter of finding what's most comfortable for you.


This is the key thing.  Ear canals come in all shapes and sizes so a recommendation won't mean much unless you're roughly the same as that person.  For example, I was strongly recommended those mouldable wax ones, but I just can't get the things to work - they barely go in, hang on weakly for a few moments and then drop out.  I presume I've got a narrowing in my ear canal so I need to use foam ear plugs which you squeeze flat with your fingers, quickly shove in and wait for them to expand.

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  On 3/23/2019 at 9:33 PM, Mark E. Spliff said:

I presume I've got a narrowing in my ear canal so I need to use foam ear plugs which you squeeze flat with your fingers, quickly shove in and wait for them to expand.


Should've mentioned, all of the ones on that list are disposable foam ones, anything else seems like too much of a faff for my taste.

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