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Primavera Sound 2020


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Hello again. For those of you are saying this petition is stupid, then clearly you have money to burn and a refund is not important to you. Fine. For what it's worth, I live in Barcelona and I can tell you now, this festival will not go ahead in August. Even primavera know this. So, insurance. The insurance. I'm a music booking agent so I have some knowledge of how these things work. The insurance company does not hold the money, primavera do, or dice, or Ticketmaster or whoever. If a festival or an event is changed, regardless of reason and it is therefore impossible for those with tickets to attend, a full refund must be given. Imagine you flying somewhere on holiday in July and the flight company say, sorry, flight cancelled bit we've put you on a flight in September, would you be happy with that? No of course not. I'll tell you the reason they are not offering refunds and that is because they are using that money to pay the none refundable advances that they give to bigger bands, who often get 50%, sometimes even more, in advance of them playing and most of the time, they don't have to give it back if the festival is cancelled or postponed. That is the REAL reason. So fine, if you don't want to sign the petition, don't but please have an understanding of what is really going on. As for not many people will sign. Again, that may be the case but I know quite a lot of bands and other agents, who I haven't contacted yet who would easily share this around for me. But that's not the point. I like primavera and if I could attend the new dates, I would but I can't as I'm due to be away on those new dates..please also bear in mind that Heineken, SEAT and other massive companies sponsor this festival and money is not in short supply. All I'm asking primavera to do is assure those who cannot attend, that they will get a refund. Doesn't have to be refunded now, just an assurance that it will be. That's the issue here, their wording is being very selective. The way they are behaving is like, oh keep your ticket for next year, as if the name primavera is enough for them to assume people go regardless of the line up. Well I don't, I go only when there's enough bands I like playing and I think it's value. They are acting disgracefully and their reputation is now in tatters because of the way they have handled this. Thank you.




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14 minutes ago, LonesomeDrifter said:

Hello again. For those of you are saying this petition is stupid, then clearly you have money to burn and a refund is not important to you. Fine. For what it's worth, I live in Barcelona and I can tell you now, this festival will not go ahead in August. Even primavera know this. So, insurance. The insurance. I'm a music booking agent so I have some knowledge of how these things work. The insurance company does not hold the money, primavera do, or dice, or Ticketmaster or whoever. If a festival or an event is changed, regardless of reason and it is therefore impossible for those with tickets to attend, a full refund must be given. Imagine you flying somewhere on holiday in July and the flight company say, sorry, flight cancelled bit we've put you on a flight in September, would you be happy with that? No of course not. I'll tell you the reason they are not offering refunds and that is because they are using that money to pay the none refundable advances that they give to bigger bands, who often get 50%, sometimes even more, in advance of them playing and most of the time, they don't have to give it back if the festival is cancelled or postponed. That is the REAL reason. So fine, if you don't want to sign the petition, don't but please have an understanding of what is really going on. As for not many people will sign. Again, that may be the case but I know quite a lot of bands and other agents, who I haven't contacted yet who would easily share this around for me. But that's not the point. I like primavera and if I could attend the new dates, I would but I can't as I'm due to be away on those new dates..please also bear in mind that Heineken, SEAT and other massive companies sponsor this festival and money is not in short supply. All I'm asking primavera to do is assure those who cannot attend, that they will get a refund. Doesn't have to be refunded now, just an assurance that it will be. That's the issue here, their wording is being very selective. The way they are behaving is like, oh keep your ticket for next year, as if the name primavera is enough for them to assume people go regardless of the line up. Well I don't, I go only when there's enough bands I like playing and I think it's value. They are acting disgracefully and their reputation is now in tatters because of the way they have handled this. Thank you.




You're 100% right.

Me and my wife was going to go from Russia and we alredy bought 2 full festivals. We both also took holidays on june to see The National and Tyler. 

2 weeks passed since they posponded it. Silence is killing me. 

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1 hour ago, LonesomeDrifter said:

Hello again. For those of you are saying this petition is stupid, then clearly you have money to burn and a refund is not important to you. Fine. For what it's worth, I live in Barcelona and I can tell you now, this festival will not go ahead in August. Even primavera know this. So, insurance. The insurance. I'm a music booking agent so I have some knowledge of how these things work. The insurance company does not hold the money, primavera do, or dice, or Ticketmaster or whoever. If a festival or an event is changed, regardless of reason and it is therefore impossible for those with tickets to attend, a full refund must be given. Imagine you flying somewhere on holiday in July and the flight company say, sorry, flight cancelled bit we've put you on a flight in September, would you be happy with that? No of course not. I'll tell you the reason they are not offering refunds and that is because they are using that money to pay the none refundable advances that they give to bigger bands, who often get 50%, sometimes even more, in advance of them playing and most of the time, they don't have to give it back if the festival is cancelled or postponed. That is the REAL reason. So fine, if you don't want to sign the petition, don't but please have an understanding of what is really going on. As for not many people will sign. Again, that may be the case but I know quite a lot of bands and other agents, who I haven't contacted yet who would easily share this around for me. But that's not the point. I like primavera and if I could attend the new dates, I would but I can't as I'm due to be away on those new dates..please also bear in mind that Heineken, SEAT and other massive companies sponsor this festival and money is not in short supply. All I'm asking primavera to do is assure those who cannot attend, that they will get a refund. Doesn't have to be refunded now, just an assurance that it will be. That's the issue here, their wording is being very selective. The way they are behaving is like, oh keep your ticket for next year, as if the name primavera is enough for them to assume people go regardless of the line up. Well I don't, I go only when there's enough bands I like playing and I think it's value. They are acting disgracefully and their reputation is now in tatters because of the way they have handled this. Thank you.




No. No one is saying refunds aren’t important and I fully respect that people should be refunded. I also have every sympathy for people who are now losing income and need the money back.

However your petition fails to acknowledge that they are dealing with a massive, off the scale crisis THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN. Try and have a little understanding (especially given you work in the industry) of how much complexity they are having to deal with. They are dealing with one, now almost certainly two postponements on something the whole team have been literally working on all year. Plus their vision for LA is cancelled, all because of a global pandemic.

You are not giving them the breathing space to sort this out and work out their position. They may shortly announce the cancellation of August in the light of new information. And they’ve said they will declare their position after the state of emergency is lifted next week and you are wilfully ignoring that. Can you really not wait until then and judge at the point they announce? 

This behaviour seems very petty, having fits on Twitter every day and multiple times a day. 

And you say the bands don't have to give back the advance if the festival is cancelled or postponed. Well if that is the case then you should surely have some sympathy for them as they have paid for something they haven’t received, no (isn’t that *exactly* what you are claiming?). Plus I suspect they are waiting to try and claim on their insurance for this which they can only do if the government unilaterally cancels festivals.

Other untruths:

- their reputation is not in tatters

- that you know money won’t be in short supply for them 

- that by living in Barcelona it gives you some ‘privileged’ view as to whether the festival will go ahead

Sorry for the harsh words but I think your attack is really unhelpful in the midst of a crisis for the festival market. Maybe a small number of the top people at the festival have been raking in a lot of money (although even they too now stand to lose a lot) but this situation is hugely damaging just not now but in the long term for a much wider pool of people than just you and your 'boycott the whole festival because they haven't communicated yet' refund.


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1 hour ago, LonesomeDrifter said:

gain, that may be the case but I know quite a lot of bands and other agents, who I haven't contacted yet who would easily share this around for me

Well, this is the most short sighted I have read for a while. If the festival do not have the money, because 50% of the band fees are already payed, then what the festival need is an artist EMBRACEMENT and not an artist BOYCOTT. In this way they would be able to launch a bunch of good names for the 2021 festival at the same time as they launch the other ´alternatives´. Because, in doing so they would increase the share of people wanting to transfer the ticket to next year, and they would even sell some early bird tickets as well. And in doing so they will have enough money to provide you back the refund.

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@Puckno, yes a voice of reason. Let's try not to kill the festival which for 20 years been a source of great happiness to many attendees and more importantly contributed to the creation of a rich musical scene, sustaining many livelihoods.

A crazy overreaction, like screaming your head off at the judge who was going to let you off just before the verdict is given.  

The boycott the festival campaign which has already been shared on twitter with the poster's 'bands and agents' has produced 8 signatures against its target of 1000.

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1. No. Living in Barcelona doesn't give me any privileged position, my point was that I haven't paid for flights etc so although I want a refund, there are many people who have paid for flights etc who have paid a lot more than me, who also want refunds. 

2. Insurance does not mean, hey insurance people, now that my festival is insured does this mean we can keep customers money if we postpone or cancel? Insurance is there to protect AGAINST this, not to condone it.

3. L.A, Porto. I don't care. I also don't care about the 2021 line up, as I will never be going ever again. This is not difficult to grasp folks. People paid for tickets. They now can't attend and they want their money back. It really is that simple and primavera are refusing to do so. They announced the new dates on the 28th March! Just short of three weeks ago! I'm sorry, in that time 1000's of people have asked them about refund and they just copy/paste some bullshit answer about alternatives. Not. Good. Enough. 

4. If they are announcing new dates, then that means the have money to do so, which in turn means they have money to refund those who cannot attend. Imagine you lent someone £500 and you asked them for it back but they said they didn't have any money right now, but then you find out they'd just gone on holiday for two weeks or bought a new car or whatever, you'd be asking questions, right?  Well that's all I'm doing, they are planning new dates, which costs money yet they don't seem to have the money to refund? Errrrr, hang on...

People can defend primavera all they like, clearly some blind faith in them for whatever reason but I don't and reading between the lines of their ONE reply, it suggests to me they are trying to get out of refunding and my petition is to highlight that, as much as anything else.

Thank you.

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3 hours ago, LonesomeDrifter said:

Hello again. For those of you are saying this petition is stupid, then clearly you have money to burn and a refund is not important to you. Fine. For what it's worth, I live in Barcelona and I can tell you now, this festival will not go ahead in August. Even primavera know this. So, insurance. The insurance. I'm a music booking agent so I have some knowledge of how these things work. The insurance company does not hold the money, primavera do, or dice, or Ticketmaster or whoever. If a festival or an event is changed, regardless of reason and it is therefore impossible for those with tickets to attend, a full refund must be given. Imagine you flying somewhere on holiday in July and the flight company say, sorry, flight cancelled bit we've put you on a flight in September, would you be happy with that? No of course not. I'll tell you the reason they are not offering refunds and that is because they are using that money to pay the none refundable advances that they give to bigger bands, who often get 50%, sometimes even more, in advance of them playing and most of the time, they don't have to give it back if the festival is cancelled or postponed. That is the REAL reason. So fine, if you don't want to sign the petition, don't but please have an understanding of what is really going on. As for not many people will sign. Again, that may be the case but I know quite a lot of bands and other agents, who I haven't contacted yet who would easily share this around for me. But that's not the point. I like primavera and if I could attend the new dates, I would but I can't as I'm due to be away on those new dates..please also bear in mind that Heineken, SEAT and other massive companies sponsor this festival and money is not in short supply. All I'm asking primavera to do is assure those who cannot attend, that they will get a refund. Doesn't have to be refunded now, just an assurance that it will be. That's the issue here, their wording is being very selective. The way they are behaving is like, oh keep your ticket for next year, as if the name primavera is enough for them to assume people go regardless of the line up. Well I don't, I go only when there's enough bands I like playing and I think it's value. They are acting disgracefully and their reputation is now in tatters because of the way they have handled this. Thank you.




Would many artists do a runner with the advance when an event is postponed or cancelled? 

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If they came back saying we are pushing it back to 2021 (ala Pohoda) and here are some of the acts from 2020 that are joining us in 2021 + an act like Nine Inch Nails and/or Portishead i'd wait it out and not ask for a refund. 

I know whatever Festival I choose next year I want it to be the best one possible. 

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maybe a dumb question and of course we can’t know for sure, but if/when they push back to 2021, do you think they’ll give us some names, or is that preposterous?

Just to make the decision of whether we want a refund or not easier? Like, if they say “pavement will be there” for example, I’m so in. 

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1 minute ago, Ohjesus said:

maybe a dumb question and of course we can’t know for sure, but if/when they push back to 2021, do you think they’ll give us some names, or is that preposterous?

Just to make the decision of whether we want a refund or not easier? Like, if they say “pavement will be there” for example, I’m so in. 

Yeah, they could not be motivated to have people roll over their ticket.  So why not put forward a Nine Inch Nails and Portishead to go with Pavement to sweeten the deal. Think someone had already suggested this.

I suspect with all the hugely negative commentary emerging from Spanish politicians this week, they have now resigned themselves to August almost certainly not going ahead. So are likely to be focusing their energy on how to present news of second postponement and making that a success.

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4 minutes ago, Ohjesus said:

maybe a dumb question and of course we can’t know for sure, but if/when they push back to 2021, do you think they’ll give us some names, or is that preposterous?

Just to make the decision of whether we want a refund or not easier? Like, if they say “pavement will be there” for example, I’m so in. 

Nothing is a guarantee, there's a global pandemic going on and no-one knows when things will be back to normal or if normal will ever exist again.

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4 minutes ago, duckula said:

Nothing is a guarantee, there's a global pandemic going on and no-one knows when things will be back to normal or if normal will ever exist again.

Well of course, but PS have to at least appear to have a plan and present it in some way, however irrelevant to the wider world it is. 

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2 minutes ago, JedTheHumanoid said:

is there any base for the Portishead mentions here or is it just the usual 'Daft Punk are headlining' kind of wishes?

we're on a fragile situation here, don't play with our hearts

I'm sure Gabi mentioned them for 2021 in a PS radio session late last year 

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4 hours ago, daveje said:

You can check out his twitter feed. He’s suffering from social isolation, which is what you would expect. 

My Twitter page is me taking the piss, glad to see irony is not lost on you. Of course I'm in isolation, like most of Spain is. Primavera will NOT go ahead in August, I can assure you.


Have a good day.

Edited by LonesomeDrifter
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9 minutes ago, LonesomeDrifter said:

My Twitter page is me taking the piss, glad to see irony is not lost on you. Of course I'm in isolation, like most of Spain is. Primavera will NOT go ahead in August, I can assure you.


Have a good day.

I don’t think they were taking about you - there’s a guy in Bristol who goes to a gig every night, we were all just a little worried about him. 

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32 minutes ago, xxialac said:

Does anyone who is in Spain have a sense as to when the government are planning to re-open restaurants and cafes?

Tourism is a massive contributor to the economy. I worry for Spain and all the people who work in hospitality...

I'm in  Barcelona and while they have lifted some of the lockdown, it's only for those working in construction and Engineering. While the numbers of deaths and infections decrease, they are following the advice of the W.H.O and Spanish health experts. Barcelona politicians are FIRMLY against even these first relaxed measures and are urging the Spanish PM to not relax any more rules. The general consensus is that Spain, especially the major cities will not be allowed to have gatherings over people over a certain amount.


El Pais or Catalan News

These will keep you updated.


Thanks, have a good day.

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