I was hoping some one with kids would answer your question. I don't have children and so do not feel best placed to offer much of an opinion. However, there always seems to be families wondering around with hand crafted bits, hats, willow wand art and the like. I know they run classes ,crafts, story tellers, entertainers for children but cant commenton quality.
They also do a parade one day with the kids dressed up and showing off a big build such as a Dragon, Monster, Giant etc what ever that years project is.
I have no idea if the kids stuff is good or not but always watch the parade and it always looks like the little ones are having fun.
Burn out can hit people in different ways.
He might just need a few months off to rest up, it could be more mental burnout and he needs some proper down time.
I actually think the album getting a very like warm reception could have hit him. No way of knowing obvs, just a guess!