It you look at the stage set up for Newcastle gigs, the stage is in the corners. Large scale production like take that, Taylor etc couldn't go into St James .
It's why Sunderland tried to take advantage of it
Nobody knows obviously, it is all speculation. I'd say though that bands which reform usually do so as they are not doing anything else. Radiohead are in the opposite situation.
Short term (meaning probably at least the next 18 months ) you've got Jonny's recovery most likely followed by a backlog of The Smile gigs to catch up on.
Creatively, The Smile now appears to be the outlet for both Jonny & Thom.
The other band members are engaged in their own work or committed to touring with others.
A commitment to Radiohead is probably a 3 year endeavour, I don't see where the drive comes from to make that happen.
Anyway not to derail things, more a offhand comment that it is not the inevitability some people think it is.