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Corona Virus - Should we be worried?


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36 minutes ago, Spindles said:

Nah, the real hotbed for the disease has been the supermarkets this weekend.  The workplaces and schools next week.  It's been in the community for a little while and mostly it's just mild, so not that many cases have escalated to confirmed testing.  Don't worry overmuch.  The likelihood is that most of us will catch it over the next few weeks and the entire focus of the health service provision is going to be on how best to deal with those cases that need treatment, which the vast majority will not.


I've got a lung condition, had half a lung removed and am approaching 50.  I am not living in fear, not panic buying bog roll, not stocking up on food and ibuprofen, just going to the shops for the same things, with the same frequency and doing all the things I'd normally do, which is what we all need to do.  Some of the insane paranoia exhibited in this thread is baffling.  This is not the end of the world, this is just a challenging time.  As with all challenging times we'll come through it stronger, like our calves at the end of a good festival, which complained at the start but are like steel by the journey home.



I’m completely fucked at the moment but even in this state please take some notice of the above the absolute only cause of any issues is people going well I’m just gabbing a 16 pack instead of a 4 .... ffs get what u need .... for how often u shop .... 1 roll should last 1 person at least a week ... going by my Glastonbury measure of neededness 

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So after getting up to let one of the dogs out for a pee, I've had a look in my larder to see what would be better than dried pasta 


Rice running low so will top up later , plenty of tinned toms, plenty of dried yeast  and flour  so looking OK so far.

I refuse to panic buy loo rolls and have a supply of fresh eggs daily so should be OK for 14 days if the worst was to happen 


I also have 90 percent alcohol which I use for painting...might put it on eBay to see if I can swell my spends for GF , although if I have to stay in for 14 days  I'll need something to do so possibly not 


All joking aside  though I see our county has new cases confirmed so a bit closer to home . Reading some more news earlier and it may peak around Easter  and hopefully we don't go down like Italy 


Stay safe everyone 

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5 hours ago, FestivalJamie said:

1. Both the US and the UK are screwed- the UK is not prepared for this, the “contain” phase did nothing, and the “delay” phase won’t do anything either. The NHS have shown they are useless as the 2 deaths were both only diagnosed a matter of hours before they died... if they had been tested earlier on then perhaps they could have been helped and their lives could have been saved. The government and health officials have no clue what they are doing here and that leaves me really worried- many countries like Slovakia are screening all travellers before they come in to check for symptoms, and yet we are doing absolutely nothing.

Sorry but this is all sorts of wrong.

The containment phase did nothing because it was always doomed to fail once transmission had spread to so many countries. There was no keeping the virus out of the UK.

The delay phase should do just that to an extent - though to what degree this is successful is an unknown.

Identifying these cases as Covid-19 positive earlier would not have changed their treatment. Treatment is largely supportive care, responding to changes in clinical condition just like any virus eg influenza. It may have meant they were placed in isolation earlier, but this would more be to the benefit of other patients.

Screening all travellers is not a panacea. Firstly you will still miss plenty of cases - plenty will not present with symptoms. Some will still be in an incubation period so won't show them. Others won't report if they have a cough or sore throat as they won't want to be isolated.

Those who you do end up testing need to isolate themselves until results are back - this means they won't be able to go to work, maybe see family etc etc, it would have a huge effect on logsitics, economy etc etc. Who funds the sick days? For countries with relatively few arriving travellers like Slovakia it may make sense, but these containment measures will have not as big an effect here as the volume of people arriving in UK daily is so vast.

The health officials in the UK do know what they're doing - I don't exactly have confidence in our government but they do seem to be leaving it to the experts for now.

Of course, the US is an entirely different matter...Trump doesn't seem to be happy to leave it to the experts there.

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Leaving it to the scientists is the only hope we have or else we'd be stumbling in the dark.


Just to edit..our problem with the festival is America and what happens there can affect the festival here 



Edited by babyblade41
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Been thinking about the current Coronavirus and why it seems so big. I think a large part of it is social media, everyone talking about it and having their own (and in most cases with no basis or facts) opinion on it. Before social media we would hear about it once or maybe twice a day on the news and there wouldn’t be as much of a panic. 
Journalists like piers Morgan constantly mentioning it because it’s current doesn’t help and has lead to this panic buying which has snowballed.

Death rates of other epidemics have been much higher in the last 20 years but never seemed as bad or big as this one because guess what? Social media was much less prominent. Don’t get me wrong I think it is bad but made so much worse by people being fed constant headlines and reports.
I feel my point is backed up by the fact there are over 140 pages of discussion on it on here in less than 2 months, some people massively overreacting and probably just because of some scaremongering tweet they have read.  

Just sit back, stay clean, don’t lick any hand rails at airports and we will be fine

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7 hours ago, WS_Jack_III said:

Been wondering about this, not read the rest of the thread. But it does seem like glasto would be a hotbed for the disease.

The Chief Medical Officer indicated outdoor events were low risk, so it would general things like Pubs etc were worse. Although lack of hot water is the issue. 

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25 minutes ago, Hugh Jass said:

On the plus side, the sun is shining today.

Speak for yourself, cats & dogs down here...

'Come to sunny Devon, where it rains 8 days out of 7' is what comes to mind 🤣

Enjoy the 🌅 there HJ

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8 minutes ago, oneeye said:

Speak for yourself, cats & dogs down here...

'Come to sunny Devon, where it rains 8 days out of 7' is what comes to mind 🤣

Enjoy the 🌅 there HJ

Feel your pain brother, Torbay definitely not living up to its Riviera status 🙄 Thank god I dont have a career that's heavenly dependable on the weather... oh wait 🤦‍♂️

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3 minutes ago, Hugh Jass said:

Feels like a bit of an overreaction in Italy.

I don't think so. It was getting a point where the outbreak was threatening to get out of control. It seems sensible to me.

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