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When will this shit end?


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2 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

I think we would of taken such a take up back in December though when there was real fears younger people wouldn't get it ?

Yup. Looks like it will settled at around 70% of the total population including kids. So around 87% of adults or so? (Which is very good IMO)

So the JVCI will have to look at the issue of kids being jabbed IMO for heard immunity.

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24 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

Its isn't balanced to take the most cautious of approaches at all time. ย Feel free to highlight where you don't ?ย 

The most cautious approach is not going into the shop in the first place. Not wearing a mask in the shop.

The issue with the balance of risk thing you keep talking about is people absolutely are applying that. It's why they're not asking for us to go back into lockdown or have the shops shut down. The problem for you is that when we're talking about balance of risk we also have to look at the "cost" of any risk mitigation.ย 

You really hate wearing masks, you find them really uncomfortable and stifling. I get that. I sympathise, I really do. But you need to understand, the majority of us don't. Most of us can wear a mask while shopping and barely even realise we've got it on. It comes at almost no expense to us. So our calculation is very different to yours. We're not willing to give up stuff we actually want to do, but wearing a mask comes at close to zero cost to us, so even if the reward is only a bit more than nothing, it's worth doing.ย 

You're not wrong either - your viewpoint should not be ignored just because you're in the minority in really disliking masks. But the rest of us aren't wrong either. We're not calculating the risk wrong, we're just putting different numbers into the equation.

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1 minute ago, DeanoL said:

The most cautious approach is not going into the shop in the first place. Not wearing a mask in the shop.

The issue with the balance of risk thing you keep talking about is people absolutely are applying that. It's why they're not asking for us to go back into lockdown or have the shops shut down. The problem for you is that when we're talking about balance of risk we also have to look at the "cost" of any risk mitigation.ย 

You really hate wearing masks, you find them really uncomfortable and stifling. I get that. I sympathise, I really do. But you need to understand, the majority of us don't. Most of us can wear a mask while shopping and barely even realise we've got it on. It comes at almost no expense to us. So our calculation is very different to yours. We're not willing to give up stuff we actually want to do, but wearing a mask comes at close to zero cost to us, so even if the reward is only a bit more than nothing, it's worth doing.ย 

You're not wrong either - your viewpoint should not be ignored just because you're in the minority in really disliking masks. But the rest of us aren't wrong either. We're not calculating the risk wrong, we're just putting different numbers into the equation.

Yeah thats a good point. If we get rid of everything except for Masks in some situation, id live with that

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One thing I did realise is that I hate seeing people in masks more so than I hate wearing them myself.


The actual feeling of having a bit of cloth on my face is no issue to me. But seeing people walking around Tesco as if itโ€™s a nuclear fallout site does make meย feel a bit shit and dehumanised.ย 

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8 minutes ago, DeanoL said:

The most cautious approach is not going into the shop in the first place. Not wearing a mask in the shop.

The issue with the balance of risk thing you keep talking about is people absolutely are applying that. It's why they're not asking for us to go back into lockdown or have the shops shut down. The problem for you is that when we're talking about balance of risk we also have to look at the "cost" of any risk mitigation.ย 

You really hate wearing masks, you find them really uncomfortable and stifling. I get that. I sympathise, I really do. But you need to understand, the majority of us don't. Most of us can wear a mask while shopping and barely even realise we've got it on. It comes at almost no expense to us. So our calculation is very different to yours. We're not willing to give up stuff we actually want to do, but wearing a mask comes at close to zero cost to us, so even if the reward is only a bit more than nothing, it's worth doing.ย 

You're not wrong either - your viewpoint should not be ignored just because you're in the minority in really disliking masks. But the rest of us aren't wrong either. We're not calculating the risk wrong, we're just putting different numbers into the equation.

Definitely don't like wearing masks either.

Edited by steviewevie
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34 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

So France is bringing in the covid passport for getting into restaurants / theme parks etc etc for 12 and over. ย Test 24 hours before or vaccine.

If the UK doesn't jab the kids then they face constant testing to get in anywhere while abroad (France won't be the only place). ย 

Weโ€™re planning on Disneyland Paris for New Years. ย Under the current rules my 13 year old daughter will need to test the day before and day 2 of our 4 day trip. ย Overkill IMO

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Just now, Barry Fish said:

She will...

  • Test before you travel to France
  • Test while in France to gain access to restaurants and Theme Parks etc
  • Test before flying back to the UK (maybe you can combine this with the France venue requirement ? )
  • Test on 2 Day of arriving back in the UK (presuming you are doubled jabbed)

There is a testing centre in Disneyland Paris Village by the way which might be helpful for you.

It's so expensive and inconvenient and frankly pointless. ย The concept we can stop a variant travelling between here and the contestant is for the birds.

Yeah itโ€™s very annoying. ย Hoping something changes by New Years but if notโ€ฆ. Weโ€™ll not be going. ย Imagine checking mid trip and sheโ€™s positive!! ย 

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25 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

I don't actually think I am right and he is wrong. ย But I think people could be a bit more honest with their thoughts - both short term and long term.

I agree - I think part of it is that you need to admit that a lot of your opposition to masks comes from how much you dislike wearing them. And I think others need to realise that just because they find them comfortable doesn't mean everyone else does.

It's not just about a difference of opinion - it's literally a difference in how our bodies are reacting to wearing a mask - and it doesn't matter if your a good or evil person or whatever, we can't change that.ย 

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It really looks like we are seeing the impacts of the quarters and semis of the Euros. I shudder to think what itโ€™ll be like when the final starts filtering through on top of step 4 on Monday.ย 

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3 minutes ago, zahidf said:

The Spectator is claiming that Freedom Day is now empty of meaning, and the government wants all restrictions to stay, they just can't say it openly, because politics. Sounds about right!ย 

Do you mean this?


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5 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

Isle of Man no longer imposing quarinteen for close contacts - testing instead with LFT for 7 days.

Why on earth are we not doing this ย ?

Because it was another one of those test pilot schemes our government did - and did not bother to look at ant results of conclusions from.

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2 minutes ago, zahidf said:

The Spectator is claiming that Freedom Day is now empty of meaning, and the government wants all restrictions to stay, they just can't say it openly, because politics. Sounds about right!ย 

Poor Fraser and co...their libertarian trooper has let them down.

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