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42 minutes ago, funkychick2007 said:

Morning Everyone!! 
Anyone else feeling like they are stood watching the world from the outside and not really feeling part of anything!!! 
maybe it’s because it’s a Monday or maybe it’s because I haven’t had my yearly week on the farm in the summer!!! 🤔
How is everyone else feeling? 

I feel like that too, I don't think Mondays help!! But it's a lot to do with everything being cancelled / missing out on things. I think its hard to deal with the fact that basically a year of our lives have been cancelled!! Hopefully as the week goes on it will pick up, I think the weather is suppose to get better, so that should help a bit x

17 minutes ago, eFestivals said:

I have a visit to someone in hospital booked for later today. Not looking forwards to that for all kinds of different reasons. :( 

I really hope the person you're visiting is ok, and it can be scary going to a hospital right now. But, the staff there will be being very careful and will make sure its safe for you to go. Hope everything is ok

1 minute ago, crazyfool1 said:

Feeling pretty low today ... I’ll post later 

I'm sorry you're down today, if you wanna talk about it later we're all here for you

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Ok ... so a bit of an explanation to my earlier post .... I’m really struggling at work at the moment ... the release after lockdown and being back at work and just feeling that people don’t care about me or any of the vulnerable being back very soon ... I’m very vocal on the fact that all my colleagues should be wearing facemasks or shields to protect each others at least a small amount .. and have told some of them that not wearing them is like sticking 2 fingers up to me and saying fuck u ... I can either give up and just fume to myself and worry ... or Keep speaking up ... I e absolutely no idea what’s right ... somehow I managed to upset a colleague today and she was wearing a shield so I’ve absolutely no idea what that was about either ... :( yeah so a rough one and I think I’m breaking a tad at the moment 

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8 minutes ago, crazyfool1 said:

Ok ... so a bit of an explanation to my earlier post .... I’m really struggling at work at the moment ... the release after lockdown and being back at work and just feeling that people don’t care about me or any of the vulnerable being back very soon ... I’m very vocal on the fact that all my colleagues should be wearing facemasks or shields to protect each others at least a small amount .. and have told some of them that not wearing them is like sticking 2 fingers up to me and saying fuck u ... I can either give up and just fume to myself and worry ... or Keep speaking up ... I e absolutely no idea what’s right ... somehow I managed to upset a colleague today and she was wearing a shield so I’ve absolutely no idea what that was about either ... :( yeah so a rough one and I think I’m breaking a tad at the moment 

I think speaking up is the right thing to do, if you aren't getting it across to your colleagues can you maybe speak to a manager? 

It's really difficult right now for everyone but especially for people who have just been thrown back out into the world after being isolated for all that time. I'm so sorry you've had a rotten day. If you weren't 200 (??) miles away I'd give you a right big hug (but we probably aren't allowed to do that cos social distancing) so sending you the biggest virtual hug!!!!!

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Crazyfool1 sending you a big virtual hug!!! After years of not speaking out about things speaking out is the best thing! People’s responses are usually about their own thoughts and not necessarily about you! Think everyone is feeling broken today!! 
Ps sending the rain clouds back down the M5!!! The sun will be back by the end of the week!!! Every one will fuck off back to the beach then!!! 

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2 minutes ago, Wellyboot said:

I think speaking up is the right thing to do, if you aren't getting it across to your colleagues can you maybe speak to a manager? 

It's really difficult right now for everyone but especially for people who have just been thrown back out into the world after being isolated for all that time. I'm so sorry you've had a rotten day. If you weren't 200 (??) miles away I'd give you a right big hug (but we probably aren't allowed to do that cos social distancing) so sending you the biggest virtual hug!!!!!

the store manager is trying his best to get people to wear them but actually half the problem is that at the height of the pandemic colleagues thought they were not supported in terms of safety by him .... so in effect are just saying im not going to listen to you  now which is very short sighted because he is not the reason that they should be wearing them ... its for other people .... a few were saying that they had covid during the pandemic because of working there ... ive no doubt that they did but the chances of them catching it from another colleague rather than a customer are probably as likely .... ive no idea where `i could get the support as most of the managers and supervisors aren't wearing them ... im so disgusted at my workplace ... thanks for the offer of the hug though :) 

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4 minutes ago, funkychick2007 said:

Crazyfool1 sending you a big virtual hug!!! After years of not speaking out about things speaking out is the best thing! People’s responses are usually about their own thoughts and not necessarily about you! Think everyone is feeling broken today!! 
Ps sending the rain clouds back down the M5!!! The sun will be back by the end of the week!!! Every one will fuck off back to the beach then!!! 

indeed ... its the levels of selfishness that im astounded by ... possibly my issue is that I speak out quite a lot ... the place is so badly run and managed that when it comes to something that matters more than anything .... human lives it gets put down to is crazyfool moaning again .... simple thing today I asked the store manager to open the windows in our locker room to aid ventilation( they are cable tied shut )  as it often gets busy and nobody wears masks in colleague areas with no hope of social distancing ...... they are shut for a reason he said ... and he'd speak to security about opening them .... not a chance of  this happening :( .... look forward to the sun at the end of the week though :) 

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Back at work today. I get to work half my usual hours and get to pick when I work. For some strange reason I decided to have Thursday and Friday off this week when the suns out. 

Even just working 6 hours was pretty tiring though. My work has taken full advantage of the situation and used this shutdown period to get rid of a lot of the useless staff who caused more problems than they solved so it’s good to come back to a leaner more efficient happier workplace. 

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4 minutes ago, Big durbs said:

Hey buddy, as I said the other day , you HAVE to look after youth the best of your ability, you are absolutely correct to speak up to you colleagues and mangers, this is new to all of us and still a great unknown, it doesn’t help the government guidelines changes more often than a teenagers’ mind .

were are all here to pick you up and hopefully put a smile back on your face 🙂

I feel like im banging my head against a wall .... and the wall has started fighting back .... its bloody horrible ..... and ive no backup apart from a store manager everyone hates .... 

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4 hours ago, crazyfool1 said:

 .... simple thing today I asked the store manager to open the windows in our locker room to aid ventilation( they are cable tied shut )  as it often gets busy and nobody wears masks in colleague areas with no hope of social distancing ...... they are shut for a reason he said ... and he'd speak to security about opening them .... not a chance of  this happening :( .... look forward to the sun at the end of the week though :) 

Hello crazyfool1,

Listen, I'm fairly stoned, and as such can barely keep up with my own life events at the moment, never mind what is going on on an efests thread. That said, for some reason I was able to decipher and absorb the above words. It got me thinking. Does your locker room only have one door in and one door out? If it does, is that door a fire door to your knowledge ( it would appear like any other door, but would have vision panels cut into it, which would have sealed in fire rated glazing, with the actual sealant being fire rated? If it is the only door and it isn't fire rated, then you could firstly kick them in the bollocks with that one. However, the only purpose of doing that would be to obtain a sense of glee that only the truly deranged can appreciate. The Real deal on this will boil down to whether those windows are or have been designated by the company's fire protection procedures and systems etc to be a potential means of escape, should you be trapped in the locker room with no other means of escape. To add to this you could ask that for H & S reasons that you would like a Fire Officer from the Fire Service to inspect the whole situation to see if it his his / her belief that the practice of cable tying windows shut is acceptable. There's a whole load of other stuff I could say to, but really am struggling to think / write right now. 

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7 minutes ago, Yoghurt on a Stick said:

Hello crazyfool1,

Listen, I'm fairly stoned, and as such can barely keep up with my own life events at the moment, never mind what is going on on an efests thread. That said, for some reason I was able to decipher and absorb the above words. It got me thinking. Does your locker room only have one door in and one door out? If it does, is that door a fire door to your knowledge ( it would appear like any other door, but would have vision panels cut into it, which would have sealed in fire rated glazing, with the actual sealant being fire rated? If it is the only door and it isn't fire rated, then you could firstly kick them in the bollocks with that one. However, the only purpose of doing that would be to obtain a sense of glee that only the truly deranged can appreciate. The Real deal on this will boil down to whether those windows are or have been designated by the company's fire protection procedures and systems etc to be a potential means of escape, should you be trapped in the locker room with no other means of escape. To add to this you could ask that for H & S reasons that you would like a Fire Officer from the Fire Service to inspect the whole situation to see if it his his / her belief that the practice of cable tying windows shut is acceptable. There's a whole load of other stuff I could say to, but really am struggling to think / write right now. 

was more concerned on the covid situation ... but yes id not about that risk ... that locker room could maybe have 2 people in it at most with distancing but there are no limits what so eve, r same for the canteen ... groups of 4 around tables .... if we get one case the whole team is getting it the way things are currently ..... and im the poor sod that notices it because others have worked through it ... 

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11 hours ago, Big durbs said:

Just look after you buddy, sod the rest of them , we need you in the fields next summer 

Problem is I need them to look after me in some respects ... I can only do so much ... slightly better day today though ... and I’m sat out in the sunshine on my break which helps 

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Government advisors saying today that sport events - specifically football - will not take place without significantly reduced crowds (maximum 1/3 capacity) until there is a vaccine. Says it is a given that this will affect the whole of the 20/21 season. And no travelling supporters to ensure local control. Are we thinking that rules out festivals until there is a vaccine? 

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1 minute ago, Blisterpack said:

Government advisors saying today that sport events - specifically football - will not take place without significantly reduced crowds (maximum 1/3 capacity) until there is a vaccine. Says it is a given that this will affect the whole of the 20/21 season. And no travelling supporters to ensure local control. Are we thinking that rules out festivals until there is a vaccine? 

Looking like numerous vaccines coming through ... so might deem all of that irrelevant 

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2 minutes ago, Blisterpack said:

Government advisors saying today that sport events - specifically football - will not take place without significantly reduced crowds (maximum 1/3 capacity) until there is a vaccine. Says it is a given that this will affect the whole of the 20/21 season. And no travelling supporters to ensure local control. Are we thinking that rules out festivals until there is a vaccine? 

festivals are already going ahead, tho with covid protection measures.

Red Rooster festival has just published what it will be doing:-

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5 minutes ago, eFestivals said:

festivals are already going ahead, tho with covid protection measures.

Red Rooster festival has just published what it will be doing:-

That is excellent. Not sure how transferable some of those arrangements are though. Nor how much people will take notice of them. I mentioned on another thread that I went to an outdoor gig locally on Saturday. Really good intentions from everyone there and a start time of 8pm. PA problems meant the band (Oranj Son) didn’t come on til 9:30 by which time everyone was pissed and paying no attention to rules. It was a normal gig in every respect, apart from the fact that I stood miles away! 
Behaviour has to match the guidance or the government will just pull the plug. 

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3 hours ago, eFestivals said:

the main advantage Red Rooster has is space on the site to spread out more than normal. It's probably the case that most other festivals are already using all of the site, so couldn't spread out some more.

the other option is presumably to cut capacity ... which makes them  not able to operate financially 

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Just reading the red rooster information .... This is so hard .... but so right ...... 

If you see people having fun together at Red Rooster, do not look down upon them for getting close. We are all aware that we need to say socially distanced from each other when not from the same household or social bubble. It is all of our responsibility to look after each other, and those sharing a special moment in these crazy times are aware of who to mix with. Simply place a smile upon them and remember the special moments of getting close and showing love to those around us. Join us in the sounds of drums, shredding guitar solos and soulful vocals, in our wonderful little home at Euston Hall.

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In a world that was supposed to come together as a result of a joined up effort against a pandemic it feels as if people are more divided than ever:

- everyone has an 'opinion'

- there are too many 'experts' - self confessed experts who can't run their own lives let alone a pandemic yet think they are qualified to tell people the right and wrong ways to behave

- the maskers vs the anti maskers

- the vaxxers vs the ant vaccers

- the covid believers vs the 'its all a hoax'ers

- the people that are now yelling 'don't visit my county' - we don't want you here (ala beauty hotspots) - vs the 'we can visit anywhere we want - Boris has told us to enjoy UK

Its all a minefield , and it all feels so so divided right now, we were aiming for #bekind to each other - nothing could be further from the reality right now . This isn't aimed at anyone on here at all but how do we bring people back together again, being kind to each other, and respecting each others opinions

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