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U.S. Presidential Election


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12 minutes ago, fraybentos1 said:

Under what possible metric is India more powerful than the USA. America is the most powerful nation on earth by a long way followed by China with a big gap to anyone else.

Growing industry, economy, population, and military power. It's the growth within an autocracy.

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16 minutes ago, fraybentos1 said:

Growing from an extremely low base. USA has a growing economy and the biggest military of any country surely.

think you’re well off the mark here personally 

Yeah, there's a bit of projection around direction involved. Also I don't trust Modi not to do something batshit that involves sparking WW3.

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2 hours ago, steviewevie said:

well China definitely becoming more influential, as is Russia...but in terms of GDP/military and I would argue global influence US is still Number 1.

But, there is a west vs the rest thing now...no one likes US and us.

Are Russia that US-level influential? They have power and leverage, sure, but nothing like in the Soviet Union era.

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Let's be fair - it's not been a great few days for Biden. Although I read commentary and he actually didn't come across that badly until the Mexico/Egypt gaffe, which naturally will be the only thing people remember and which fits into the pattern perfectly. It is what it is. However, Trump still does exactly the same things. He has also been sneaky with confidential docs, and was much less willing to give them up, he also mixes people up - a clip was doing the rounds of him calling Viktor Orban the leader of Turkey at a rally last autumn and he has twice called Nikki Haley Nancy Pelosi - and is also speaking a lot slower than days of yore. It's just Biden was the one to get a memory test baked into their investigation with a special counsel describing their mental fitness in punishing detail, which is guaranteed to be used in attack ads.

Maybe this is more indicative of the two parties as a whole. If neither party's that willing to trust a leader under the age of 75, that's a question for actual rank & file Dems & Republicans to answer.

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3 hours ago, kaosmark2 said:

The internal politics of the Democrats stopping them from running a decent candidate is going to screw us.

isnt it more about the usa norm, a sitting president puts themselves up for re-election, if they didn't must be because they were a crap president

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1 hour ago, charlierc said:

Let's be fair - it's not been a great few days for Biden. Although I read commentary and he actually didn't come across that badly until the Mexico/Egypt gaffe, which naturally will be the only thing people remember and which fits into the pattern perfectly. It is what it is. However, Trump still does exactly the same things. He has also been sneaky with confidential docs, and was much less willing to give them up, he also mixes people up - a clip was doing the rounds of him calling Viktor Orban the leader of Turkey at a rally last autumn and he has twice called Nikki Haley Nancy Pelosi - and is also speaking a lot slower than days of yore. It's just Biden was the one to get a memory test baked into their investigation with a special counsel describing their mental fitness in punishing detail, which is guaranteed to be used in attack ads.

Maybe this is more indicative of the two parties as a whole. If neither party's that willing to trust a leader under the age of 75, that's a question for actual rank & file Dems & Republicans to answer.

Thing is, Trump is a total c**t narcissist psycho, but his supporters worship him, he can get away with absolutely anything, he could be behind bars and they'd vote for the prick. Whereas who loves Biden? He's just a sweet old half dead bloke who is doing all this massive spending to help with something called climate change which a lot of people either don't believe or don't give a sh*t about and on top of that he's spending loads helping some country no one has heard of in eastern europe when they're supermarket bills are going up. 

It's a sorry state of affairs and I'd laugh if it wasn't so f**king important.

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2 hours ago, steviewevie said:

Biden not knowing what time of day it is makes the choice a bit difficult. Turnout could be low.

And maybe a lot of Americans are sick of spending huge amounts of money on NATO/Ukraine relative to European countries.

Most of that spend is job support for the USA cos that aid must be spent on USA product.

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12 hours ago, steviewevie said:


Very funny. He + all the conservatives are absolutely terrified of the young voter turnout that Taylor is gonna bring to the election this year as that will ultimately cement his defeat, and the more they harp on about it and call her out the more her fans are gonna turn up in droves to vote against him.

Looking forward to the meltdown when she actually backs Biden outright instead of just telling people to vote in general.

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