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6 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

Bet there isn't a strong link - and certainly not if the 20% figure is believed.

You say there is no or little danger.  Its like rape or child sexual abuse.  Its a rare event despite the headlines.  Yet we safeguard against it.  One of the safe guards we have in society is Dave can't go in the womens changing rooms and if he does - he stands out like a swore thumb.

Tell me whats wrong with having some reasonable benchmarks and barriers like we currently have.  If people are serious about living like a women, and have been doing so far for most their life, I don't see why the process need "fast tracking" like this.

We have to consider everyones rights and feelings, and not yet again, the rights of a handful of men.  Its always men by the way - women living as men seem to be in even less supply then all these men wanting to live as women.  Its telling.

There are examples of men pretending to be women and abusing women.  Its happened in jails for example.

Admittedly the correlation point was based on pure anecdotal evidence on my part from the people I speak to about the topic, but I wouldn't be surprised at all to see a strong link. You only have to look at the media people/sources reporting it and where they fall on each issue (e.g. Daily Mail, GB News, Talk Radio etc.) to see a link begin to emerge. 

Of course there is nothing wrong with reasonable benchmarks, but like with anything I guess the difference is where you draw the line. I think the toilet/changing room example is fear-mongering nonsense without any data to support it, because if there was any data or evidence suggesting abuse, then the debate would be very different and the legislation would not even be proposed. As far as I see it, and I have absolutely no skin in this game either way, who am I to tell a teenager how they should live their life and why are we going to such lengths to prevent them from deciding themselves? It is worth remembering the legal thresholds for sex for example are 16 as well, shall we raise those? 

I accept that there are some examples of men pretending to be women and abusing women. I also accept that certain aspects of life, e.g. professional/amateur sports, are an entirely different conversation. But my point initially was that the abuse examples would still happen whether you allowed the 99.9% of individuals struggling with their identity to transition earlier or not. It's a bit like saying let's not allow anyone to drink alcohol because some people behave recklessly/irresponsibly when they drink. 

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21 minutes ago, lost said:

The ones who generally seem to be giving the biggest push back on this are feminists/lesbians. People who's traditional home has tended to be the labour party. Its also not a great look men telling them they are over reacting. 

I've generally felt its up to women to decide if they are happy with trans-women in women only changing rooms/prisons/rape crisis centres and sports. Speaking as a man if someone with a vagina wants to go into male toilets/prisons or in the ring with Tyson Fury I've no issues with that.


There's so much wtf in that post I don't know where to start, so I won't.

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7 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

There's so much wtf in that post I don't know where to start, nothing wrong with that post and I don't know how to twist it so I won't.

fixed for you

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7 hours ago, Barry Fish said:

Teachers don't get paid in the summer so shouldn't be expect to work at all (the  pay is pro-rata and gets paid in monthly but they don't get 'paid" for the summer).  The reality is my wife enjoys the first 4 weeks or so and then has to start lesson planning towards the last two weeks (presuming 6 week break).

During term time my wife can be up to gone 10pm lesson planning and marking.  I think she is a mug.  There is no way I would do it.  Too little pay for too much work.  i doubt if you worked it out it would be much more than NMW given the hours.

I doubt she will last more than another couple of years but its up to her.  Teaching is a mugs game.  

New teachers aren't last more than a few years.  Not surprised.   She started during covid and its getting worse not better. The amount of social problems post covid is unbelievable.   We really hurt a generation.

My sister teaches GCSE /A level maths and a couple of years left school teaching and now does mainly online tutoring, she would never go back.

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12 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

I've generally felt its up to women to decide if they are happy with trans-women in women only changing rooms/prisons/rape crisis centres and sports.

except its men who decide it!

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3 hours ago, hodgey123 said:

Labour not going to oppose the government's reaction to the Scottish gender recognition bill. Again, it just feels like Labour currently are lurching too far to the right in order to appease a voter base that they should really be asking themselves whether it is worth chasing anyway.

I don’t see it as a right /left issue. I don’t see the SNP as being to the left of labour. I have seen more than one left wing politician articulate concerns about the legislation. I personally really struggle to know what is the best policy in this area. I think too much of the argument is dominated by extremes on either side with the loudest voices.

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1 hour ago, hodgey123 said:

I think there would be a direct/strong correlation between where voters fall on this issue and where they would fall on other culture war bollocks, be it snowflakes/woke culture/WFH/strikes! 


I think the people who see it as a left/right issue are generally people in an echo chamber happily being told what to think.

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9 minutes ago, pink_triangle said:

My sister teaches GCSE /A level maths and a couple of years left school teaching and now does mainly online tutoring, she would never go back.

I worked for fujitsu in manchester that got closed down during the tech bubble burst in early 2000s and I remember a few of them smugly saying they'd just go into teaching thinking it's a piece if piss..none of them lasted more than a year.

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6 hours ago, steviewevie said:

I worked for fujitsu in manchester that got closed down during the tech bubble burst in early 2000s and I remember a few of them smugly saying they'd just go into teaching thinking it's a piece if piss..none of them lasted more than a year.

I may be wrong but I am certain you need a 2.1 to get into teaching now. It was looked at as s last ditch job when I graduated in 2000

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18 hours ago, Barry Fish said:

You are talking shit and don't understand teacher contracts,  But everyone gets to play the big I am on the internet so you crack on.  No doubt you think having a head teacher wife makes you can expert.  It doesn't...

Lots of people in every profession who don't pull their weight.  My wife comes from the private sector and finds the lack of professionalism a joke to be honest in some teachers - others are wonderful - like every job.  Lots of people in public sector just coast. 

Classic Bazza overreaction.  I agreed completely with your second paragraph, but I think there may be some some and mirrors around the 10 month thing.  I saw your article and in one sense it is as you said....but the substance of the contract is a standard 12 monther like most other professions.  Take maternity leave, if they chose to take a year, it would be a 12 month period, not the 1.2 years that a 10 month contract would imply.  I don't even see a reason for them to have the 10 month set up, other than to give them a way of saying they don't have summer off! 😉

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15 minutes ago, steviewevie said:


Let me guess, external factors that are nothing to do with the government but if inflation falls that’s entirely to do with the government?

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13 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

Back tracking faster than a Rugby player you are 🙂 

You are the one wrongly telling people they are talking bollocks while accusing others of overreacting lol.

You keep coming back to maternity pay which is a mixture of statuary and whatever is in a teachers contract - its nothing something to draw in this discussion.   Either way I believe it could be claimed and paid out in the same way as the main contract as long as the numbers add up to whatever the entitlement is.

The FACTS are...  Teachers are not paid for the summer holidays and their pay is calculated on something like 10 months and then paid out over 12 months.  You admit above I am right while trying to do some sort of pointless face saving exercise 🙂 

Let's just fast forward to you admitting you was wrong.  My wife works for your normal average day comprehensive secondary school and her contract is worded exactly as I explained above and confirmed by every google link.  Not sure why you won't let this go 🙂 

Happy to admit i was wrong. Not that bothered really.  The reality is that they a decent amount of time off, whether contracted or not.

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Sunak was embarrassing in PMQs earlier. Starmer had some pretty serious questions about ambulance wait times for a heart attack patient yet Sunak could only respond with deflection, blame and a little bit about what they are doing. He showed no contrition and his tone was so poor when you consider the nature of questions. 

Edited by Ozanne
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1 hour ago, Ozanne said:

Sunak was embarrassing in PMQs earlier. Starmer had some pretty serious questions about ambulance wait times for a heart attack patient yet Sunak could only respond with deflection, blame and a little bit about what they are doing. He showed no contrition and his tone was so poor when you consider the nature of questions. 

yeah...apparently Sunak is more popular than the tory party, probably because he was paying wages and meals out a few years ago..but he is kind of shit at some of this stuff really, and unless improves I can see him failing during an election campaign. Starmer isn't the best public speaker in the world, but he has improved, is more confident now, and is miles better than dishi rishi.

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1 hour ago, steviewevie said:

yeah...apparently Sunak is more popular than the tory party, probably because he was paying wages and meals out a few years ago..but he is kind of shit at some of this stuff really, and unless improves I can see him failing during an election campaign. Starmer isn't the best public speaker in the world, but he has improved, is more confident now, and is miles better than dishi rishi.

Recent polling shows Sunaks decent ratings are falling as he’s being tarnished by the Tory brand and also people are seeing he’s useless. 

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10 hours ago, Barry Fish said:

Pretty sure a 2.2 will get you on a PCGE course.

Reality is teaching is one of the worse paid positions for the education level required.  It's not very attractive to young person setting out in life.

Reckon it is quite an attractive job. Cos its where someone can get a decent wage as a first job (my kid landed£37k as his graduate starting wage, not in teaching tho. 

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Just feels like loads of people think it's a piece of piss..whether it's just a "childminder" for primary school kids, or with the smart arse engineers who have some superiority complex thing going on and that they could just have teaching as a backup...when in reality it is a hard fucking job (but yeah, nice summer break).

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but what gets my gall is people thinking teachers are so overworked and underpaid because of their wifey or whatever, but at same time GPs are lazy because they struggled to get a face to face for their little darling. This shit goes everywhere, everyone thinks they know best, they are lazy, they are overpaid, scroungers etc etc. Whole bunch of tabloid fodder dickheads in this country.

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33 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

ok...so that example why it's an attractive job doesn't quite hold up.

It guarantees a decent wage for graduates that's out of reach to many otherwise. My kid has a first in maths which makes him very employable., hence the great starting wage. 

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