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1 minute ago, steviewevie said:

The economy will start to improve, and any move to rejoin will take years. Can't see it...but..


yeah of course it will take time .... for me the sooner acceptance comes the better and it'll be on worse terms no doubt ... but better than this crap 

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7 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

any move to rejoin will take years

it'll take longer than that cos the politician who tries will get a political kicking when the french say 'non'

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bigger picture...we're a declining economy...but 2008 crash was particularly damaging  as so reliant on financial industry...and then the austerity+ that came after didn't exactly help...and then on top of all that they gave us brexit. Really has been a shitshow. Just have to hope our service industry survives, as we seem to be pretty good at that, and maybe we'll get somewhere with future green tech, electric car batteries or whatever..but that doesn't seem to be going to well with BritishVolt etc and is not going to be easy in the future with US/China/EU already moving into that space with massive investments. Maybe we could just keep milking the royal soap opera on netflix...

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22 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

Maybe we could just keep milking the royal soap opera on netflix...

we don't get paid royalties for it, we pay royalties to script it.

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Talking of Netflix, I watched bank of dave the other day, a very enjoyable feelgood movie, extra enjoyable for me cos my step-nephew is the lead acting role. Always interesting to see him at work 

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2 hours ago, steviewevie said:

I could copy and paste into here, it would make for a pretty big post though! It is by David Gauke and all about lib dem strategy for next election.. targeting mostly blue wall seats..and how they're shifting from opposing brexit to fighting the Tories, so brexit stuff not a priority now.

And I guess labour has similar issue except they're fighting Tories in both red and blue wall seats, and bringing up brexit shite probably won't do them any favours, just usual make brexit work bullshit. It would obviously help them in remainy metropolitan seats, but they're safe for labour anyway.


That’s what the opposition parties should be doing - fighting the Tories. Talking about rejoining the EU risks that especially for Labour where (as you point out) they have to be careful in those red wall seats. It’s all a very careful plan which outlines what they’ll do for the next Parliament, after that then it’s a different story I suspect. 

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8 hours ago, Neil said:

Talking of Netflix, I watched bank of dave the other day, a very enjoyable feelgood movie, extra enjoyable for me cos my step-nephew is the lead acting role. Always interesting to see him at work 

Joel Fry?

I know he's been in some big shows since but my favourite role of his was Stylax in Plebs. Show was never the same when he left (to go on an do the big shows he subsequently did)

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You get the feeling people would only give a shit if the telecoms workers went on strike and broadband became unavailable.

Strikes currently feel like a tool from the industrial age being applied to the Information age.

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2 hours ago, philipsteak said:

Joel Fry?

yep, he's my brother's daughter's  half brother. i've not seen him for years, last time was at v festival, where he spotted me and came over to say hello.

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1 hour ago, lost said:

You get the feeling people would only give a shit if the telecoms workers went on strike and broadband became unavailable.

Strikes currently feel like a tool from the industrial age being applied to the Information age.

I guess depends if your kid's school is closed or you need to use public transport.

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1 hour ago, lost said:

You get the feeling people would only give a shit if the telecoms workers went on strike and broadband became unavailable.


Probably not far wrong. 

I work in a big youth hostel. We genuinely get more complaints if the WiFi is down than say hot water or heating issues. 

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18 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

I guess depends if your kid's school is closed or you need to use public transport.

The amount of screaming kids I've already heard in the background on conference calls today neither of those two appear to be as big an issue these days vs say the strikes in the 1980's.

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2 minutes ago, lost said:

The amount of screaming kids I've already heard in the background on conference calls today neither of those two appear to be as big an issue these days vs say the strikes in the 1980's.

I think some strikes in the 70s were more visible...especially when refuse collectors were striking and rubbish was piling up, or grave diggers striking and dead bodies piling up. 

The big 80s one was the miners strike, and that didn't affect many people except those living in those mining communities of course, but it was in the news every day as became like a civil war with Thatcher taking on the unions, and winning.

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Schools aren't on strike up here in sunny Scotland, but before you think we must have it sorted there have been rolling school strikes since November there just aren't any today. All this with the Scottish Government having a 1 billion underspend in the budget last year.

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I’m sure for working parents that are effected by the strikes today that it isn’t a very nice day for them yet support for the strikers seem to be high. These strikes aren’t exactly easy for parents. 

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