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1 hour ago, Barry Fish said:

Evidence ? 

the treasury is providing the evidence.


1 hour ago, Barry Fish said:

And is it adjusted to account for 12 years+ inflation ?

yeah, it also shows what some of the spending was for, luxury hotels, etc.

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28 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

So no you don't have the evidence - its just in your dogmatic head 🙂 

You mean people in government don't want to stay in a travel lodge ? Me neither 🙂 

the evidence is out there in the news reports, go find t.

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The expenses thing seems to blow up every few years. The thing is if Starmer is going to stick to the OBR forecasts for debt reduction he's going to need something to blame it on which labour didn't support (covid spending) and so Tories overspending on stuff like this seems as good a reason as any.

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52 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

Public sector workers don't generally get grace and favour housing either 🙂   Welcome to central government 😄 

Most people who work for central government don’t get grace and favour housing either. Th trouble with these allowances are, there is a justification for using them, but some people will always take advantage and use as a perk of the job. If highlighting it means governments of all colours are more careful with this expenditure, I don’t see that as a bad thing.

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29 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

Me neither, I am not in favour of government waste,  but you have to be clear on what you are highlighting...  

£20,000 spent on "Hotels" doesn't tell me anything...  Its might have been a bunch of £200 rooms (about normal in London) with breakfast and dinner for staff (probably a bargain if so) who are doing training and travelled a long way and need to stay over night or it might be one night in a mega expensive hotel.

When people say "luxury" hotel it means nothing.  Whats a "luxury hotel" ?   That is subjective...

This from what I can see is largely just a credit card bill with no context.  The Lefities are getting angry because I am just pointing out that without context it means nothing.

Its just what you ask when youre not dogmatic or don't have an agenda like the Lefties here who would throw people under a bus just to get a labour government.

The government can add the context. If they can justify it then justify it. If it highlights things that need to change then change them. I don’t think we should have an issue with opposition asking questions, I hope conservative do the same in opposition.

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54 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

So its bigoted to ask the people making accusations to provide the evidence they clearly do not have ?  You are just spouting your usual lefty bollocks with no proof.  It doesn't exist so you say - oh go find it...  its frankly laughable 😄  

the evidence is out there in the news reports for this, i can't make you read it.



54 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

I am happy to spar with Stevie - he is a massive c**t and its a shame you are happy for this forum to go back to the nasty mess it was.   But when it does go to shit again lets not pretend its me, fray or anyone else.  Its you, stevie and crazy who throw around the insults and then cry foul.

you decide to be stupid and then complain that you're stupid.

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11 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

We are living in a post truth age where we can invent alternative facts without the need to justify them - who knew the stupid would bec so happy to be stupid fans 🙂 

corrected for you.

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58 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

Oh look - Neil is giving me abuse 🙂 nothing new hey 😛 

You could just post the link so I don't have to search the entire internet to find your unicorns 😛   no - you are too busy giving me abuse 🙂 

took me less than a minute to find, you'd rather post bullshit than do a bit of research.


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1 minute ago, Barry Fish said:

Now was that so hard ?   You could of cut all the abuse out yourself and banned Stevie for giving abuse as well and just shared the link that a reasonable person should do.

Right I will go read the link and come back with my verdict.

you'd still rather have an argument than do some research, which is why i didnt give you the link earlier.

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2 hours ago, pink_triangle said:

The government can add the context. If they can justify it then justify it. If it highlights things that need to change then change them. I don’t think we should have an issue with opposition asking questions, I hope conservative do the same in opposition.

The fact that the Tories instant response is essentially ‘yeah but Labour did it too’ certainly indicates to me they are nervous and have something to hide.

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3 hours ago, Barry Fish said:

crazy who throw around the insults

point out where ive thrown an insult at you ? and ill happily donate £50 to a festival charity ....... I mean i did call you a daily mail reader which you've admitted to .... so is that it ? or do you want to quote me on something else ? 

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3 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

Come on crazy you and I both understand what passive aggression/abuse is and when you go on about me being a daily mail reader that is exactly your agenda.  Just own it and be a man about it 😆 

I read the mail as much as I read the gurdian 

so nothing you can quote then ... thought not 

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