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More importantly, anyone up to speed on Sudan and it's history? I'm feeling pretty ignorant about any potential geopolitical maneuvering that my be playing out there. Anyone recommend a good summary article? I've halfheartedly tried looking online and can't make head nor tale who it's allies really are and who is funding which side.

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5 minutes ago, Kurosagi said:

More importantly, anyone up to speed on Sudan and it's history? I'm feeling pretty ignorant about any potential geopolitical maneuvering that my be playing out there. Anyone recommend a good summary article? I've halfheartedly tried looking online and can't make head nor tale who it's allies really are and who is funding which side.


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12 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

Cheers, a good opening taster but doesn't get to grips with who is allied with who, I guess I need a Sudan 101 for dummies.

I'm presuming (but not entirely sure) that Bashir was supported by Iran due to the islamic support, so does that mean when he was ousted in 2019 the new govt was pro-US? Or was it more complicated than that...and I read somewhere that the Wagner group are arming one of the militias...so is this a straightforward east vs west struggle being played out in Sudan as a proxy for WW3...or is it just a fucking mess from years of dictatorship and then failed revolution stuff such that anyone with a gun and grudge are waving their willies around?

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35 minutes ago, Kurosagi said:

Cheers, a good opening taster but doesn't get to grips with who is allied with who, I guess I need a Sudan 101 for dummies.

I'm presuming (but not entirely sure) that Bashir was supported by Iran due to the islamic support, so does that mean when he was ousted in 2019 the new govt was pro-US? Or was it more complicated than that...and I read somewhere that the Wagner group are arming one of the militias...so is this a straightforward east vs west struggle being played out in Sudan as a proxy for WW3...or is it just a fucking mess from years of dictatorship and then failed revolution stuff such that anyone with a gun and grudge are waving their willies around?

wagner group have got their fingers in many pies, it's all money making for them...but not sure if this is simply a proxy for east vs west...as in that article says shit has been going on for ages there, but now has reached the capital.

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11 minutes ago, Rufus Gwertigan said:

The guy filming seems an absolute delight. Not only an antivaxxer but claims lock down. Surprised he didn't mention 15 minute cities and chemtrails 

I didn’t pay any attention to the person filming, it was the first one I saw on Twitter. 

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27 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

From clapping Nurses to suing them, 2 days before the local elections as well. 

He’s an awful, horrible man. Refused to even talk to them, didn’t he?

Think they may have misjudged the mood of the country on this one. It’s also a slippery slope. I know all they care about is keeping the minions working until we drop dead but blocking the right to strike? Gary Lineker might compare them to fascists again…

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2 hours ago, Ryan1984 said:

He’s an awful, horrible man. Refused to even talk to them, didn’t he?

Think they may have misjudged the mood of the country on this one. It’s also a slippery slope. I know all they care about is keeping the minions working until we drop dead but blocking the right to strike? Gary Lineker might compare them to fascists again…

I’m not sure if he refused to speak to the Nurses, it sounds like something he’d do.

It’s hideous though, these people that worked all through the pandemic saving lives and now the government won’t give them what they feel they deserve but they are suing them. I hope for this alone they get destroyed at the ballot box. 

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3 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

I’m not sure if he refused to speak to the Nurses

i make myself opportunities to talk to nurses, it's always a joy. 😄 

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