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13 hours ago, Ozanne said:

Yes Keir!

do you remember how brown's election dithering cost him support, i reckon sunak would get a boost by being brave enough to have an election.

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3 minutes ago, Neil said:

do you remember how brown's election dithering cost him support, i reckon sunak would get a boost by being brave enough to have an election.

I do remember that, it’s a bit different though because at that time Brown was ahead in the polls yet didn’t the call an election and his support then crashed. Sunak hasn’t got that luxury. 

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It's a delicious political conundrum for Sunak.

His 'steady & calm' approach has stopped the tory support from further poll tanking after the Truss/Johnson psychodrama and it's possible that another year of moderate stability before the election could at least limit his losses to a survivable amount.

Or he could try and do the 'brave' thing, lance the boil and call an election and the pro-Johnson nutters would have a field day in the press, which could lead to open civil war and a colossal loss of seats.

Can't see the latter personally as sooooo many tories are at risk of losing their seats currently that they'd be up in arms about losing a year's worth of pay/pension/gravy!

So my bet is on him taking the election to the limit and trying to weather the by-elections and post Johnson sniping. Bumpy ride though, buckle up.

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30 minutes ago, Kurosagi said:

It's a delicious political conundrum for Sunak.

His 'steady & calm' approach has stopped the tory support from further poll tanking after the Truss/Johnson psychodrama and it's possible that another year of moderate stability before the election could at least limit his losses to a survivable amount.

Or he could try and do the 'brave' thing, lance the boil and call an election and the pro-Johnson nutters would have a field day in the press, which could lead to open civil war and a colossal loss of seats.

Can't see the latter personally as sooooo many tories are at risk of losing their seats currently that they'd be up in arms about losing a year's worth of pay/pension/gravy!

So my bet is on him taking the election to the limit and trying to weather the by-elections and post Johnson sniping. Bumpy ride though, buckle up.

yeah, he's not going to call an election now. He's best off riding it out.

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32 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

Why is Sunak staying quiet and showing no leadership here at all?

Because he’s got no leadership skills. He only got the job as there was pretty much no one left who was already severely tainted by scandals. 

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7 minutes ago, squirrelarmy said:

Because he’s got no leadership skills. He only got the job as there was pretty much no one left who was already severely tainted by scandals. 

Definitely. He could’ve come out with a statement and take hold of the narrative but nope, nothing. 

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53 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

Definitely. He could’ve come out with a statement and take hold of the narrative but nope, nothing. 

Maybe - and please don’t take this as in support of him - he thinks maintaining a silence is the more dignified approach. Johnson’s an overgrown, spoilt toddler - ignore him and he’ll get bored?

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11 minutes ago, Ryan1984 said:

Maybe - and please don’t take this as in support of him - he thinks maintaining a silence is the more dignified approach. Johnson’s an overgrown, spoilt toddler - ignore him and he’ll get bored?

If that’s the case why didn’t he come out and thank him for service etc etc but now they have to move on. You know take control of the situation rather than look like he’s hiding away because he’s too scared to do anything. 

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