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12 hours ago, lost said:

Is the sugar tax going to be another lockdown-esque policy that ends up unintentionally killing people by a different method. I know there has always been suggestions about aspartame but it looks like its about to be a confirmed carcinogen.

Don't you need to drink your own body weight in Diet Coke for it to have an effect?

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I was out with work for someone's retirement do on Friday and was talking with the bloke who's leaving who's a proper old school lefty. He was a big fan of corbyn, doesn't like starmer, won't be voting labour at next election. I was saying that labour only possible alternative govt  and surely he wants the tories out. He was saying labour under starmer no different to tories, that this country needs radical change, and he can't trust starmer on any pledges anyway after what he pledged in the leadership election. I was saying that starmer is just trying to win, and to do that he has to win over people who have voted tory in the past, and with right wing media etc he has to be careful not to look like a scary lefty, and better to be in power and steer the ship than constantly out of power but just protesting, and if you want ideological purity you were never likely to be satisfied. Anyway, we both understood where the other was coming from, and agreed to disagree.  He will vote for some independent candidate. It was quite civil really, not like you get on twatter or on here.

Also I had way too many beers and had a hangover from hell yesterday.

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8 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

I was out with work for someone's retirement do on Friday and was talking with the bloke who's leaving who's a proper old school lefty. He was a big fan of corbyn, doesn't like starmer, won't be voting labour at next election. I was saying that labour only possible alternative govt  and surely he wants the tories out. He was saying labour under starmer no different to tories, that this country needs radical change, and he can't trust starmer on any pledges anyway after what he pledged in the leadership election. I was saying that starmer is just trying to win, and to do that he has to win over people who have voted tory in the past, and with right wing media etc he has to be careful not to look like a scary lefty, and better to be in power and steer the ship than constantly out of power but just protesting, and if you want ideological purity you were never likely to be satisfied. Anyway, we both understood where the other was coming from, and agreed to disagree.  He will vote for some independent candidate. It was quite civil really, not like you get on twatter or on here.

Also I had way too many beers and had a hangover from hell yesterday.

Starners not perfect but is more perfect than the Tories 

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Labour different to the Tories, you just have to look at their green policies for evidence of that. Saying they are alike is a lazy take. 

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6 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

Labour different to the Tories, you just have to look at their green policies for evidence of that. Saying they are alike is a lazy take. 

yeah, if I said anything about any of that he just said he doesn't believe him (and labour have done a bit of a u-turn on the 28bill pledge thingy).

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55 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

I was out with work for someone's retirement do on Friday and was talking with the bloke who's leaving who's a proper old school lefty. He was a big fan of corbyn, doesn't like starmer, won't be voting labour at next election. I was saying that labour only possible alternative govt  and surely he wants the tories out. He was saying labour under starmer no different to tories, that this country needs radical change, and he can't trust starmer on any pledges anyway after what he pledged in the leadership election. I was saying that starmer is just trying to win, and to do that he has to win over people who have voted tory in the past, and with right wing media etc he has to be careful not to look like a scary lefty, and better to be in power and steer the ship than constantly out of power but just protesting, and if you want ideological purity you were never likely to be satisfied. Anyway, we both understood where the other was coming from, and agreed to disagree.  He will vote for some independent candidate. It was quite civil really, not like you get on twatter or on here.

Also I had way too many beers and had a hangover from hell yesterday.

I wonder how many people are thinking like this. Whether you agree with it or not, I think its probably a more common opinion than Starmers supporters would like to admit. 

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20 minutes ago, cellar said:

I wonder how many people are thinking like this. Whether you agree with it or not, I think its probably a more common opinion than Starmers supporters would like to admit. 

yeah, don't know...I expect many will vote green or abstain, but if polls narrow before election some may hold their noses and vote labour.

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1 hour ago, steviewevie said:

yeah, if I said anything about any of that he just said he doesn't believe him (and labour have done a bit of a u-turn on the 28bill pledge thingy).

Well in that case you can’t really do anything, if people are going to be so blinded there’s very little point in trying to convince them. Luckily the vast majority of the electorate aren’t so blinded.

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18 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

..I should also add he is a proper northern old labour type...but he's done ok, bought a new house in a posh village near Carlisle, is able to retire at 58...so I expect he'll be fine no matter who wins...but he does have 4 daughter's who's future he worries about..

How very middle class 😉

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1 hour ago, steviewevie said:

yeah, don't know...I expect many will vote green or abstain, but if polls narrow before election some may hold their noses and vote labour.

i expect many to help the tories stay in power.w*nkers.

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