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10 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

Ultimately Starmer is laser focussed on getting Labour into government and then changing peoples lives for the better. 

Genuinely would think you were a robot if I hadn’t seen you in person at Glastonbury the other week. Was a bit starstruck I’ll admit!

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15 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

It's the postponing of the 28bill spending pledge.

They haven’t gone back on it or u-turned at all, just announced it’ll be scaled up in the next Parliament. The policy is still there, they haven’t gone back on it.

I wonder why certain people (not you) don’t say anything about the Tories possibly reneging on our £11.6b green pledge? Hmm that is a tricky one. 

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Just now, Ozanne said:

They haven’t gone back on it or u-turned at all, just announced it’ll be scaled up in the next Parliament. The policy is still there, they haven’t gone back on it.

I wonder why certain people (not you) don’t say anything about the Tories possibly reneging on our £11.6b green pledge? Hmm that is a tricky one. 

Sunak is not interested in green sh*t. At least Boris kind of was.

With Labour, it looked like a u-turn because it was always a massive policy that suddenly looked like they were not sticking to, borrowing 28bill a year was a massive pledge that people didn't really stop to think about, and was probably totally unrealistic and they maybe f**ked up coming out with it originally. Just say we'll have a green new deal and leave it at that till closer to the next election. Anyway, done now and damage is done. Everything has to be costed which is ridiculous at moment when economy is all over the shop. Just stick to 2030 net zero pledge.

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2 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

Sunak is not interested in green sh*t. At least Boris kind of was.

With Labour, it looked like a u-turn because it was always a massive policy that suddenly looked like they were not sticking to, borrowing 28bill a year was a massive pledge that people didn't really stop to think about, and was probably totally unrealistic and they maybe f**ked up coming out with it originally. Just say we'll have a green new deal and leave it at that till closer to the next election. Anyway, done now and damage is done. Everything has to be costed which is ridiculous at moment when economy is all over the shop. Just stick to 2030 net zero pledge.

I don’t think there is any damage done at all, it doesn’t seem like accordingly to polling most people care. They just like the policy because the majority realise how important it is to tackle climate change. It’s a sign of good leadership to adapt to deal with the changing circumstances and the fact that Labour are still committed to green policies shows how seriously they are taking it.

Labour won’t go down the green new deal route as they are looking at Bidens Inflation Reduction Act and closer to the election will possibly announce something similar that will include a whole range of things such as taxation. They won’t do that now as we don’t know what the state of the economy will be.

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4 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

I tell you what Fray...lay off the insults to Ozanne, and I will to you.

And don't reply to my posts.

That would be nice, but his sole MO on here to attack me. It’s been happening for years hopefully the mods will do something. 

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5 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

I tell you what Fray...lay off the insults to Ozanne, and I will to you.

And don't reply to my posts.

I’ll stop insulting him when he stops being an absolute mental obsessive about Starmer and being utterly unable to engage in any criticism of him. Been through this a million times, you know I’m right 

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2 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

I don’t think there is any damage done at all, it doesn’t seem like accordingly to polling most people care. They just like the policy because the majority realise how important it is to tackle climate change. It’s a sign of good leadership to adapt to deal with the changing circumstances and the fact that Labour are still committed to green policies shows how seriously they are taking it.

Labour won’t go down the green new deal route as they are looking at Bidens Inflation Reduction Act and closer to the election will possibly announce something similar that will include a whole range of things such as taxation. They won’t do that now as we don’t know what the state of the economy will be.

I don't know... it's all politics. Labour want to do the green thing which I think is mainly driven by Ed Miliband...but then inflation and interest rates and gilts and Reeves' fiscal rules and Labour nervousness about looking reckless with the economy and Tory attacking them on massive borrowing (ironic!) and suddenly we see some downplaying of that 28bill sum.

And with green new deal that was always vague anyway based on FDR thingy. But yeah, call it bidenenomics until he's gone...basically massive spending on carbon free stuff. But we'll see. It's all a bit tight now and uncertain now. But, that 28bill was massive...smaller than what is happening in US (relatively)...so maybe they should have been a bit less ambitious in the first place.

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11 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

That would be nice, but his sole MO on here to attack me. It’s been happening for years hopefully the mods will do something. 

Calling you a weirdo when you’re being a weirdo isn’t breaking any rules. Also you’ve literally been banned from this forum for trolling before lol.

It’s the same on a loop: Starmers great, anyone who criticises is a Tory followed by increasing IRs is bad, here’s a tweet to prove my point 

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6 minutes ago, fraybentos1 said:

Calling you a weirdo when you’re being a weirdo isn’t breaking any rules. Also you’ve literally been banned from this forum for trolling before lol.

It’s the same on a loop: Starmers great, anyone who criticises is a Tory followed by increasing IRs is bad, here’s a tweet to prove my point 

so can I call you a c**t when you're a c**t?

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19 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

I don't know... it's all politics. Labour want to do the green thing which I think is mainly driven by Ed Miliband...but then inflation and interest rates and gilts and Reeves' fiscal rules and Labour nervousness about looking reckless with the economy and Tory attacking them on massive borrowing (ironic!) and suddenly we see some downplaying of that 28bill sum.

And with green new deal that was always vague anyway based on FDR thingy. But yeah, call it bidenenomics until he's gone...basically massive spending on carbon free stuff. But we'll see. It's all a bit tight now and uncertain now. But, that 28bill was massive...smaller than what is happening in US (relatively)...so maybe they should have been a bit less ambitious in the first place.

If anything the announcement that the green policy will be scaled in rather than all at once could help Labour as it’ll make people think Labour are being sensible with public money. You are right that it’s all about politics though, it’s all a game even more so for Labour as the system is rigged against them.

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1 minute ago, steviewevie said:

And anyway if you know ozanne and I mute you why do you reply to our posts?


You don’t mute me, clearly as has been demonstrated a million times. 

And I reply to ozanne cause I think he’s wrong about almost everything and it’s a politics thread. As I say I couldn’t believe he wasn’t a Russian bot will I actually saw him in real life 

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