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1 hour ago, Crazyfool01 said:

Absolutely This ....but pretty easily solved by sorting out the processing times . and opening it to other people seeking asylum 


1 minute ago, Ozanne said:

Also they could just create sage routes and have a centre in France for processing claims. 

I think any sane person with any amount of empathy would find it hard to disagree with either of these comments.

As said already, a problem made by design and now being used to try and keep a small, but very bigoted, minority of Labour voter on side. Sad, pathetic and rather vile really.

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in related news someone at my work has decided that its appropriate to be watching the hateful GB news on the TV in the work canteen , I asked him to turn it off / over and he refused so an email has gone to HR  ... will see if it breaks the company's diversity etc policy and what they chose to do about it . 

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25 minutes ago, Crazyfool01 said:

in related news someone at my work has decided that its appropriate to be watching the hateful GB news on the TV in the work canteen , I asked him to turn it off / over and he refused so an email has gone to HR  ... will see if it breaks the company's diversity etc policy and what they chose to do about it . 

what a knobhead

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1 hour ago, Crazyfool01 said:

in related news someone at my work has decided that its appropriate to be watching the hateful GB news on the TV in the work canteen , I asked him to turn it off / over and he refused so an email has gone to HR  ... will see if it breaks the company's diversity etc policy and what they chose to do about it . 

I know exactly what you mean. I tried to show someone with a love for that channel a non-political BBC News article and their response was ‘BBC? No thanks!’

They then spouted a load of Farage-esque nonsense.

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5 hours ago, Crazyfool01 said:

in related news someone at my work has decided that its appropriate to be watching the hateful GB news on the TV in the work canteen , I asked him to turn it off / over and he refused so an email has gone to HR  ... will see if it breaks the company's diversity etc policy and what they chose to do about it . 

You believe in "diversity" but can't abide hearing different political opinions? Not only that but you want to dictate what others can view? Hopefully your attempt at censorship will be ignored but I wouldn't be surprised if it works.

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6 hours ago, gizmoman said:

You believe in "diversity" but can't abide hearing different political opinions? Not only that but you want to dictate what others can view? Hopefully your attempt at censorship will be ignored but I wouldn't be surprised if it works.

Political opinions are different from hate speech .... and yep im happy to stop people watching far right rhetoric in a works canteen where we have an ethnically diverse workforce .... Its a racist tv channel 

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35 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

Its certainly lazy, poor journalism...  I don't watch it and wouldn't want to watch it.   If it was on in a works canteen I would probably just ignore it and use my phone.

But I think its a hard push to call it racist unless you have no idea what racism actually is.  Have you got some proof ? examples ?   Happy to reconsider my view point.

I think you are doing that lazy thing of labelling something a nasty name because it doesn't match your own dogmatic view points.

It’s racist pure and simple . Here’s one screenshot from google . Plenty of other examples . That lazy thing might actually be true just because yet again you try and have a conflicting opinion 



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16 minutes ago, Crazyfool01 said:

It’s racist pure and simple . Here’s one screenshot from google . Plenty of other examples . That lazy thing might actually be true just because yet again you try and have a conflicting opinion 



Spouts bullshit. Shouldn't be on in a works canteen for sure. Shouldn't be called a news channel either. 

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20 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

It does but so does Sky News and the BBC.  Who gets to choose which bullshit people are subjected too ? 

It has several Tory MP’s on its payroll as presenters so it’s hard to deny its a Tory propaganda machine. Full of hate. And c**ts. And let’s not even bother discussing Dan Wooton. 

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There are some very useful websites out there that show how bias or not any news channel is.

GB News does not fare well in their analysis.

You could also look at Andrew Neil's full interview on leaving to see what he thought of it - and he is rather right wing and it was all too much for him.

Racism at GB News. Are they, yes they are and much of what they broadcast is. It is subtle so they do not get banned but it is there. Here are two definitions of racism, they pass the test of both if you choose to read things they have broadcast. Some will not do the later and will simply dismiss this as 'my opinion'. To that I suggest a quick internet search and you will see it is the opinion of oh so many important groups who deal with racism as their day job.

"of, relating to, or characterized by the systemic oppression of a racial group to the social, economic, and political advantage of another"
"having, reflecting, or fostering the belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race"

The BBC, no surprise to me at all, comes out very well as it pisses people of both sides off showing how well it is actually doing in impartiality. People I know too from both sides both say it is bias to the other so backing that up rather well.

I know there are some here that will disagree, probably rudely and using the word 'idiot' but that is down to them, as always I shall simply ignore that element as there is more chance of a sensible discussion with the cushion next to me on the sofa.


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I would consider myself left wing, but at times worry about some of the cancel culture/no platforming that seems to have crept into left wing politics in recent years.

I don’t have a huge issue with GB News and choose to ignore it most of the time. I have seen a few clips where they have had a token lefty going against the presenter and 2 guests and have generally been impressed with how they have argued as a minority.

I work a lot with young students and am amazed how intelligent, curious and analytical they are. I worry about the idea of sheltering from people who disagree. I want them to hear arguments they disagree and challenge them. 

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11 minutes ago, pink_triangle said:

I would consider myself left wing, but at times worry about some of the cancel culture/no platforming that seems to have crept into left wing politics in recent years.

I don’t have a huge issue with GB News and choose to ignore it most of the time. I have seen a few clips where they have had a token lefty going against the presenter and 2 guests and have generally been impressed with how they have argued as a minority.

I work a lot with young students and am amazed how intelligent, curious and analytical they are. I worry about the idea of sheltering from people who disagree. I want them to hear arguments they disagree and challenge them. 

 News channel with a particular bias and agenda that can mean misleading or just blatantly lying to its audience is not a news channel. We're just going to end up like the US.

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5 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

We saw for years around immigration how peoples legitimate view points where cancelled, marginalised and ignored.  It ended up presenting itself in the form of Brexit and was like a tidal wave of pent up resentment what was suddenly unleashed and all but normalised.  By the time we debated Brexit it was done in such a frustrated manner it helped the people who never really had a legitimate argument to make.

If you suffocate debate in the end it still happens but kind of festers in the background and is then unleashed in unhealthy ways.

Like wise with Griffin being put on the BBC Question Time, his view points got a very public airing and in the coming days the BNP crumbled as an organisation.

I just don't see what is to be gained by cancel culture. 

Yep agree with this. 

Think the debate here is what should be allowable in a work setting.

Never seen GB news apart from a few clips. Is it actually a news channel? No idea sorry. 

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26 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

 News channel with a particular bias and agenda that can mean misleading or just blatantly lying to its audience is not a news channel. We're just going to end up like the US.

Barely anyone watched GB News for it to make any impact at all. It’s such an insignificance beyond the usual handful of people that watch it. 

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1 hour ago, steviewevie said:

fish and giz defending it tells you all you need to know...

Didn't defend it, but don't let facts get in the way, I criticized Crazyfool's attitude to someone else watching it, he clearly wants it banned because he disagrees with the politics they promote, who made him the moderator of his workplace? Other people have the right to their opinions however much you may disagree with them. Think he is overstating his case here though,  if it was as racist and hateful as he claims I doubt it would be on air. He can always complain to Ofcom if he thinks they have gone too far. (he will have to actually watch it to do that though!)

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4 hours ago, Barry Fish said:

But I think its a hard push to call it racist unless you have no idea what racism actually is.  Have you got some proof ? examples ?   Happy to reconsider my view point.

if you go searching around you can probably find an article or two documenting some examples.


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4 minutes ago, gizmoman said:

Didn't defend it, but don't let facts get in the way, I criticized Crazyfool's attitude to someone else watching it, he clearly wants it banned because he disagrees with the politics they promote, who made him the moderator of his workplace? Other people have the right to their opinions however much you may disagree with them. Think he is overstating his case here though,  if it was as racist and hateful as he claims I doubt it would be on air. He can always complain to Ofcom if he thinks they have gone too far. (he will have to actually watch it to do that though!)

I think the bloke should be sacked, and maybe face some jail time, and anyone watching GB news taken outside and beaten up.

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