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3 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

Which pretty much shows the root cause of a lot of your failures and why I can't take a lot of what you post as serious.

You can't take a complaint as proof.  A complaint has to be upheld to have any merit.  

There are organisations of a all political flavours that complain endlessly about everything.  Its why we have the likes of ofcom to investigate and rule.  The fact you will take the amount of complaints as meaning anything is staggering, specially if you want to be taken serious.

God forbid you ever sit on a jury! 

You could get one person making a complain with great merit and hundreds making a complain with less merit as part of a coordinated complaint. Agree you can’t judge purely on numbers.

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What amazes me on this thread are those that like to call people 'woke' or 'snowflakes' are the first to get annoyed about the opinions of other people....................................... and call them liars, their facts 'made up' and more or less be 'woke snowflakes' themselves.

They won't see it or understand it but the hypocrisy of such people really is hilarious.

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1 minute ago, Crazyfool01 said:

and here's the proof of you with me , when you've never met me ... anyway that's me done for the day .... suns shining and ive got some gardening to do 

Still in work, want to be in the Garden. Have most of Thursday off so hopefully some Gadrening

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6 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

oh look - proof...

Take note Crazy, this is the difference between a complaint and proof.

Here we have me saying someone is getting personal, and here is the proof of it happening.  

Thanks for the help Nobody 😛 

As much as I really hate to reply to you as this will fly so far over your head it is fun........ but the use of inverted commas was deliberate as in using them you reverse the meaning (a well know literature technique) so what it actually says is that you are not as horrible as them two but as you are so predictable you fell right into the trap set to prove how you like to try and take what people have written to prove you are right...............................

Thank you for being so predictable and for falling for suh a simple little trap.

Have  a nice swim.

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16 minutes ago, Rufus Gwertigan said:

Back in the day when I was on nights someone used to put the TV on rt. Just to piss everyone off I would switch over to QVC and try to hide the remote.

and everyone ended up purchasing a QVC Air Glider with 3 monthly interest free payments ( doubleded as a clothes dryer)

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44 minutes ago, Nobody Interesting said:

What amazes me on this thread are those that like to call people 'woke' or 'snowflakes' are the first to get annoyed about the opinions of other people....................................... and call them liars, their facts 'made up' and more or less be 'woke snowflakes' themselves.

They won't see it or understand it but the hypocrisy of such people really is hilarious.

I don't understand why people use 'woke' as an insult at all to be honest. 

I consider myself woke and I'm proud to be woke.  I hope I never stop being woke. 

Stay woke, people. 



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I see GB news as something following the "activist" you-tube channels. Something like say Novara media on the left or lotuseaters on the right. That probably showed there is enough viewership for these things to sustain a full tv channel.  

It's difficult to argue if they are allowed somewhere like youtube why they can't distribute their media in other ways.

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9 minutes ago, lost said:

I see GB news as something following the "activist" you-tube channels. Something like say Novara media on the left or lotuseaters on the right. That probably showed there is enough viewership for these things to sustain a full tv channel.  

It's difficult to argue if they are allowed somewhere like youtube why they can't distribute their media in other ways.

tv channel just helps it become main stream...

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1 hour ago, Barry Fish said:

I think you are overstating what you tried to do to be honest.

The fact you are here to set traps sums up my belief you aren't here to debate but to create drama.

I am sure it won't be long before it happens again.  

I am quite happy to debate - but you never are and never have been (the 'When will Covid end' thread shows that all too clearly, as do all of your replies to Crazyfool and others where you make no attempt to have any debate and simply dismiss what they say and when they question you the insults start.

You may be a very underworked Tech Consultant who likes to spend 90% of the day on internet forums but your grasp on any sport of reality is slack to say the least.

Your talk of people reacting to 'what you call noise is really quite pathetic and is the angle used by people with little or no ability or real opinion - dismiss what the other side says in what ever way you can as quickly as you can...... that goes back to the use of woke as an insult and as you have been doing, suggesting all that people want to do is cancel things. No proof, you a throw away comment that really means nothing and is used all the time by people whose arguments have failed - see Rees-Mogg any time anywhere for numerous examples.

I am happy to debate, always................. but when I show proof to back up what I say then acceptance or debate on that proof is how it works and not your simple dismissal of it as, for want of better words, Fake News.

You love to try and create anger, you love to try and troll but you are not very good at either and in time you will vanish from here again and go off to one or more of the other social media forums you live on and try there instead.

I don't expect and sensical reply to this................ I know what I expect and it will likely arrive in a very short space of time.

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2 minutes ago, Nobody Interesting said:

I am quite happy to debate - but you never are and never have been (the 'When will Covid end' thread shows that all too clearly, as do all of your replies to Crazyfool and others where you make no attempt to have any debate and simply dismiss what they say and when they question you the insults start.

You may be a very underworked Tech Consultant who likes to spend 90% of the day on internet forums but your grasp on any sport of reality is slack to say the least.

Your talk of people reacting to 'what you call noise is really quite pathetic and is the angle used by people with little or no ability or real opinion - dismiss what the other side says in what ever way you can as quickly as you can...... that goes back to the use of woke as an insult and as you have been doing, suggesting all that people want to do is cancel things. No proof, you a throw away comment that really means nothing and is used all the time by people whose arguments have failed - see Rees-Mogg any time anywhere for numerous examples.

I am happy to debate, always................. but when I show proof to back up what I say then acceptance or debate on that proof is how it works and not your simple dismissal of it as, for want of better words, Fake News.

You love to try and create anger, you love to try and troll but you are not very good at either and in time you will vanish from here again and go off to one or more of the other social media forums you live on and try there instead.

I don't expect and sensical reply to this................ I know what I expect and it will likely arrive in a very short space of time.

Yep. This an accurate assessment.

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3 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

we're just going in same direction as US...where Republican party has been taken over by Tea party Trump Maga loonies and candidates rile up their support by banging on about woke liberals brainwashing their children. NatCon lot want to do same thing here, and GB News will be right behind them.

All too true - and the Tory party is taking things like education down the same route as the USA with the new free schools run by Eton so the elite can cherry pick at the tax payers expense. It will leave a state/comprehensive sector under funded and without any facilities whilst those who meet the criteria will be taken off to well financed schools.

The divide will widen even more and it is by design.

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5 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

Oh look another one sided character attack from our friendly sock puppet, nobody 😛 

I do wonder who you belong too 😛 

Everyone lost their sh*t on the sh*t thread.  The concept it was just me is laughable 🙂 

Anyway when you have an actual point to make I will be ready to reply and put you right 😄 


2 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

But your proof often isn't proof.  Its nothing like proof.  Its the same sort of proof Crazy often offers up.  Its one sided noise from organisations you agree with at exclusion of all other view points.

and in 2 simple replies you prove with little doubt that what I posted to warrant these replies was pretty accurate.

Thank you for your time in making such predictable replies.

This is my last reply to you as I have better things to do.

Have a nice swim.

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28 minutes ago, Nobody Interesting said:


and in 2 simple replies you prove with little doubt that what I posted to warrant these replies was pretty accurate.

Thank you for your time in making such predictable replies.

This is my last reply to you as I have better things to do.

Have a nice swim.

Use the ignore button mate, it’s not perfect but it does help a bit. 

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