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10 minutes ago, Nobody Interesting said:

Question about this site.

When will the festival listing start getting updated regulalrly like they used to. Still no yearly drop downs since 2020 and this year loads were never listed.

Lots of future ones not on there either and it really was a great resource for finding new festivals that seems to have been mostly left.

Hopefully the new owner is working on plans to revive and improve.

probably best to dm him direct ... hasn't been online for a few days @Neil are you still helping out ? any idea ? edit scrap that Neils replied above 

Edited by Crazyfool01
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13 minutes ago, Crazyfool01 said:

@Neil are you still helping out ? any idea ? edit scrap that Neils replied above 

i'm not helping out with content (that's not what i'm retained for), that side of things is now all down to iggy.  it's an awful lot lot of work, have to throw yourself into it, to keep on top of it.



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29 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

just shows ONS are f**king useless and we can now get those f**king rates up. BOOM!

Growth numbers are adjusted for every country every year and alterations happen for up to a decade after initial numbers are released.
Shows how little GDP really shows regardless of if it is good or bad as the realities are not known for a long time later.

and yes, the growth figures are dire if that is what success is measured on.

If you measure it on the 'wealth and health' of the least well off (if they are doing well then everyone is doing well) then they are worse than dire and likely show  much truer reflection of the state of things than the wealth of the wealthy.

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36 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

just shows ONS are f**king useless

people like them are only as good as their data, anyone who has ever done a few vat returns will know that their data will always be out of date, and when that out-of date is accounted for to be as up to date as possible the numbers are still subject to revision for the next 3 months.

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1 hour ago, Neil said:

people like them are only as good as their data, anyone who has ever done a few vat returns will know that their data will always be out of date, and when that out-of date is accounted for to be as up to date as possible the numbers are still subject to revision for the next 3 months.

It could also mean we are recession now as we narrowly avoided recession based on their previous data which has now been revised upwards which makes recent results worse in comparison. We should see at the end of September further data for more recent quarters. 

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15 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

It could also mean we are recession now as we narrowly avoided recession based on their previous data which has now been revised upwards which makes recent results worse in comparison. We should see at the end of September further data for more recent quarters. 

Data gets updated and reviewed for up to 10 years. GDP really is only a rough guide, for example a self employed person has their previous years accounts used until they submit new ones and that can be up to 10 months after the end of the tax year and so almost 2 years after a quarter that used the old figures.

As I have said before, GDP was never intended to be used how it is by the person that devised it.

There are many far better ways of measuring it.



Interesting to see where the UK and USA are in some of those.

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Just been looking at aome house porn in cheaper parts of the country to see what I could get if I cashed in the expensive south for somewhere grotty or not so grotty, and to have some cash leftover. Good to see some nice options, ones I didn't expect such as York.

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6 hours ago, steviewevie said:

Heard this this morning and it was actually very moving.


Nothing gets my gall up more than this cuddly tory shite. That slithering hypocrit shares culpability for all of the extra suicides that sadly took place as a result of their sh*tty austerity.

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