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1 hour ago, Ozanne said:

Calling a VONC is a win win for Labour. It either gets rid of a deeply immoral PM or it goes the Tories the the deeply immoral and unpopular PM further tarnishing their reputation. It’s the smart move and hopefully will lead to a general election. 

There's absolutely not a chance a VONC will be successful in the terms of resulting in a GE. The Tories are the most self serving bunch of crooks going. The latest poll had them 14 points down - they'd be turkeys voting for Christmas if any voted against Boris. They'll all come crawling back and vote with the government to save their own jobs for a little longer.

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11 minutes ago, Brownie30 said:

There's absolutely not a chance a VONC will be successful in the terms of resulting in a GE. The Tories are the most self serving bunch of crooks going. The latest poll had them 14 points down - they'd be turkeys voting for Christmas if any voted against Boris. They'll all come crawling back and vote with the government to save their own jobs for a little longer.

It gives someone else a chance to command the confidence of the Commons before it goes to an election.

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4 hours ago, maelzoid said:

Anyone hear the interview with 2 Tory MPs this morning on R4? 
shameless stuff. Apparently, BJ has achieved a lot and will be remembered as the best PM in recent years

SOUNDS like he got his media mates to write similar in the papers, cos  its easier to write yourself a good rep than doing the work to deserve it.

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Whilst the Tories climb all over each other energy prices are rocketing. We need a general election now, get Labour in before the Autumn so we can get some proper focus and help.

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15 minutes ago, Punksnotdead said:

Surely he's tainted by 'partygate' as well though?

I think Boris took pretty much all the hit for that one. He supported Brexit, suspect will get most MPs, photogenic, has tricked the public into thinking he invented furlough and only one polling competitive with Starmer. To me he is the pragmatic choice.

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9 minutes ago, pink_triangle said:

I think Boris took pretty much all the hit for that one. He supported Brexit, suspect will get most MPs, photogenic, has tricked the public into thinking he invented furlough and only one polling competitive with Starmer. To me he is the pragmatic choice.

Massive own goal IMO, Labour will just continue to attack - "The Tories have voted another law breaker into No.10".

Also will the 'tax cut' nutter MP'S really vote for the ex-chancellor who was anti tax cuts?

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I think Sunak is in a strong position. His payments to those on low incomes and benefits kicking this month and it is much needed money for some people me included most people will spunk their money on food and toilet roll but i am lucky enough to be able to put it in the bank to save for winter I could do with losing a few stone anyway







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Not always on the same wavelength as Sam Freedman, but agree with him here:

"The new Prime Minister will come into office with energy bills about to rise by 64%; the NHS on the verge of its worst ever winter crisis; and with an ongoing war in Ukraine. The candidates should all be asked for their plan for those issues.

Any candidate who says they want smaller government and less spending should be asked what they want to cut. Any who say they want fewer regulations should be asked which they want to remove. If they're serious they'll acknowledge the consequences and trade offs."

I've been hearing a lot of tory mps spouting this guff about the 'need' for smaller govt and lower taxes and they are always unchallenged by the reporter. Sick of ideology being polished up and passed off as sacrosanct policy; if left unchallenged then it simply becomes an accepted narrative.

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