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14 minutes ago, fred quimby said:

They are telling people now to have 3 children.


Do you have any links etc. for reading on the one-child policy and how that has screwed the country up? Find it fascinating but wouldn't know where to start in terms of good reading on the topic!

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16 minutes ago, fred quimby said:

They are telling people now to have 3 children.


Yep and though they haven't officially banned abortion apparently its impossible to get one even in the event of rape.

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10 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

Those polls are always who would you prefer type things with a binary choice.  

Do you really think people are going wow look at Labour wow....  or ...  these Tories are fucking horrible....

Its a mix. Labour are looking like the grown ups in the room, so will be getting the votes. Whether it sticks depends how they do in government

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8 minutes ago, zahidf said:

Its a mix. Labour are looking like the grown ups in the room, so will be getting the votes. Whether it sticks depends how they do in government

You can present all the evidence/rationale you want and still some people will chose to ignore you.

In the YouGov poll it showed Labour taking support from the LDs which would have nothing to do with the Tories doing badly. It’s probably the sweet spot given conference but still shows the good work the party has done. 

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2 hours ago, Barry Fish said:

The only problem for Labour is these gains are all about the Tories hurting themselves rather than the country liking what Labour are doing.  So its all little fragile and could easily swing back.

its not just that labour are looking like people who'd govern the county well, that counts against people who are doing it badly.

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1 hour ago, hodgey123 said:

Do you have any links etc. for reading on the one-child policy and how that has screwed the country up? Find it fascinating but wouldn't know where to start in terms of good reading on the topic!


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26 minutes ago, fred quimby said:

That's an interesting overview.

I knew the general gist (more males than females) but wasn't aware that the decline still continued after China lifted the one child policy. They're a bit fucked, but given how authoritarian they can be I wonder how long it'll be before they start imposing draconian/regressive/repressive measures on women with a full on drive to turn them into baby making machines?

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8 minutes ago, Kurosagi said:

That's an interesting overview.

I knew the general gist (more males than females) but wasn't aware that the decline still continued after China lifted the one child policy. They're a bit fucked, but given how authoritarian they can be I wonder how long it'll be before they start imposing draconian/regressive/repressive measures on women with a full on drive to turn them into baby making machines?

aging/declining population problem happening everywhere in developed world isn't it? hence immigration. But I guess more damaging to China the way it's economy is. The world needs fewer humans, so maybe we're going to have to work around it...Robots! Fully automated luxury communism!

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8 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

Fuck me, some of the words there are awful. Truss can’t recover from this can she?

walking dead already, there's no recovering from this? her political instincts are rubbish she shouldn't be in charge of anything which relies on her decision-making.

Edited by Neil
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8 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

Fuck me, some of the words there are awful. Truss can’t recover from this can she?

Truss was never meant to succeed. Her role was only supposed to be PM long enough for Spaffer to make a come back.

It’s backfired though as she’s completely fucked in only a couple of weeks and it’s far too soon for the Tory leader replacement procedure to kick in again and the Tory voter goldfish memory hasn’t kicked in yet. 

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7 minutes ago, squirrelarmy said:

Truss was never meant to succeed. Her role was only supposed to be PM long enough for Spaffer to make a come back.

Talking about Johnson, I've been reading a book about symbolic archetypes and came across this description of the 'clown':

The clown is amongst the most mysterious of all symbols. The clown almost always has a smiling countenance, looks playful, and appears ready to entertain. The clown seems oblivious and unperturbed by the misfortunes it endures. It's countenance and behavior are a masquerade because the clown pulls tricks and puts me on the defensive. I am wary when I see the clown and I dismiss the figure as not to be heeded or taken seriously. The goofy costume and silly antics of the clown belie its true character and are meant to redirect my attention from the secrets which the clown conceals and cannot disclose. What is essential about the clown is not the outer appearance but that which is deeply hidden.

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