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7 minutes ago, Kurosagi said:

That's an interesting overview.

I knew the general gist (more males than females) but wasn't aware that the decline still continued after China lifted the one child policy. They're a bit fucked, but given how authoritarian they can be I wonder how long it'll be before they start imposing draconian/regressive/repressive measures on women with a full on drive to turn them into baby making machines?

I assume robots will come into play at somepoint. 

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7 minutes ago, Kurosagi said:

Tomorrow's World promised me jet-packs and flying cars by the year 2000. The real future is so bloody boring when you get there.

They have flying bikes in China, well they have made them , and are used in demos but they were looking at getting them more widely used. Most of the future stuff seems to be happening in certain cities in china. Can't remember the names of those cities

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38 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

Putin making his annexation speech going on about how the west wants to weaken and destroy Russia. Nutter.

Putin's plan has worked with you. He wants to sow uncertainty. As mother Russia has been attacked in the crimea already, there's nothing much o worry about. Putin is full of shit.

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15 minutes ago, Neil said:

Putin's plan has worked with you. He wants to sow uncertainty. As mother Russia has been attacked in the crime already, there's nothing much o worry about. Putin is full of shit.

yeah...maybe. Just be interesting to see how he reacts. He said all this stuff to his own population, and then did his mobilsation thing...so the threat to escalate was made implicitly...if he fails to follow through then surely that is it.

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10 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

my co-habitants have cracked and want the heating on and just let Russia have Ukraine etc.

Issue there is if Ukraine goes then Poland go on high alert. Potential to lose a lot of our manufacturing workforce to conscription if that happens. 

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1 hour ago, Kurosagi said:

Talking about Johnson, I've been reading a book about symbolic archetypes and came across this description of the 'clown':

The clown is amongst the most mysterious of all symbols. The clown almost always has a smiling countenance, looks playful, and appears ready to entertain. The clown seems oblivious and unperturbed by the misfortunes it endures. It's countenance and behavior are a masquerade because the clown pulls tricks and puts me on the defensive. I am wary when I see the clown and I dismiss the figure as not to be heeded or taken seriously. The goofy costume and silly antics of the clown belie its true character and are meant to redirect my attention from the secrets which the clown conceals and cannot disclose. What is essential about the clown is not the outer appearance but that which is deeply hidden.

Man, makes clowns even creepier 

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10 minutes ago, cellar said:

Shortly followed by a drop in Starmers ratings no doubt

That's still an utterly appalling exchange rate, being a wee bit better than it being even more shite doesn't mean the issue has solved itself. Pound only rallied a wee bit cause traders are pricing in the BoE intervention and future interest rate hikes.

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Dollar destroying everything and will until US stops raising rates. Euro's done a bit better than the pound.

The pounds out performed the yen, Swedish krona, Polish Zlotty and of course Turkish Lira which is a basket case so go on holiday to one of those..

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All Truss needed to do what the energy package and she would’ve been given a chance by the public but deciding to give the rich a tax cut caused the market to panic and the public to turn on her.

She might do a reverse Gordon Brown to be fair to her but you don’t generally see politicians turn those numbers around. 

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I mean...we can go on about different exchange rates because there's all sorts of things going on...but in the end due to Kwarteng's dumb arse budget and subsequent dumb arse messaging and refusal to do any sort of uturn triggered a sharp rise in gilt yields which nearly pushed the UK's financial system over the edge and meant the bank of england had to step in. No normal government should be doing shit like that. The lunatics have taken over.

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